What are we?

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Things have finally gotten back to normal after all of the fighting that I was doing with everyone. I even forgave Bombay because he seems like he's actually trying this time, unlike all the other chances I've given him. 

Connie and I are just sitting on my bed with my Tv blasting music and us just singing along, until she stops the music and just looked at me.
"What?" I asked her, very confused why she stopped our jamming session.

"I need to know everything! we haven't talked in a few days and i feel like so much has happened that you haven't told me." I'm not sure how but she can always tell when somethings off with me. And when I haven't told her something. 

"Come on Mads, just tell me pleaseeee?!?!" 
"You're not gonna give up are you?" I asked and she shook her head. I took a breathe and turned so I was facing her. 

"So something happened between Adam and I. We now both know each others feelings but neither of us said anything about labels so I don't really know what we are. He told me that as long as we know our feelings, then that's all that matters, but I don't know what that means." 

I was trying to figure out what everything meant, and I haven't asked Adam because I didn't want him to think that I didn't like him or that I was re-thinking everything. I am definitely an over-thinker. 

"So you're not 'dating' but you are?" She asked me and I wish I could I answer her.
"I think that's what it is. I don't want to make him think about it though so I'm not asking Adam about it. I'm figuring everything out by myself." 

I said confidently. I was the opposite though.
"And how's that going for you?" She smirked at me and I just wanted to hit her so she wasn't anymore.
"I'm sure you can tell by my reaction to that question." She just laughed at me and I flopped down on my bed. Staring at the roof. 

"Just talk to him about it. I mean, you're completely overthinking this whole situation. You both like each other and yeah it's a good thing that you know, but it's better to clarify things so that you're both on the same page." 

There was no way that this girl was giving me dating advice right now.
"Connie, you and Guy were a 'not couple' for like 6 months. You cannot say anything about this." She went red just thinking about it. 

"That's because neither of us wanted to admit our feelings. We are getting off topic though! Tomorrow, you are going to message Adam to hang out, because you were gonna do it anyway. And you are going to talk with him about what you guys are." 

She said sternly and just looked at me. I knew that I needed to talk about it, but I just didn't want to make Adam re-think anything. I'm scared that his feelings have changed and that if I bring it up then I'm going to get hurt.

"You really think that everything will go smoothly if I go talk to him tomorrow?" I sat back up and leant against the wall behind my bed so that I could see her face. 
"Yes! You literally have nothing to worry about. I don't know how you can be so blind. I mean, it's kinda obvious that he's head over heels for you." 

I went a deep red and just looked down at my hands so that Connie couldn't see it. 
"Okay, I'll message him and talk to him tomorrow. Now can you please put the music back on so we can continue our jam session?" I asked and she just smiled at me while turning the music back on. 


"Cya Connie! Thanks for dropping me off!" I waved goodbye to Connie as I watched her and her mum drive away. I walked into the ice rink and almost straight away I saw Adam skating around and practising his shots. 

I smiled and put my bag down so that I could put my skates on. We hadn't done this in a while.
"Hey Mads!" He yelled once he saw me, and started to skate over. I stood up and we quickly hugged each other, which seemed to be a normal occurrence now, except it was starting to give me butterflies each time. 

"Hey Banksy." I smiled and we started slowly skating around the rink. 
"I know you said that as long as we know how we feel then, we are fine? I'm not re-thinking anything I promise, I just want to know what we are now...." 

I said slowly, mainly because I didn't want to just blurt everything out and put all that pressure on him. 
"Well that would depend on what you want us to be, because I know what I want, but I need to make sure you want the same thing."  

He really had to make that as vague as possible. 
"W-well, I really like you. Like, a lot, and I want to try and be something." I looked up at him and he smiled at me. Adam grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the edge of the rink and we took our skates off. 

I didn't even question what he was doing, instead I just followed his lead. Soon enough we were sitting on the roof, like we usually do, except there was a blanket. We sat down on the blanket and just looked at each other.

"I really wanted to do this the right way, and not something cheesy but I also didn't want it to seem like I put no effort in." I was so confused but just listened to what he had to say. 

"Maddi, I've liked you for such  long time. I'm pretty sure I got a crush on you before we even started talking. Just seeing you at games, and how you acted towards everyone, made me want to get to know you. And all of the time we've sat up here and talked about anything we could think of, or just watching movies, it all made me realise how I felt towards you." 

I started to tear up at what he was saying. I had to cover my mouth to make sure I didn't interrupt him. 
"I really, really like you, and I want you to be my girlfriend. I know that we are only young, but I really do see you with me, wherever I go. Will you be my girlfriend?" 

Adam was tearing up from what he was saying and I knew that he was being genuine about it. I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. It was cheesy, and we both may be over reacting, but I didn't care. 

We were now officially together and I don't think I could be any happier. 

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