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Once I made it home, I messaged Charlie to let him know that I was out the front of the building. He told me after I left the rink that Jesse and Averman had come over which meant that I was supposedly 'sitting on the roof having me time', whatever the hell that meant.

So I had to try and get in the house the hard way. By climbing the escape ladder with my hockey bag. Climbing up it originally was hard enough but with a hockey bag? Man that was a lot of work but I pulled through because I didn't want to get caught.

I climbed up and made sure that Charlie had went and opened my bedroom window from the inside so that I could climb in. I managed to make it up and threw my bag through the window first and then jumped in quickly after, pushing my bag under my bed where it usually is.

I closed my window and made it out into the living room to see the three boys watching a movie.
"Hey boys, what are you watching?" I asked and went and sat down next to my brother. We gave each other a subtle fist pump seeing as our plan had worked.

As much as Charlie doesn't fully agree with me being friends with Adam, he knows that Adam hasn't actually done anything bad and just hangs out with the wrong crowd.
"We are watching the karate kid." Averman piped up. It was his favourite movie by a mile, and he's seen it too many times to count.

"Again. But you would have known that if you were down here with us when it started." Jesse said and just stared at me. He hated this movie.
"Sorry that I wanted to sit on the roof and just have a break from everything. Besides, I didn't even know you guys were here." 

I said and then got back up to go to the kitchen and get some food. I look at my phone and see a message from Connie. 'Hey can I come over? I gotta tell you everything about Guy and i have to ask you some questions.' 

Oh boy this might not end well. I replied with: 'yeah come here but just a warning. Averman and Jesse are here so be quiet.' I put my phone back away and walk back into the living room.
"Guys Connies coming over so I'm going to my room." 

I walk to my room and check my phone for an answer. 'Good answer because I'm already at your house.' I laugh and walk out to the front door. I open the door and bring Connie inside, making sure that we don't make any noise.

We finally make it to my room and she looks me right in the eyes. 
"Sooooo. How was hanging out with the enemy?" She asked me with a wide smile on her face. I didn't tell her and Charlie wouldn't have told her because I don't think he actually knew until he messaged me so it could have only been one possible person.

"Did my mom tell you?" I ask her and he smile grows wider. I sigh and look away.
"Welllll. What happened? Anything romantic?" Connie asked and I went wide eyed at the girl in front of me.

"What?! Connie he's just a friend." I said to my best friend. (some people should know this reference. Adrien Agreste) 
"Mhm. Sure." She said and looked me up and down.

"He is. Connie we only ever skate together. It's not like we fell in love." I say and get out of my jacket and shoes while Connie sat on my bed.
"You never know Maddi. You could just be denying your feelings." She said to me and looked around my room.

It was a mess like always but I didn't really care.
"Connie, i'm telling you this now. Nothing happened and nothing will happen. Adam and I are just friends." I said and made eye contact but I knew deep down that saying it felt wrong. 

"Whatever you say. But now let's talk about what I needed to talk about. Guy and I had such a nice time hanging out. We haven't really done anything not even held hands but its okay. Spending time with him is fun." 

I looked over at her and saw how big her smile was. Her and Guy weren't official but we all knew they were technically together and they made each other really happy. 
"You ready for our next game? We might have a chance of winning." 

I asked her and Connie nodded her head. 
"Hey can I like stay the night. I kinda told mom that I was." She said slowly and looked at me with an innocent smile.

"Well I can't just kick my best friend out of my house and leave her on the streets at night." I said and started cleaning my room. Well actually I was cleaning everything that wasn't my clothing. I just threw all my clothes in my cupboard.

"Ok Maddi can I please just put everything away properly. I hate that you just throw everything in there." She says to me and walks over to my cupboard. Even if I said no she would do it anyway so I just let her be and let her do what she wanted.

"Ooooo this is cute! Can I have it?" She asked me and pulled out a purple denim jacket. I just shrugged my shoulders. 
"Actually can I just take a bunch of stuff that isn't your sweaters, pants, band tees and shorts?" She asked.

"YOu can take a few things. When I know I can afford new clothes then you can take more." I said to her and sat down on my bed. I turned on my phone and saw a message from Adam. 'heyyyyyyy Maddi' 

I looked at my phone but decided to answer him anyway. 'Yes Banksie?' I asked him and just looked at my phone. I saw the three little dots moving around and then disappear when I got a message from him.

'I just wanted to say that I had a good time hanging out. But we should actually practise one day.' I agree with him but then tell him that Connies here and if she can't talk to Guy then apparently I'm not allowed to talk to Adam.

We say goodnight to each other and I put my phone down.
"Who were you texting? Cause it wasn't me and I can tell that it wasn't Charlie." Connie said with a smile.

"It better not have been Adam. Remember I'm not allowed to talk to Guy when we are together so you can't talk to Adam. It's a rule." She looked at me with a pout.
"Hey I told him about the rule and then we said goodnight to each other. Happy?" I asked and she grinned before going back into my cupboard.

"Hey not the sweaters! I barely have any, and I need them all." I yell and take my sweater back from Connie who was holding it in my mirror. 
"Besides you can just get them from Guy." I say and she went pink. I started laughing and patted my friends shoulder.

"You my dear best friend. Are so in love. Even if you don't admit it." We both started laughing and then decided to go hang out with the boys seeing as they were watching a good movie and would most likely watch the other two karate kid movies as well. 

Plusssss we just wanted to be annoying. 

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