Girl Time

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After the game, Connie and I decided to have a girls weekend seeing as we didn't talk for a while. I said thank you to Adams parents and said goodbye to him before walking away with Connie back to my house.

Hopefully nobody else was there so that we could just relax and have some time to ourselves. 
"So what happened back there? With what Guy said." I asked her once we sat down on the couch with some snacks.

"Well seeing as I couldn't hang out with you and there was no way in hell that I would hang out with all the boys by myself. That would be torture so Guy and I hung out." She was already going red, I knew they did not just 'hang out' like she told me.

"Okay but that is definitely not what happened. You're already going red, so tell me all the juicy stuff." I nagged her. I mean she always asks about mine and Adams relationship, not that we have one.

"Well we were at house and watching a movie because we usually come here to do that but neither of us wanted to disturb you or Charlie. Anyway, we were watching a movie as you do and he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him." She looked like a tomato at this point.

"That's so cute. I'm glad that you two are dating, I've only been telling you to do it since like the beginning of our friendship." Which is true. I have been trying to play cupid and get the two of them together since we all met at hockey when we were like 7. 

"We still haven't put a label on it yet. I don't think he wants anyone to annoy him about it which I'm okay with." I knew Connie, and she was trying to hide it but she was upset.
"Ok but like we all know you two basically together anyway and none of the boys make fun of him for it so just talk to him about it." 

I think that Guy was actually nervous that Connie would say no and it would affect everyone on the team. 
"I think he's nervous about rejection." I whispered to her ear and watched her face as she started to smile.

"Okay I think that's enough about my relationship with Guy. What about you and Adam?" Connie always wanted to know about my drama. But I'm glad that I have a girl to talk to because I don't think i would tell me mom about anything going on. 

She has a tendency to tell others about my personal life, which is also the same reason I don't tell Charlie anything, that plus he's a guy and would never let me date anybody if he had a say, which he does not. 

"There's nothing to tell Connie, honestly. I've been spending a lot of time at his house because I did not want to deal with Charlie talking about hockey 24/7 when I knew that I wanted to stop playing. Plus Adams family understand what I'm going through and so I had other people to talk to about it." 

We talked like this for basically the rest of the night. Well that was until Charlie got home and so we made sure to put a movie on so the house wasn't silent. I still hadn't talked to Charlie about the whole thing and I was dreading the moment that I had to. 

Connie and both fell asleep pretty early on in the movie which was a normal thing for us to do. Being a girl on a team full of boys and having to basically babysit them constantly was tiring, well along with school and having a good social life. 

We woke up back on the couch the next day and we were both sore as hell. Well her more than me as she played more of the game but that didn't stop us. We got up and got ready. Connie taking my clothes that she liked and me wearing my usual of jeans and a hoodie. 

The two of us deciding to go shopping again. Well more like her  buying clothes that she enjoyed and me looking at some clothes that I find interesting and then walking away from them because I don't have a job or money. 

The last time we tried to go shopping we had a run in with the Hawk boys and Adam so I am hoping that doesn't happen this time so we can just have a peaceful shopping spree like regular people. 

we made it to the shopping center and we were happy to see that as we were walking in, those boys were walking out with bags of god knows what in their hands. They didn't look at us at all and I was so thankful.

"Well we know that those boys aren't going to  annoy us while we are here." I motioned towards the boys wearing their hawk jerseys and walking away from the shopping center.
"I don't think we can get away from these boys though." She sighed and grabbed my head making me face in towards the building. 

"I can't get one day away from them?" She threw her hands up in the air and sighed again. Guy, Averman, Fulton, and Charlie were walking into a shop.
"So that's why I didn't see him this morning, he came out here with the boys." 

"Maybe we can sneak into a shop without them seeing us?" I suggested and Connie agreed. We tried to be sneaky and go into a shop without any of the boys noticing but that was difficult when there was four of them. 

we thought we were safe in the back of a shop but apparently not because we could hear them getting closer to us and walk in the shop. I looked over at Connie and pointed my head towards the door. She nodded and we silently and slowly made our way to the doors.

We made it out of the shop but not long after the boys were behind us. Connie and I both had one of my hoodies so we hid our hair and put the hoods on hoping that the four of them wouldn't notice us.

That plan was a success but after a while we were trying clothes on in a store and the boys walked in. I swear Charlie was tracking me on his phone so I checked and, would you look at that, he was.

I turned the tracker off and Connie and I hid in a changing room. 

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