Woosan/ Ateez / Catching a cold pt. 3

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TW: slight angst, mentions illness

San reveals his diagnosis.

San smiles softly when Wooyoung slowly wakes up several hours later. He doesn't know when, but the younger joined him in the hospital bed and when San woke up about two hours ago, the younger clung onto him for dear life. San spent those last two hours relaxing peacefully with Wooyoung in his arms.

Wooyoung, you really are the most important person to me.

San decided that he wanted to let him sleep as long as he could. He also didn't and still doesn't want to reveal his diagnosis to his dongsaeng.

The two of them are cuddled up against each other, legs tangled, and Wooyoung subconsciously presses his face further into San's neck. San softly pats Wooyoung's hair, causing the other to blink tiredly and stretch a bit. "Where are we?" Wooyoung yawns directly after asking the question, strengthening the tight grip he has on San's chest, but San can't get himself to answer, instead he just hums. But reality seems to catch up fast.

Wooyoung's eyes widen when he gains full consciousness, taking in his surroundings. When the younger's gaze meets San's face he gasps. His eyes widen a little bit more.

The oxygen mask.

San almost forgot about it.

"San..." Wooyoung can't finish whatever he wants to say before he breaks down. It's not too obvious, he hides his face in San's chest as fast as he can, but San can feel the tears escaping Wooyoung's tight and forcefully closed eyes. Sighing he caresses the other's cheeks. "I'm here, Woo. It's okay."

But said male just shakes his head before sitting up in the bed. San would like to sit up, too, but he can't. His body is simply too weak and the ache in his chest is now constantly present. Maybe it's even worse now that he knows why his lungs hurt that much, why Wooyoung always had to wake him up in the middle of the night when he was drenched in sweat, why he got all these never ending coughing fits, why he lost weight (which he blamed on the cold and thus didn't tell Woo about), and why he was generally so short-breathed. He knows why he coughed up the blood during the dance practice.

"How are you, hon?" Wooyoung quietly starts, almost as if he's worried to startle San or something, but he quickly seems to remember everything again. His mood change is almost impressive when he starts to lecture San instead of keeping on babying him.

"I was so worried about you, you sucker! How could you just collapse like that? You surely must have thought you were dying, at least I thought you were, so why did you choose your last words to be 'Ouch'. Why didn't you say something romantic like 'I love you, Woo. I'm sorry that I'm traumatizing you with this and you'll now never be able to leave my side again. Sorry not sorry.'" San raises his right eyebrow.

"Sorry not sorry?"

"Ignore that part."

San chuckles, but the pain in his chest flares up and he abruptly stops, pressing a hand onto the spots where he can feel the stabs. They gave him painkillers, but it's been hours and they explained they'd give him the next dosis when he wakes up. However, due to him not wanting to wake up Wooyoung, he hasn't had the relieving medicine yet.

Wooyoung worriedly places one of his slightly smaller hands on top of San's. "Is it bad?" There's no point in hiding his pain now. Anyways, he's also always open with Wooyoung about basically everything so he's comfortable giving a nod, indicating 'yes, it really hurts like freaking hell.'

"Can you press that button?" San asks and gestures towards the little black button next to the bed that he can't quite reach lying in this position. Woo nods and presses it.

"Will they help you deal with the pain? What are they gonna do?" "I'm on painkillers actually. They gave them to me a few hours ago so the effect is dropping and fading away." "Why didn't you say anything?" Woo wasn't angry, he was just concerned. His partner had been lying there for the last few hours in pain. Why didn't he say anything?

"I was comfy." San states. It's a bad excuse but Wooyoung lets it be.

There's something else he badly wants to know. "San, the doctor couldn't tell me anything. He is not allowed to give me any information about your medical condition. Or whatever it is." Wooyoung nervously intertwines their hands that are still lying on San's chest. "What is going on?"

Tears dwell up in San's eyes and Wooyoung is fast to lie down again next to him, carefully pulling San closer, putting his arm around San's shoulder, intertwining their fingers once again. San buries his face in Wooyoung's shirt. Now it's his turn to let the tears spill onto his partner's clothes.

"I'm sorry." San sobs. And Woo knows what he means. Because San is trying to stay strong. He's trying to stay strong for Wooyoung because his diagnosis is terrifying. And maybe, he's also trying to stay strong for himself, because when he gives in to the pain... what's going to happen then? Will he give up? Would he give up? But Woo can do it. He'll be strong for San, he will help him carry this weight. It doesn't matter how heavy it is. For San, Wooyoung would gladly sacrifice everything else.

They both can hear someone knocking on the door. It's probably a nurse that has been alerted by the button Woo pressed and is here to give the painkillers to San. "One minute, please." Wooyoung says at just the right volume so the nurse can hear what he said.

"Don't be sorry, San. I'll be there for you, you can tell me. Everything's gonna be fine." San sobs again, shaking his head frantically. "God, Woo. Darling, it's not gonna be fine. I..." San shakily inhales.

"I have cancer."

And with those few words, Wooyoung's world crumbles.


1010 words

My god, I might just leave it at three parts, this stuff seems to make me depressive.
Whatever, I hope you like it.

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