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"You're goin' down, Reilly." Coach said and then grabbed my arm and we walked back to our own team. 
"Let me go after 'em coach. Let me get 'em." Fulton was trying to convince him but Bombay wasn't budging. 

Everyone else was agreeing with Fulton to but coach really was not having it. 
"NO, we're better than them." He said and pulled everyone in together so that we could have a team chat.

"Look, look, it's time to play smart hockey. Duck Hockey." I was still really nervous about everything after I full on screamed at McGill, and some of it was aimed at Reilly to. Plus Adam clearly wasn't going to be able to finish the game. 

"All right? Now we got the power play. So we're gonna hit them where it hurts the most. Up there." Coach pointed to the scoreboard. I had no idea what he was trying to prove by doing this but everyone else must have found it inspirational so I just went along with it.

"Fulton, you're on." Coach said and pointed to him next to me. 
"Coach, they'll be rushin' him" Averman spoke up and he was right. If we put Fulton on the ice then there was almost a 100% chance that Reilly would see and put every single on of his player on him. 

"Right." Coach said and then thought about it for a moment. 
"Jesse make sure you give Fulton plenty of time. And if you know you can't give Fulton the puck, Maddi is gonna be stationed near their net so you can hit it to her for an easy shot." 

I nodded my head and then actually though about it. I was gonna up at their net with all of them wanting to bash me for many reasons. 
"Alright! Let's go!" Coach yelled and we were all cheering.

"Wait! Hold it!" We were about to get back on the ice but he stopped us again.
"Let's have fun out there alright?" He asked and we all started cheering again and we could finally get on the ice and finish the game.

At this point I didn't even care if we won or not because I just wanted one of their players to get make up for Adam almost going concussed. We skated out to our opening spots and so instead of Adam in centre I was because it wasn't McGill this time but one of their different players.

Jesse was on my left and Fulton on my right. I had to make sure to get the face off and then manage to hit the puck right to Fulton for his shot. As soon as the puck dropped, I hit it and Fulton got it.

Now everything was up to Jesse to keep the Hawks away from Fulton and if needed, me. I was helping Jesse get the players away and we saw Fulton wind his stick up and get ready to hit so we brought the guys down with us as we dodged the puck. 

We saw it flying in the air and all of a sudden the buzzer goes off and the goalie is in the net. 
"Fulton you scored!! We're back in it!" I yelled and skated up to him. We all went up to the box to celebrate and coach just kept telling us to have more fun.

"If they weren't rushin' him before then they sure as hell are now." I stated and looked over at Reilly who looked like he was giving his players an ear full.  We got back out and were fighting for our lives but the Hawks ended up getting another goal so we were two behind again.

I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to make it back from this. 
"Guys, guys, guys! Listen up!" Coach was trying to get our attention but nobody was listening. 
"Everyone shut up for a second!" I yelled and managed to get them quiet for him

He nodded his head as a thank you and continued what he was trying to say. 
"We have got to stay fired up, and we have got to stay focused all right? It ain't over til it's over." He stopped and then looked at everyone see if they could do something to get these points.

"Tammy, Tommy, let's show those Hawks something really different. Everyone listen closely." He explained the plan to us and made sure nobody else could hear it. Guy and Charlie were gonna get the puck close to the net then pass it to Tommy , while this was happening, Tammy would be distracting them with her amazing figure skating skills. 

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