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I was now stood out the front of Adams house about to knock on the door. This would be one of the first times I've ever met his family properly I think. Come to think of it I would probably talk to them about it as well.

I rang the doorbell that I saw next to the door and waited patiently for someone to answer the door. The door opened not long after and stood before me was Philip Banks, Adams dad.
"Oh hello Maddi, what can I do for you today?" He asked kindly.

I had met him previously so he knew who I was and he was such a nice man compared to what others see him as. 
"Ummm I was just having some trouble with my friends and hockey, and I didn't know who else to go to about this." 

I was about to start crying honestly and I'm glad that Philip noticed because he let me inside and then called for not only Adam but his mother Alice as well. 
"Adam, Alice please come here. I have someone who needs to talk with you." 

He said and Adam started walking down the stairs. Yeah I messaged him that I was coming over but he was probably doing homework and wasn't looking at his phone. 
"Maddi? What are you doing here?" Him asking that and making me think back to the situation almost made me break.

Tears were slowly rolling down my cheeks and I was hurt. As soon as Adam noticed he engulfed me in a tight hug. I really needed it right now. I just hugged back and let everything go honestly.
"Awww honey please come sit down." Alice said and pulled me towards the couch once Adam and I let go of each other. 

"What's going on?" She asked me. She was so calm and kind. 
"I don't think I'm playing hockey anymore." Was all I could manage to say. I didn't really know why i was upset.

Was it because Bombay lied to me again? Or was it because everyone else seemed so happy without me? Probably all of it.
"Maddi, what do you mean?" Adam, asked as he sat down next to me on the couch. 

"My coach messed up again and I already gave him a second chance. He tried coming into our class today and talk us all into playing again. Peter and Terry overheard him say some really bad stuff about us to Coach Rielly after you got told you had to change teams." 

"Everyone else said yes to playing and training, some people even asking if you were going to play and then all eyes were on me. Everyone knows that we are friends at this point but then he said some stuff i don't remember and I ran out." 

"I didn't know where else to go. All my brother will be talking about it hockey, all my friends are going to be talking about it and I know that you're having some trouble with it as well but I needed to talk to someone." 

The three just looked at me with pitty in their eyes. 
"If you aren't playing, then I won't play." Adam spoke up and I just looked up at him.
"Adam no. You are such an amazing player and you need this. I'll go to games and watch you play but I've already given him too many chances." 

"Maddi no. I am not playing if you're not. That is final." He was not going to budge unless I played. But what if it just happens again? What if it just keeps happening? Just as I thought this the front door opened and in walked a boy that would have only been a few years older than me and looked at lot like Adam.

"Hey lil' dude, lil' dudes friend.... who is a girl, and crying. Adam what did you do?" He asked and walked over to where the four of us were in the living room.
"I didn't do anything Caleb, jeez. This is my best friend Maddi, Maddi this is my older brother Caleb." He introduced us and I just smiled and waved slightly.

He nodded his head at me with a smile and then walked upstairs to his room.
"You're really not going to play if I don't?" I asked and Adam nodded his head. I sighed, took a deep breathe and said that I would play.

"Just remember I'm only doing this for your future career." I said and he smiled. We hugged and because detention lasted so long it was already dark out. 
"Maddi dear, why don't you stay for dinner, we will talk to Casey and tell her where you are and that you're safe okay?" Alice asked me and I nodded my head with a smile.

I wiped my tears away and smiled at where I was. These people basically just took me in and said that if I ever need anything they would be here for me. Yeah my mom and brother would do that but it's hard to talk to them about things sometimes. 

"Well, I'm guessing that you both have some homework that you should be doing?" Philip asked and I nodded my head. I did bring my bag here with me without thinking about it.
"Well then you can go upstairs and see if you can get anything done before dinner okay?" He asked and I smiled.

"Adammmmm." I dragged out the last part of his name.
"Yes, I will help you with your maths homework." He said and I hugged him before quickly grabbing my school bag and walking up the stairs. I was glad that I talked to somebody about this because I now know that this house is my safe place where i don't have to deal with any struggles. 

"Thank you and your parents for listening to me cry and ramble on. It feels nice knowing that I have a place that I can go to if I need." 
"Maddi, it's alright, honestly. My parents love you and I'm sure would drop everything to help you in a heartbeat." He reassured me and that made me smile.

At least now i have someone on the team that I don't partially dislike. Yeah I love Connie but she's always with Guy now and I am not spending every hour of the day with Charlie and the other boys.  

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