Goldbergs trapped

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"Alright, now that you all know how to hit a hockey puck properly, we are gonna go back to agility. So, again form a line behind Maddy." Coach motioned to me once again, and soon enough, everyone was lined up behind me.

He then placed the cones back down in the line that they were in at the beginning. Once coach had moved out of the way, he blew his whistle and I began to skate and swerve around the cones. Everyone quickly and swiftly went after me until there was only one person left up the other end. Charlie.

He took a deep breathe and weaved his way through the cones to the spot where he fell the first time. Charlie managed to make it past where he first messed up and had made it to the end without falling over or crashing into anybody. 

After Charlie had made it across, I noticed Goldberg go up to coach and talk to him.
"Nice drill coach, really, very cute. But when are you going to work with me in the goals?" He asked and coach just smirked at him.
"Goldberg do you trust me?" He asked and looked Goldberg in the eyes. 

Goldberg, being the idiot that he is said yes, so coach told him to go put his helmet on and go to the goal net. He ran off the ice and when he came back, coach had all of our scarves in his hands. Not to long later, Goldberg was tied up to the goals.
"My mother would not approve of this coach. She would like me to live to be bar mitzvah'd!" 

Goldberg complained but honestly when didn't he?
"This is your bar mitzvah, Goldberg. Today you will be a man." Coach smiled again and began to walk back towards us, well a little more of a run towards us.

"Coach I think you got the ceremonies mixed up. It's more like a circumcision!" But coach kept ignoring Goldbergs complaints and had us all line up next to each other with a pile of pucks each.
"Coach will you come back here? What did I ever do to you huh?" He kept complaining which just made us all want to hit him ma little bit more.

"District Five! Ready?" Coach yelled to us, and everyone put our hockey sticks to the ground, prepared to shoot. I saw Goldberg quietly talk to himself and pray because he thought that he was about to die.
"Aim!" Bombay yelled out and from beside me, Peter started talking.

"Nice knowin' ya, Goldie." He said with a smirk on his face. 
"Fire!" Was the last thing that coach had to say to us before everyone started to shoot the pucks towards the Goal. Goldberg slowly started to realise that it didn't even hurt and he was accepting what was happening.

Tammy, Connie and I got bored after shooting about two pucks each at him so we were trying to see how many pucks we could shoot across the rink and unto the net up the other end. We did this until we ran out of pucks in our piles and so we turned back around waiting for everyone to finish and I noticed that Goldberg finally looked happy to be in front of the net.

Everyone started to hit their hockey sticks against the ground and began chanting 'Goldberg, Goldberg'. We decided to join in for a while until Goldberg yelled out.
"I am Goldberg the Goalie!" We were all cheering but coach made us do a few more laps so that practice could finally be done.

"Alright way to go everyone! You guys hungry?" Bombay asked us as we left the ice, all cheering.
"Tired?" And again everyone yelled 'yes'. 
"Do you ache? Are you pumped?" And everyone was just yelling yes at this point. 

"Good! That was a hell of a practice, you should be proud of yourselves!" And with that, we all walked into the changing rooms. I'd finished getting ready when I noticed that we were missing something, or forgetting something.

"Guys we left Goldberg tied to the goals!" I breathed and and we all quickly sprinted out of the change rooms and found Goldberg at the edge of the ice, still tied to the net.
"I can't believe you all left me here!" He yelled and some people snickered, while a few took photos on their phones for memories.

"Not funny guys. You all owe me." He said to us and just walked away once he was fully untied.
"Well, he does realize we could have just left him there, doesn't he?" I asked and made everyone laugh. Soon enough, we went back into the rooms and everyone finished getting changed.

I was the first person out of the change rooms because I honestly just wanted to go home and I was finished getting ready already. Everyone else was planning on going to Mickey's for celebratory milkshakes but Charlie and I were gonna get dropped off by Bombay so that we didn't have to walk home by ourselves or in the cold.

"You two ready to go home?" Coach came up to us once Charlie had walked out of the change rooms and we nodded our heads in unison. Bombay grabbed our bags and put them in the back of the van and both of us hopped in after. The drive home wasn't uncomfortable and all four of us (Bombay's driver, I don't remember his name) were talking and having a great time. 

The car stopped and Bombay quickly got out of the car so he could open the door for us to get out. He then grabbed our bags and handed them to us.
"Thanks" Charlie and I said in unison which freaked Bombay out but it made him laugh as well. 

"Hey thanks for the ride." I smiled to coach as we walked  up to the front door of the building. 
"No problem. Hey you both did really well in practice today." He said and stopped walking so that we could keep talking. 

"Hey let me ask you something. What happened to your dad?" He asked and Charlie and I looked at each other before looking back at Coach and Charlie started to talk.
"Mom, Maddi and I left him." I then finished his sentence.
"We don't really remember but that's what mom says happened." 

"Well, you know when I was a boy I had to take care of my mother to." Bombay started.
"Really? Well what happened to your dad?" Charlie asked him hoping it wasn't too personal. It took coach a little while to respond but eventually he started talking again.

"He passed away." Bombay said slowly to us and I felt so bad that we may have pushed and it was to personal.
"I'm sorry to hear that coach." I explained and looked up at him with a sad expression. 
"It's okay. But Charlie, you make sure you do a good job taking care of your mom. Maddi not so much because she seems like she can handle herself." 

Bombay laughed a little causing us to laugh with him.
"I will coach." Charlie smiled and we were about to walk inside but Charlie got an idea and stopped walking.
"Hey coach. What's that?' Charlie put his finger to coach's head and when he looked down Charlie flicked his finger.

"Haha Victory!" I yelled as Bombay tackled Charlie to the ground. Pretty soon he brought me down as well and it was two onto one. 
"I hope you guys aren't ticklish!" Bombay managed to say to the both of us between laughs and started tickling both of us causing us to burst into laughter as well.

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