Saying Goodbye

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 "I can't believe Bombay is leaving to play in the Minor Leagues. It's gonna be weird not having him around constantly." I said to Adam as we were sitting in his bedroom doing homework.
"Yeah but it'll be good for him. Let's just hope he's back to coach us next season." Adam replied to my comment.

"I know he's gonna love it, and that he'll be amazing but I really am gonna miss him." I dropped my pen and looked at him.
"You? Missing Bombay? Wow, I never thought I would hear you say that." I rolled my eyes at hus response and shoved his shoulder.

Maybe a little too hard because he fell off the bed.
"What was that for?!" He shot up off the ground and looked at me. 
"I didn't mean it. It was an accident I swear." I felt so bad because Adam was still recovering from his hockey incident.

"I'm coming for you now Madds." He said and started tickling me. I am very ticklish. 
"Adam stop it! I can't breathe." I managed to get out in between my laughs. 
"Okay, okay. I'll stop. But only if you promise not to push my off my own bed again." Adam laughed at me. 

"I promise!" After a few more seconds he stopped tickling me and fell on the bed beside me. 
"I guess we should go so we don't miss saying goodbye huh?" I asked and Adam nodded his head in agreement and got up.

I didn't want to move so I made Adam help me up. 
"Thank you." I smiled and Adam just smiled back at me. We walked downstairs and saw Alice in the living room.

"Mom, we're going to say goodbye to Bombay before he leaves." Adam said to his mom and she said a quick goodbye to us and then we were out the front door. The walk wasn't long but it was silent and comfortable.

I grabbed Adams hand and just looked at my feet and in front of me. I still wasn't used to doing romantic or coupley things, so this was a huge step for me. Adam gave my hand a squeeze and I looked up at him.

"This is progress for you." He smiled at me and I went red and looked back down at the ground. 
"Adam, if I hurt you before I-i swear I didn't mean it." I couldn't look at him. I was too worried that he hit his head. 

"I promise I didn't hit my head and I'm not injured." We stopped walking and he turned to look at me, making me turn to face him too.
"Madds, I promise." He looked me in my eyes and promised me I didn't do anything. 

"Okay, I believe you." I said and smiled. He leant in, kissed my cheek and then we continued to walk. There was no way my face wasn't as red as a tomato by now but I was with that. I looked over and saw Adam grinning from ear to ear. 

Our hands were still intertwined but the rest of the walk was filled with conversation about whatever we could think about. It wasn't long until we reached the corner where the bus stop was and saw a few others.

Including my brother and mom. We walked up to them and started talking. Bombay was there to but we were waiting for everyone to get there before we said goodbye. Once everyone from the team was here we started to say our goodbyes. 

"Look, don't take too many bad dives, okay?" Peter said and gave Bombay a handshake. 
"Just remember, keep your head up man." Jesse smiled and gave Bombay a fist-pump. 
"Remember, strength not concentration." Fulton said and gave him a handshake. 
"Right." Bombay laughed and moved on to the next person in line.

"And for god's sake. Soft hands." Averman joked to him which made us all laugh. 
"Cake-Eater." Adam smiled to Bombay and he smiled back.
"Right. Anything else?" Coach asked and looked towards Charlie, and I.

"Yeah. Have fun out there, coach." Charlie smiled and hugged him. Bombay then looked to me and I smiled to him.
"I'm gonna miss you." I said and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Your gonna miss me? That's something I never thought I would ever hear you say." I could feel his smile and his arms wrap around my shoulders. There were tears falling down my face and I tried to stop it but I couldn't help it. 

We pulled back and Adam grabbed my hand for support.
"I must be crazy. A tryout with the minors. I'm gonna be goin' up against kids half my age." Bombay said with a smile and a strange look in his eye. 

"Just have a good tryout Gordon. One step at a time." Mom smiled to him and Charlie and I just looked at each other as if we knew what was about to happen. 
"Yeah, you're right." Bombay smiled and walked closer to my mom.

They kissed and everyone was cheering but Charlie and I just stood their speechless. After they had their cute romantic little moment they pulled away from each other.
"Bye. I'll call you when I get there." Bombay said, still grinning from ear to ear. 

Everyone was yelling and cheering and Averman was being a real idiot as Bombay got on the bus.
"Banks is next in line for a kiss!" Shocked to hear this I turned to Adam who was red in the face and just looking at me with a sorry expression. 

I couldn't help but laugh. Just then Bombay opened the bus door and looked at us all. 
"Hey Ducks! No matter what happens, we'll see you next season. We got a title to defend!" We all cheered and he got back onto the bus. 

As the bus left, almost everyone chased it until the road met the footpath. Charlie and I stayed with mom who was crying because he left and their relationship had just started. 
"He'll call. And everything will be fine." I quickly hugged her and went to find Adam so that we could walk back.

Everything would be different now. We won the championship game, our coach was going to play for the big leagues, I had a boyfriend. But hockey season was over. What were we all to do until next season?

I guess we'll just have to figure that out on our own.

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