Egg Practise

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"OK guys, you better hurry up if we want to make it to practice on time! Remember we actually have a rink to play at now!" I yelled to the three boys from the kitchen. Connie and I had been awake for ages because we went to be reasonably early. The three of them had fallen asleep on the couch at 3 this morning so they wanted a sleep in.

"Yeah, well you were the ones that decided not to wake us up on time!" I heard a muffled yell come from Charlie's bedroom. Whoever it was, was right. Connie and I wanted the boys to be responsible for themselves for once but it clearly didn't work. 

We woke them up like half an hour ago which is plenty enough time to get changed. Plus we needed to get changed again once we were actually at the rink so there wasn't really any point putting effort into the outfit.

I must have let my thoughts distract me for longer than I thought because when I looked around again I saw the boys about to leave the apartment without me.

"C'mon slow poke. You're the one that told us we needed to hurry up and now we're the ones waiting." They were about to walk out the door but I quickly pushed past them to catch up to Connie who had walked out earlier because she got sick of waiting.

Our house wasn't that far away from the ice rink so it wasn't that far of a walk but we still wanted to skate there. It was more fun and didn't take as much time. 
"We are finally here. That felt it took forever!" Jesse complained once we had reached the building. 

I feel like it's just me but Jesse and Terry seem to complain a lot more than the rest of us. I mean I don't think I can speak because I also complain a lot, and honestly about nothing. We walked into the building and saw the rest of the team looking out to the ice.

"There you guys are! I was starting to think that you weren't going to show up." Bombay turned and spoke to us as we entered.
"Well we wouldn't miss our first proper training. Plus you can't practice with half of the team missing." I smiled and joined the group of people. 

We all look out at the ice and see a bunch of figure skaters.
"Anybody know who they are?" Coach asked us and pointed to the kids on the ice.
"That's Tommy. I'm pretty sure he's in one of my classes." I explained while pointing to the small kid standing around, not seeming interested in what everyone else was doing.

"Yeah and that's his sister Tammy." Jesse smirked and pointed out the girl doing pirouettes. 
"Ew! Jesse that's gross. Can you not say it like that please?" I could hear the tone that he was saying it in, and it was not okay. It was like he was in love with her or something.

"Well do you think they'll want to join the team?" Coach asked us and we all just yelled yeah and walked over to the ice to get their attention. 
"Hey Tammy, Tommy we were wondering if you guys wanted to play hockey for us?" 

Of course it was Coach that approached them. Everyone else had gone with him but Connie and I just decided to go to the change rooms and get into our new gear. We were always so impatient and never did anything with the others. Plus, we were finally allowed to wear our new gear to a practice session. Coach cancelled the last one to give each of us some more time to think. 

By the time everybody walked in to the locker room, I was already changed and about to leave. I was waiting for Connie to hurry up but Tommy and Tammy had walked through the door. I guess Bombay managed to convince them to play. 

"Okay people let's hurry up. We need to get better at the game. No offence guys, but the sooner we practice the sooner that happens!" I yelled and walked out of the changing rooms in my new gear. I got on the ice as soon as I could and just started doing laps while waiting for everybody else. It felt so good to be able to skate around with proper gear on.

Soon everyone else joined me. I was standing with Connie, Guy and Charlie at the front of the group. 
"Alright we are going to start from basics which means learning how to skate properly and not fall down." 

Coach said as he set up a line of cones for us to skate through.
"Everybody line up behind Maddi." I stood at the front and everybody lined up behind me. Why did I have to be at the front of the group?
"Ok Maddi just zigzag around each cone." Coach said and then he turned to everybody else.

"When the person in front of you is halfway, then you can go." He said and once he blew his whistle I went. It didn't take long for me to get it done. 
Everyone had almost finished and Charlie was last. 

He had almost made it through but Spazway had to come and ruin it. Charlie fell over and slid so he knocked the last few cones over. 
"It's okay Charlie. You'll get it eventually." Coach helped him up and told us to get out hockey sticks. 

We did what he told us to do and when we got back he was holding an egg. We were now sitting on the ice and he was throwing an egg up in the air and catching it again. 
"Soft hands. You don't shoot the puck to your teammate you sail it to them" 

He was explaining everything again and I understood why he was saying it but nobody else quite understood. 
"Karp, on your feet." With that Karp stood up and got ready to stop the egg.
"You send it to them." Bombay put the egg on the ice and hit it to Karp, without breaking it. Karp attempted to stop the egg, but it went everywhere. 

"You don't stop the puck." Coach slammed the hockey stick on the ice like how most people would do it stop the puck, and then continued, "You accept it." He then moved the hockey stick on the ground and  made it slide back so that we could see what he was talking about. 

"Alright everyone partner up and get an egg." I got up and as much as I loved hanging out with my brother and loved seeing Connie & Guy together I wanted to go with Connie. I skated over, grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Guy.

They both frowned at me but it just made me feel even less bad about it. They were spending to much time together anyway. 
"I'm sure you can both use the time away from each other. Besides Guy you have other people that you can hang out with." I shoved him towards my brother as I went to go get a few eggs from Bombay. 

"C'mon Connie let's go." She reluctantly followed me and we managed to sail the egg back and forth pretty well but we started to get cocky. Connie hit the egg with a bit to much force and it immediately broke. The yolk almost went all over me but I skated backwards to avoid it, accidentally bumping into my brother.

That made Charlie accidentally hit the egg and make it go all over his partner, which I was now remembering, ended up being Guy.
"Sorry Guy! that was completely my fault. I knocked Charlie and made him do it." I yelled and tried to keep my laughter in.

After a while of us breaking eggs and laughing, coach made us line up side by side in front of him. 
"Ok again people, it's concentration not strength." Coach smiled at everyone as he saw that there was yolk all over everyone's clothes. 

"Oh like the Karate Kid right? Wax on Wax off." Averman was saying and was doing the hand gestures next to him.
"Oh just shut up Averman and actually try it." I hit his shoulder and pointed down to the egg in front of him.

He stopped doing the gestures and got back into position. He lightly sailed the egg back to coach without breaking it.
"Good job Averman. Charlie!" Coach yelled and got Charlies attention. He hit it to Charlie and Charlie accepted the egg, not breaking ig.

"Alright good job. Now try to send it back." Charlie took a deep breathe and tried to hit the egg back to coach without breaking it but it didn't quite work. He hit the egg to hard and it broke, going all over Bombay. 

We all laughed and had to keep practicing until none of us were breaking any more eggs. 

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