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I've been avoiding my phone for a few days for many reasons. 1) I don't know what Charlie sent to Adam and 2) Adam has been messaging and calling me but I don't want to know what he's saying because I'm scared.

"Maddi! You have to pick up your phone and use it eventually! I know you wont survive for longer then a few weeks without it!" Charlie yelled to me from his room. 
"I think I can survive longer without my phone than I can of embarrassment!" I yelled back.

I was mad at Charlie for sending the message to Adam but I also wasn't mad because I knew that I wouldn't say anything if he didn't so I guess I'm also happy? I don't know. All of my feelings are mumbled and confused.

"Maddi, please talk to Banks! He thinks you're mad at him because you're ignoring him!" I don't think that Charlie was ever going to give up at this point, but I didn't want Adam to think I was mad at him.

"I'm kind of ignoring everyone at the moment!" I yelled back. Our neighbors hated us for a reason, this was the reason.
"Wait he thinks I'm mad at him?" I got out of bed and walked over to the Norths Stars poster on my wall and took it down so I could see Charlie.

"You haven't talked to him since yesterday and he thinks that he's done something wrong." Charlie walked over to his poster and took it down so we could see each other.
"He hasn't done anything wrong and I'm not mad at him." 

"Well then you need to tell him that." Charlie was a dumb person sometimes but he was a good brother when he wanted to be. I nodded my head and walked away from the wall over to my bed, where my phone was.

I turned my phone back on and I instantly saw all the text messages from Adam and Connie as well, but mainly from Adam. He seemed worried and now I felt really bad for not talking to him. I messaged him and asked him if he could come over so that I could tell him everything. 

"Okay, I messaged Adam and he's coming over so if you want to invite someone over or go somewhere then go ahead. Mom is working all day today anyway." I told him and then had to push him out of my room so I could get changed. 

Not long after I heard the doorbell and I wasn't sure if I was ready to answer it.
"Maddi, if you don't answer that doorbell I will." Charlie then put his poster back on his wall and the walked out of his room. 

I did the same thing and walked out to the living room where Charlie sat on the couch waiting for me to go towards my front door.
"I'm waiting and I'm sure Banks is too. Now hurry up and open the door." Charlie whispered to me.

I took a deep breathe and walked over to the door. I opened it and. there stood in front of me was Adam with a huge grin on his face. Although he looked happy, his eyes were bloodshot and large bags underneath them.

"Hey Banksy." I smiled and moved out of the way so he could come inside. Charlie waved to him which he responded by nodding back at him.
"Ummm we can go to my room now." I shut the front door and started leading Adam towards my room.

He sat down on the edge of my bed and once I closed my door I took a seat next to him. We were both just sitting there, neither of us making a sound because we didn't really know what to say. We were both nervous wrecks.

"You look tired." I decided to try and start up a conversation. This might have been a bad thing to start with.
"Yeah, I haven't really been able to sleep. It makes me think about how you're mad at me and you weren't talking to me." 

He was sore and tired because of me? He was so worried that he did something wrong that he couldn't sleep.
"Adam, I'm not mad at you." I looked up from the ground to look him in the eyes.

"You weren't talking to me and I was so worried." He seemed like he was on the verge of crying, and that hurt me.
"I turned my phone off because I was scared of how you would react to Charlies message. I didn't want you to hate me." 

I looked back down at my hands and started to fidget with them. 
"I don't hate you Madz. I don't think I could ever hate you." Adam placed his hand on mine and I looked back up at him.

"Really? Your not mad at me for ignoring you?" I asked and he shook his head with a smile.
"I just stayed up late thinking about everything that's all. I may have cried a little bit too." We both chuckled at his statement.

"How about I put a movie on and if you need to you can fall asleep? Too catch up on the sleep that you missed, y'know?" He smiled and nodded his head, showing that he wanted to. We moved so that We were now both sitting in my bed comfortably.

"What movie do you want me to put on?" I asked once my tv was on. 
"I don't know. I'm pretty sure that I am going to fall asleep before the movie even starts." 
"Alright." I smiled and just put on some disney movie so that I didn't have to pay attention to it either.

I was honestly confused at what was going on at the moment because I liked him and I'm pretty sure Adam knows that but he still didn't bring it up. He probably knew how uncomfortable it would make me if he did bring up the situation.

Adam was awake for about the first 10 minutes of the movie but after that I felt his body move and he had slightly fallen to lean on me. I felt safe with him there, whether he was awake or not. Adam is my happy place.

The last thing I remember was leaning my head on top of his and then I was out like a light.

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