Hawk Trouble

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"Connie I know I said I would go shopping with you but I really don't want to. It's so boring!" I whined from behind her as we were walking through the mall. This girl had so many bags already and she was making me carry them as well. It was ridiculous.

"Hey, you promised me that we could go shopping for as long as I wanted to. And you should know by now that saying that to me is not a good idea." She stopped walking and turned to face me.

"Besides it's not like you've got anything better to do." She stated. I mean I could have messaged Adam but I didn't want to tell her that part.
"Are you trying to tell me that I don't have other friends?" I gasped and put my hand to my heart with a hurt expression on my face.

"No. I'm just saying that walking around and helping me is better then sitting at home doing nothing or having Charlie bothering you. Besides we both know that you want to buy at least one thing." She smiled and I sent her one back. It was true, I always found something that I wanted to buy myself on these little trips.

I open my mouth to say something but before I can, I see something behind her. Not something, someone.
"Connie we gotta go." I tell her and pick up the bags that were on the ground.
"Maddi what's the rush? I thought you said you didn't want to go shopping?" Connie was confused. One second I'm complaining about not wanting to be here, the next, I want to go into a shop.

"Well I just looked in this shop and saw a sweater that I like the look of so let's go." I grab her arm and try to drag her but by the time I manage to make her move, it's too late.
"Well hey there ladies." I hear a voice and bite my lip. I sigh and turn around to see none other than the Hawks boys. Only, they were missing their third person.

"Hi boys." I fake smile and give Connie a look to do it to. I really want to get out of this situation right now.
"Oi Larson, Mcgill what are you doing?!" I hear someone yell from behind them. I look to see Adam walking towards us. And there is their third member, just in time.

He sees me and his eyes widen slightly. The others wouldn't have noticed but I did. I give him a look that says 'help us' and he just gave me a quick and small nod. 
"Well Banks we were just walking around when we saw these two pretty ladies." Mcgill stated. I just kept smiling.

"Since when do you two flirt with the enemy?" Adam asked as he walked up to us. At this point we were just standing in the middle of the mall and trying not to make a scene. I wanted to escape but I don't think that was happening any time soon.

"Oh c'mon they aren't an enemy if they don't stand a chance." Larson finally spoke up. I noticed that he was always way more quiet then Mcgill. I want to say something but Connie can tell what might happen so she hit me with a bag to keep my mouth shut.

"I don't know about that. These two actually got goals against us." Adam says with slight disgust in his voice. I knew that it was fake, but hearing the way he said it actually hurt me. I couldn't show how it affected me though, not in front of the others.
"Yeah, I guess your right." Larson aims at Adam but starts talking to us again.

"You two should try to play for the Hawks. You may be girls but you are actually good and I don't think coach would say anything even if you're on the wrong side of the district lines." He smirked at both of us. I needed to figure a way out of this conversation, and quickly because my facade was starting to falter.

It was then, that I got an idea that just may save us.
"You know what boys, I might take you up on that. But I guess you won't know until practise will you. We'll see you around." I said slowly so to get their attention, and grab Connies arm making her quickly walk behind me.

Once we were far enough away from them, Connie started talking to me.
"Hey Maddi. You aren't actually thinking about joining the Hawks are you?" She seemed really worried about my decision. I knew what I was doing though.

"Connie you think just because I want to be good at hockey that I am going to join a team full of preppy dudes that probably hate my guts? Trust me that was just to get them off our backs." I laugh a little and walk into a shop with her quickly following behind me.

"Can you please just buy something? Look! I know that you've been eyeing these shoes for ages. Just get them already."  She laughed, grabbed the box with the right sized shoes and put them in my hands.
"Connie they are way too expensive. I cannot afford these." I go to put them down but someone reaches for the box and takes it from me as I hear a voice.

"Well I'll buy them for you Maddi." I turn around and see Adam, luckily without the other two.
"Adam no. I am not letting you buy me a pair of shoes." I try to take the box away from him but he holds it out of my reach. Being short bloody sucks for so many reasons.

"C'mon, even I know how much you want these shoes. You talk about them all the time." He begins to walk over to the counter with them and I go to fight but Connie keeps me from doing anything.
"Maddi just let him get you the shoes. It'll make you feel way better." Connie's smile is wide and I can already tell what she's thinking. 

"I understand tha-" By the time I go to finish my sentence, Adam is standing back in front of me and is handing me the shoe box.
"Adam, you did not just buy me these." I grab the box and look inside to see that the receipt is in there.

"Thanks Banksy, but hey, you can go back to your so called friends now if that was all you came here for." I accept the shoes because I did really want them and I was nowhere near being able to afford them. Although, I felt kind of bad at how I acted towards Adam.

"Actually, I came here to  apologise for the way I spoke to and about you just before, and to tell you not to join the Hawks because it's Rielly we're talking about here. He won't even put a girl on his team. And your friends will hate you for trying to join the Hawks and that basically means no hockey at all." 

"Adam I promise I am not changing teams. Sure we may not be the best but they are my friends and I don't abandon my friends. Not even if I got picked for the best hockey team ever." I smile and he lets a breathe out and smiles as well.

"Now go back to Mcgill and Larson and let them be jerks to someone else, somewhere else. Okay Banksy?" He laughed, nodded his hand and walked away. I turn back to Connie who has a smile on her face. Again.

"Connie no. We can talk about this when we get to my house and you try on all of your clothes okay?" I asked and she just nodded her head in pure happiness. 
"Oh and I also bought you a few sweaters just because I know you love them and won't turn them down." 

I shake my head and smile at her. She knows me too well I swear. 
"Ok let's go home now. I'm tired and hungry." She nods her head and we start walking home, only to be met with Charlie, Guy and Jesse walking towards us.

"What are you dorks doing?" I ask them as we meet each other.
"Well I came looking for you tow and figured Guy should come along so that I don't die and Jesse sort of just showed up. But we found you now so let's go home." Charlie said. 

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