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It's been about two weeks since we got all of our new gear because everything got postponed due to the snow being too thick to go anywhere which also meant that practise and school was not on.

School I was happy about. Hockey, not so much. But yesterday we got told that we all needed to meet outside the mall and make sure we had out rollerblades with us. 

I woke up at about 10:00am which is kinda early if I don't have anything to wake up for. I walked out of my room and saw Charlie and mom in the kitchen. Charlie was sat at the bench and mom was making bacon and eggs.

"Morning guys." I said and sat down next to my brother.
"Good morning. Now we are in a rush because I have a shift at Mickeys in 20 minutes so eat up, and you two need to get to the mall." Mom said to us and gave us our breakfast.

"I have to leave now if I want to get there in time. Make sure both of you have your house keys so if you loose one you have a spare. I love you both and I'll see you later." She kissed both our foreheads and left the house.

"She must have woken up late if she's only leaving now." I said to Charlie after we both finished eating and washed our dishes. 
"Yeah I woke her up not long ago. I told her not to worry about breakfast but she insisted." Charlie said to me and we went to our rooms to get ready.

We got ready and made sure to lock the apartment before we left and we skated to the mall to meet up with coach and everyone else. Everyone started skating up one by one until we were all just waiting on coach.

When he got out of his car we got someone else out with him. Fulton Reed.
"Everyone we have a new team member. This is Fulton Reed, I'm sure you all know him. Fulton this is the District-5 peewee hockey team." 

After coach basically introduced us we all started talking and we got along.
"Alright now you're all caught up. Today we will be doing agility but you have to stick as a group. I will be behind you in case anyone does fall behind and also coaching Fulton here. Go up the stairs to the third level and you can go from there." 

We all went inside and Connie, Tammy and I stuck together but we were all just in a group so it didn't really matter. We went up the two flights of stairs and when I tell you this mall is big. It is. It goes across the street and I think you get what I mean.

Once we got up the stairs we grouped up again and waited for someones signal.
"3...2...1... Go!" Jesse yelled and we started skating. We all wanted it to be a race but we knew better than that besides if we got to fast someone would fall over causing everyone else to fall over.

I stuck to the back of the group with Connie because we didn't want to be caught up in whatever fights everyone else would try and start. We slowed down and turned to make sure that coach asn't behind us.

"I'm guessing coach stuck to the second floor with Fulton until we get to the road which means we have some time. We can just say we got lost because I get lost easily." I say to her and we were laughing.

Connie and I were just looking around because we were just cruising by until my eyes made contact with bright blue ones staring back at me. 
"Adam's here." I said not taking my eyes off him but talking to Connie. 

"What? Well we have to say hi." She said and pulled me towards him once she found him. I tried going the opposite way but it didn't work. She was much stronger than me. 
"Hey there Banksie." I said once we made it towards him.

"Hey Maddi, Connie. What are you guys doing here in your skates?" He asked and looked us up and down.
"Practise. Plus having fun but we have to go if we don't want to get int trouble for being left behind." Connie quickly burst out because she looked over and saw Hawks walking towards us.

"Adam you're friends are here which means we must go. I'll let Maddi talk to you later" 
"Bye!" I yelled and waved while Connie dragged me away from the three Hawk boys. He waved back at me and by the time the other two boys got there we could not be seen.

By this point we obviously couldn't see our team so we just figured they were at the other end of the mall because that was the way we were going and coach never told us what our end goal was. 

After skating for about 15 minutes we made it to the other end of the mall and saw the rest of them all in a group with coach in the middle. They didn't seem to be there for very long because coach was now only just counting heads.

We went down the stairs and just skated slowly until we could hear what he was saying.
"9..10..11... I'm missing two. Where the hell are Maddi and Connie?!" We heard coach yell because we weren't that far away from them all.

"Right here coach. I got a bit lost and went the wrong way dragging Connie with me. Sorry." I said and everyone believed it because that's the kind of person I am. Plus I am a pretty good lier, that's probably not a good thing.

"Well now we know that we need to make sure Maddi stays in the middle of the group when we come back here." Coach said and everyone laughed.
"But that's it for practise. If you want to stay and keep skating together then feel free too. Cya everyone." 

Coach yelled and walked away. It wasn't until I skated up closer to the group of boys that I noticed Fulton was dripping wet.
"Fulton what the hell happened to you?" I asked and pointed out his clothes.

"I umm.. went down an escalator in the middle of the mall and jumped in a fountain, knocking over a lady with shopping while doing so." He explained and we all laughed. We decided to go skating in the mall again because why not but it didn't go as expected.

Half way through we ran into Banks, Mcgill and Larson who Connie and I were hoping had gone home by now but no. MCgill and Larson were basically just yelling that we sucked and every now and then Adam would chime in but he barely even said anything. 

Charlie, Connie and I gave him some sympathetic looks while he gave one back but everyone else was just yelling and we all eventually got kicked out of the shopping mall, which I saw coming and had already started skating to the exit before some dude came and yelled at everyone. 

We then decided to leave the Hawks behind and then all went our seperate way. Meaning that basically half of the team came to mine and Charlies house like usual.

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