New gear

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The next day we were all back on the ice again, because as much as we all hated Bombay right now, all we wanted to do was play hockey. All of us were just goofing around when we heard coach's car pull up to the edge of the ice.

"What's the cake-eater doing here now?" Jesse looked over at the limo and we all grouped up together to see what he wanted. Charlie and I just stayed at the back of the group because we already heard whatever he was going to say already.

I zoned out and started thinking about other things like how I needed to catch up with Connie and ask her about the gossip with Guy. She'll probably want to know everything in my life as well because I haven't told her anything in a while.

"Alright team lets go get some new gear!" I heard coach yell and snapped out of my thoughts to see everybody walking away. I quickly catch up and start to walk next to Connie.
"Hey bubs!" I say and laugh at her reaction.

"No you can't call me that." She says and smiles.
"Too bad. Anyway, you gonna come over tonight for a sleep over? Seeing as tomorrows Sunday and we don't have anything better to do. Plus we can go shopping if you want to?" I ask her.

I make sure to say that we can go shopping because she loves to shop. She nods her head and I smile. 
"Good because I need to know some teaaaaa!" I say and leave her with that. I slow down and start walking with Charlie. 

"So I heard you guys talking about me when I left last night. Or more like who I was going to talk to." He looks at me wide eyed and then looks at the ground. 
"Why did you think it was Banks?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"Well I asked around and nobody else had plans to hang out with you. Besides I came out looking for you that first night and saw you walking with him to the rink." He explained to me.
"So you're not mad that I'm hanging out with the 'enemy'?" I ask him with air quotes at enemy and he looks at me and shakes his head.

I smile and give him a side hug quickly but when I look up I see that we are at 'Hans Sports Shop'. 
"Oh I can't wait for actual gear and not a broken hockey stick." I say and we walk inside.

We all just look around at first and then everyone starts grabbing things. I walk over to Charlie and watch him try to take a hockey stick from the stand but instead knocks them all over. He looks up at me and I'm trying to hold in my laughter.

"Your gonna help me pick these up right?" He asks me nervously and with the puppy dog eyes.
"Sorry bro, but this was all you." I say and walk away over to Jesse, Terry Averman and Karp.

"Guys. Stop heading butting each other without the helmets." I say and grab two off of the rack for Averman and Jesse. They laugh and take them from me but when I walk away they just put them back on the shelf. 

I look over and see Goldberg having trouble with his pads but I don't want to have to deal with that. Plus he looks like he's got it covered. I grab some gear of my own and follow behind Peter through the line of laughing boys.

I just laugh and once I've found all my stuff I put it on the counter. I walk back over to where Charlie is. He managed to put all of the hockey sticks away and is now trying to get a different one. 

I then notice Fulton Reed. 
"Hey Fulton do you think you could get two of those Hockey sticks for me please?" I ask him politely and nod towards the display. He nods, grabs them out and gives them to me.

"Thanks Fulton." I say with a smile. He nods and then walks out of the store. I give Charlie one of the sticks and I head over to coach.
"Yeah thanks Fulton." Charlie says and then looks at the stick in awe. 

"Who was that kid?" He asked me. I look back over at the door and see Fulton leaving the shop.
"That's Fulton Reed." I say and then Guy pops up from out of nowhere.
"Yeah he's in one of my classes." He says and I nod. He was also in my class.

Coach looks interested and then asks more questions.
"How come he's not on the team?" He asks and Jesse then comes up from behind him and listens to the conversation. 

"He only plays football. Some preppy school gave him a scholarship, as long as he doesn't play hockey. They don't want him getting hurt." Jesse explains and Guy cuts in.
"I heard it was colleges. He's already been accepted to four of them."  

Then Goldberg came into the conversation somehow. 
"Yeah, but I heard he's gotta repeat the 6th grade." He says and pats Jesse's shoulder. They all walk away arguing while I stay there standing in front of coach.

"So coach, how was dinner last night?" I ask him innocently. But I was also genuinely asking him because I got home too late to eat with everyone and Coach was gone. 
"You know what Maddi. It was actually very nice and I am sad that you missed out." He said and ruffled my hair.  

I shake my head and walk away from him. Everyone is finally done and we grab our gear and put it in our bags. I walked out of the shop and saw mom standing there waiting for us.
"Charlie, Connie! Mom's here!" I yell out to them and they started walking to the car.

"Oh mom can Connie stay tonight? Like after practise?" I ask her and give her the puppy dog eyes. It doesn't work until both Charlie and Connie are doing it as well even though Charlie has no idea why he's doing it. 

"She can stay as long as her parents are okay with it. Now get everyone to put their bags in the car so I can drive them to the rink and everyone can walk." She says and we go get everyone tp put their bags in the car and we watch her drive off.

"Ok Connie just text your mom if it's alright whole we walk to practise." I say to her and we start walking as a group. She gets her phone out of her pocket and messages her mom asking if it's alright and she said yes. 

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