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After the game Connie, Guy and I just went to mine to watch tv cause my mom decided to stay and see the results of the game. I basically texted Adam the entire time cause Connie and Guy seemed to be in their own little world and I didn't want to intrude. 

Charlie went to Mickeys after the game because he wanted to stay with mom while she went to work and didn't want anybody to yell at him. When he got home, he looked like he was crying but all he said was 'I should have trusted you', and then he went to his room. 

I didn't see him after that until we had to go to school today. He kept trying to convince me to play again and to give him another second chance, but it wasn't going to work. I already gave him a chance but no more. You give people second chances but not a third one. 

Today was pretty good up until the last class because that meant that everybody on the team was in the same room for over an hour, and after the game yesterday I don't think it was a good idea but I couldn't really do anything about it. 

It was a normal class that you would expect on a Monday. Except that none of us wanted to talk. Every now and then Guy and Connie would ask me a question about the work. They were always quiet whispers but we'd get a look from everyone on the team even though we didn't play either. 

"That's right the red is oxygen. Now what are the blue balls?" The teacher asked us and made a majority of the class laugh. Tommy, being his innocent small self put his hand up to answer.
"Tommy?" The teacher called. 

"Hydrogen?" He asked and tilted his head. He had to be like 2 years younger but damn he must have been smart. 
"Correct. Now put them together and you have a molecule that makes up 96% of your body. What is it?" The teacher asked but none of us were in the mood to talk. 

"Is it Pizza?" Tommy asked and it caused all of us to chuckle but it still wasn't enough to get us to talk to each other. Just then there was a knock on the door, it was the principal. She was a real bitch if I might talk. 

"It's the principal. I'll be right back." The teacher started and when he opened the door he told us to work on some type of molecule but we all know that didn't happen.
"So how'd the forfeit go Spazway?" Karp turned around and asked Charlie.

I wanted to help him because he is my brother but I don't know how I'm meant to in that situation. 
"Yeah did you score?" Peter continued with a teasing tone in his voice. Now I was getting annoyed.

"Just leave me alone guys I don't wanna talk about the team." He told them seriously. 
"Oh yeah sure, coaches pet! Everybody knows that he likes you and Maddi the best." Peter brought me into it.

"Hey you dwarf, don't bring me into this. I didn't try to play the bloody game." I said and hit him on the back of his head. Surely that would do something.
"Nah Peter you mean he likes their mom the most. Who wouldn't though?" Karp said and laughed. 

Charlie was about to stand up but I beat him to it. I pushed my desk over and gave Karp a shove.
"Would you look at that? Karp finally grew some balls. It's too bad, because after that statement I was gonna kick you so hard you turned into the girl." I said and made some people laugh while I stood over him.

I may have been small but while he was sitting down I was taller than him. He got mad at that and pushed his own chair to the side to hit me but Charlie was already at my side. 
"Karp you take it back! Take it back now!" Charlie was saying to Karp as if it would get stuck in his head. 

"Hey, leave them alone Karp!" Connie stood up and pushed Karp off Charlie and I. Peter then stood up.
"You have no right to shove Karp!" He said and pushed Connie. 
"Don't you push me!" Connie yelled and Guy stood straight up and went in front of both of us.

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