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Friday afternoon came and school was over which mean I would usually be hanging out with Connie, but she decided to spend time with her boyfriend instead and Charlie was off with Jesse so I had nothing to do. 

After sitting in my room for an hour I decided to go to Mickeys because mom was working tonight and I was really in the mood for a milkshake. Besides school was pretty bad today because Fridays I don't have any classes with my friends or team members.

"Hey mom." I said as I walked into the diner and sat down on one of the stools.
"Hey honey. What would you like? Actually don't answer, I already know." Mom said to me and started making me a chocolate milkshake.

"Can you make that to go please? I'm gonna go skating and if I'm not back for a while it's cause I need to clear my head." I asked mom before she put it in a cup.
"So school wasn't so great?" Mom asked me and brought the drink over to me.

"No I didn't have any classes with my friends or team members so it was a pretty bad day. Fridays are meant to be your favourite day of the week because it's the last day of school until Monday but it's my least favourite day." I explained with a sad expression. 

Not to mention I hadn't seen Adam in a while and even though we've been texting it's not the same.
"Okay honey well you go to the rink and hang out with that Banks boy. If you stay out late it's okay, I know his parents." She said to me with a smirk while handing me my milkshake and my jaw dropped.

"How did you know I was going to see Adam?" I asked her with a little nervousness in my voice.
"I'm your mother. I know everything. Plus tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb tell me things." She referenced to Charlie and Connie which made us both laugh. 

"OK well I'm glad that you know and that you're not mad I'm hanging with a Hawk." I say before taking a sip of my drink.
"Please I don't care if your hanging with a Hawk or a Cardinal. Your teammates might though so be careful. I love you." She said and kissed my forehead across the counter before I left.

"I love you to." I said and walked out of the diner. I got my phone out of my pocket and immediately found Adams number. I rang him and he picked up  straight away.
"Hey Madz." He said and I swear I could hear him smile which automatically made me smile.

"Hey Banksie. You ready to go skating?" I asked and put my roller blades on to get there quicker.
"Yeah I'm on my way." He said and we stayed on the call until we saw each other.

"Oh I'm allowed to stay out later tonight. Mom found out that we were friends and she knows your parents so she didn't mind." I said once we saw each other and hung up the phone.
"Oh sweet." He smiled and we walked inside.

It was good that mom knew because it meant I didn't have to completely sneak around. Like if i wasn't at the house and someone other than Connie came over she would cover for me. 
"So how was school today?" He asked me while we were putting our skates on.

"Well it was actually pretty shitty because I never have any good classes on Fridays and I didn't have a single team mate in any class. Plus you don't even go to my school because your parents put you in a rich school." 

I complain to Adam and start skating around to get rid of my anger. 
"Yeah well even if we went to the same school we wouldn't be able to hang out because my team hates you and your team hates me so I couldn't even make it any better if I was there." 

"Adam, I swear you're just trying to make me feel even worse." I say and fall on my back dramatically. I just sit there until Adam comes over and looks at me.
"Oh c'mon Maddi. It's only Fridays. I think you'll survive." He smiled and held his hand out to me.

I grabbed it and he pulled me up off the ground.
"Yeah but we can only hang out so often because you're with your Hawk friends and I'm with my friends and we've both got training and then games and then school. We can barely hang out." I complain again. 

He just laughs at me and skates away.
"Hey where are you going? Don't laugh at me." I yell out to him while he skates to the other end of the rink. 

He took his skates off and started climbing the ladder that lead to the roof. I quickly skated over and took my skated off as well before following him up the ladder. Yeah we came to the rink to skate but  going to the roof was more fun.

We got on the roof and it was still daylight but it was fun. We laid down on our backs and stared at the sky. It may not have been night yet but it was still really pretty. We stayed up there just talking about random things which actually felt really nice. 

"Adam, what's it like playing on the hawks?" I asked him and looked at him. The sun was setting and it was getting dark.
"It's really fun, but I think that's because we always win and I've grown up there." I just smile at him and look back at the sky.

"Well we are finally actually practising and getting better. We might have a chance this season." I say with hope laces throughout my voice. 
"Yeah but then you have to verse us again and I don't want to hurt you." Adam looked at me and said sincerely.

"Oh please Adam I have seen the way you can act when you're with your friends. I'm sure if you needed to, you would put me straight into the boards." I laugh and nudge him. He laughs as well and we sit there and talk for a little until it's completely dark and we should both head home.

"I should get going. Charlie doesn't know where I am and if he's got people over I'm screwed." I say and stand up, holding my hand out for Adam to grab. He grabs my hand and I pull him to his feet.

We get down the ladder and make sure to grab all of our stuff before we leave. I put my roller-blades back on when we get inside and we go our seperate ways.
"Cya later Banksie!" I yell from behind him.
"Cya Madz!" He yeled back and I smiled to myself. 

Ok just wanted so say this because I haven't yet. Thank you so much for 1000 reads on this story! It's one of my favourites out of the 7 that I'm writing and it means so much that people are actually reading my stories. Also if you are getting sick of the name Maddy/Maddi in my stories it's just because when I write these I picture myself and so if your on a computer you an get the chrome extension InteractiveFics and you can change names, it's really cool and useful. Anyway just wanted to say thank you and I hope you have an amazing day/night.

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