Cardinals vs Ducks

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"C'mon guys 20 seconds left, and we're tied again. I need the power play out there, which means Banks, Conway, Germaine, Reed, and Conway #2. Please neither of you feel offended."  Coach looked towards Charlie and I as we were next to each other and we smiled at him. 

"Alright guys get out there and win this for us!" He yelled and we all started skating back because it was just a line change so we had to get out there as soon as the others came off the ice. 

"Let's go guys, we can do this! We know the strategy so go with that and we should be fine!" I yelled and made sure everyone nodded so that we all knew what we were doing. The Cardinals were going to have no idea what hit them this third.

They were keeping it up their end because we were blocking their players well. As soon as the puck was shot to the player in front of me, I skated and got it before he even had the chance to.
"Banksy! This is yours!" 

I had to wait for Adam to get in the right spot so that once he got the puck, he could shoot it in the net. In 3..... 2..... 1....
"Now!" I yelled and he skated in front of his player to receive the puck from me. 

He got it and skated in a circle before managing to distract his player and get time to shoot the puck. I couldn't see if it went in and everything felt like it was going on slow-motion but I knew we got it once I saw the siren start turning and hearing everyone cheer.

I skated towards Adam and engulfed him in a hug just before everyone else on the ice did. We hadn't won yet though. There was still 9 seconds on the clock and if the Cardinals played their cards right, they could easily get a goal.

Focus Maddi. Take a breathe and be patient. Stick on your player and you should be fine. I skated up to my player and made sure to stick on him like glue, so that there was no chance in him getting the puck without me getting to it first. 

Adam went up against the Cardinals player for the face-off up their end of the rink. Adam managed to get the puck and trick his player into crashing into his teammate. He attempted to go around the net but lost the puck in the process. 

I quickly got to the net and went to hit the puck but got knocked over in the process. Guy ended up with the puck and I was sticking near the net just in case he needed me there. Guy hit it to Fulton, and Fulton hit it back to Guy and he had to quickly shoot it otherwise we would have lost it. 

Everything went in slow motion again, as the puck was in the air going past everyones heads, we just had to see if it was gonna go in. We all thought that the goalie had caught it but he seemed to fumble and drop it past the line. 

"GUYS WE WON! WE MADE IT TO STATE FINALS!" I screamed and took my helmet off as we skated to the box to celebrate together. 
"LET'S GO DUCKS!" Bombay yelled and we all just kept screaming, all the way to the locker rooms. 

Waiting for us were cans of soda. I would say we spent at least 15-20 minutes shaking up cans and spraying soda everywhere we went. By the time we were done, we were all completely covered in the sticky substance. 

"Alright, everyone clean up and meet at Mickeys, I wanna talk to you all!" Coach smiled and walked out of the locker rooms to go clean off as well, because not only did he have soda on him he got the esky of ice poured on him as well. 

"Can you believe it? We actually made it to finals." Connie couldn't stop smiling and I just looked at her with a grin on my face.
"It doesn't feel real. I mean, never have we made it this far in the season!" 

After talking some more and deciding to not get changed yet, we all agreed to go home and get ready before going to Mickeys. Which is understandable because we are only 13-14 and still felt really uncomfortable because we're teenagers. 

I quickly said goodbye to Adam before Charlie and I had to get in the car to go home. It might take a while for mom to clean the car out of this mess. We got home pretty quickly and I made sure to get inside first so I could have the first shower. 

God knows how long Charlie would take. I just have to get this darn soda out of my hair and then I'll be fine. I made sure to get everything out of my hair before getting out of the shower and going back to my room. 

I still had no idea what to wear, even though my closet it full of all the same stuff. Hoodies, jeans, and sweatpants. I grabbed one of Adams hoodies that I managed to steal to put on over my tee seeing as it was freezing. A pair of my blue boyfriend cut jeans and some adidas sneakers.

I had to go in style, but it had to be my style at least. 
"Alright, I'm ready." I said while walking out of the hallway to the living room and putting my phone in my pocket. 

Mom was waiting for us and just watching some tv. Now we had to wait for Charlie.
"Charlie hurry up! We don't have all day!" I yelled throughout the apartment and finally Charlie came from out of his room and into the living room with us. 

"Is everyone ready?" Mom asked and we both nodded, so off we went to Mickeys. We always go to Mickeys but this time it felt different, and I don't know why. 

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