Fresh Starts

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Charlie and I were in our rooms when mom yelled out to us. We hadn't really been doing anything other than sulking since what happened.
"Kids there's someone here to see you!" We both walked out of our rooms and just looked at each other but quickly made our way out to the living room.

As soon as I looked over to the door, my face dropped. Bombay was standing in the doorway.
"Hey Charlie, Maddi. How you doing?" He asked us but we didn't answer and I just looked down to the ground.
"I was just walking around thinking and uhhhh. Could you give us a minute please?" He asked mom and she hesitantly nodded and walked into the kitchen to look after dinner.
"Thank you."

Coach sat down on a chair and Charlie and I sat down on the couch opposite of him.
"Listen. It was very wrong of me to ask you two and the other guys to cheat and Charlie I never should have said what I said to you. Maddi, thank you for fighting back and knocking some sense into me." 

I just sat there patiently listening to what he was saying to us.
"I was angry, I was frustrated and it took a lot of guts for you two, to do the things that you knew was right. And I admire that." I looked up from the ground and started smiling slightly at what he was saying. I look over at Charlie and he had a slight smile on his face as well.

"And ummmm, I just wanted to tell you that uhhhh. That I'm.... Oh boy this is difficult. I'm..." He started but couldn't finish and so mom had to say it for him.
"You're sorry."  She said from behind the wall, which made us all chuckle slightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry alright." He said and looked over at the wall that my mom was standing at. That was when I got an idea. 
"And tell your mom that hopefully it'll be more fun this time around. So what do you say?" He asked and it looked genuine. I looked over at Charlie who was already looking back at me.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" I smiled at him and Charlie and I both looked over to mom as she ran out to the living room. 
"Maddi!" Mom yelled and she came out from behind the wall. I just looked over at Charlie and he was trying to stop himself from laughing. 

"Oh no I... I can't." He tried to deny it but we were all just looking him, so he had second thoughts.
"Well what are you having?" He asked us with a smile and when I looked over at mom who was smiling. I then remember that I was supposed to go meet up with Adam and my smile dropped.

"Oh mom I forgot, Adam and I were meant to meet up. I'm gonna have to skip out on dinner tonight." She jut nodded her head and I got ready to leave after being late. 
"Sorry coach. I'll see you later. Bye Charlie, bye mom!" I yelled and walked out the door after grabbing my coat.

Before I close the door I heard them talking.
"Adam? So whose this Adam?" Coach asked my family.
"I'm pretty sure it's Banks. She's been talking to him a lot recently." Charlie answered and I smiled.

"Wait, Banks from the Hawks team? He's actually nice to someone?" Coach asks and that's when I left. I walked out of the apartment and looked up to see Charlie staring at me through his bedroom window. I just shook my head and walked off.

I got my phone out of my pocket and rang Adam.
"Hey Maddi" He answered and I smiled to myself.
"Hey Cake-Eater" I responded and made us both laugh.
"So I'm on my way now. And I'll tell you why I'm late and everything once I get there." 
"Okay. I figured I would stay home until you messaged me anyway." 
"Alright well I'll see you there okay?" 
"Yeah, cya Madz." 

I hung up the phone and then kept walking until I made it to the ice rink. It was late at night but it was still open because people like to skate around and have fun. But if we go there during the night it's just to sit up on the top level and talk. Never to actually skate.

I made it to the rink and saw Adam walking in just in front of me. I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back which made him stop walking and have slight reflexes but he knew it wass me almost instantly.
"I wonder who this could be?" He asked sarcastically which made me laugh.

"So we going upstairs to sit and talk or do you wanna try to walk around on the ice?" He asked me and I had to think about it for a little but I always want to go upstairs. I hopped down off his back and turn him so he's facing the staircase. He smiled and then we started to walk.

We go up the stairs and just sit there at the very top.
"So our coach came to my house earlier tonight to apologize and to ask us to come back to the team but I don't know if I want to. Not with the way he's been treating us." I confessed and looked over at him. 

He looked at me sympathetically and he had a sorry smile on his face.
"Well I think you should whatever your head is telling you to do. I mean you love hockey with so much passion, and I don't think you should give that up. So give him another chance but if he stuffs up then stop." 

I looked back down at my feet and I really had to think about what he said. I just sighed and looked around with slight tears in my eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to cry. Not here, not now.
"It's not just that either. It's that I so badly want to do really well in hockey but I can't if we don't win any games and at this rate I don't think we will." I looked back up at him, this time with the tears almost falling down my face.

"Hey I'm sure you'll win games soon and everything will get better okay?" He reassured and just opened his arms. I smiled back and quickly hugged him back. I just kind of fell into his chest.
"I'm so glad that I decided to be your friend Banks. I would tell Connie everything but her head is filled with thoughts of Guy so I kinda can't." I chuckled at my own comment and so did Adam.

We stayed there for a while but I got a message from Charlie telling me that I had to go home.
"Damn. I gotta cut this short Banksy. Charlie says I have to head home now so I'll see you around?" I sighed and stood up, waiting for him to stand up with me. 

We walked down the stairs and out the doors. 
"Hey Madz, just remember you can walk to my house of you need to talk to me or we can meet here. Wherever." He smiled and I gave him another quick hug before both of us went separate ways. 

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