SEVENTEEN / Meanie / Bug

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Wonwoo kept quiet, smiling to himself when Mingyu managed to wiggle himself between Wonwoo and the wall.

"Why are you sitting on the floor, bug?"

The smile vanished. "Stop calling me bug, Mingyu. I'm your hyung." Wonwoo could basically feel Mingyu gathering air to start a monologue about looking up cute pet names and finding 'bug' just like he'd done with the last few. Flower, berry and muffin were only few of them.

In the most obvious way he could, Wonwoo turned away, expressing his lack of interest in whatever nonsense was going to follow. So Mingyu kept quiet, because honestly, if Wonwoo didn't listen, why should he try and explain.

Instead, the younger stood up, pulling Wonwoo with him and away from the floor that had just served as his couch replacement, as the original one was already occupied by Soonyoung, Jihoon and Chan watching a movie. Reading was way easier in a quiet space.

"Let's go. Practice is gonna start soon and Seungcheol hyung just came back from his meeting so we're all good to go."

Wonwoo sighed, no, he did not want to dance right now, thankyouverymuch, his book was very much his priority. Well, kinda sucked that he had no choice anyway if he wanted to have money to buy more. Wonwoo was absolutely not ready for today and he felt a sense of dread when he had to leave the warmth of the dorm. Why did he have to leave?


When Mingyu left early from dance practice, Wonwoo felt kinda sad. They hadn't spent a lot of time together lately and somehow it seemed like Mingyu grew closer and closer to Jeonghan. A member that Wonwoo always thought preferred ... well, preferred him over Mingyu.

It was really nothing to be petty or feel upset about, but it seemed like everyone around him made more friends, grew closer, while Wonwoo was just stuck with his books. And while he liked to read and stay by himself more than socializing, it still hurt to know he was only still part of all the late night discussions and occasional sleepovers because Mingyu dragged him along. Theoretically he knew he just had to join, reality proved to be a lot more difficult to deal with.

Wonwoo was prepared but it still hurt.

When all of them had left, he was the only one staying back, because the choreographer had told him to try and finish that one move he couldn't quite get perfect.

It still hurt when Wonwoo finally left and realized that no one had waited for him.

Why should they? That's what he kept asking himself when he left the building. Wonwoo was a grown man, even though the wind on his skin felt cold and the motion of the leaves falling to the ground and whirling around freaked him out to no end.

Because he felt scared, Wonwoo turned left into an alley he knew was a shortcut and would shorten his way by five minutes. Hands in his pocket, tightly holding onto his phone, was when a loud crashing sound made him screech out of pure horror. Looking around, there was a man, clearly drunk that had apparently just kicked a trash can to the ground, now looking around, gaze fixed on Wonwoo.

Then the man started to walk. Right in Wonwoo's direction.

Hesitant, Wonwoo turned to leave the alley, fuck those five minutes, better be late than dead and terrified, but it was too late. Behind Wonwoo, another man stood in the middle of the alley, clearly blocking his way with the intention of keeping the young man exactly where he was right now. Stuck in the dark in a small alley with no one to help.


With trembling fingers, Wonwoo pulled out his phone, speeding to dial Seungcheol's cellphone number. He didn't have a lot of time, but Wonwoo would use what little of it he had to make sure someone came to get him.

"Wonwoo?" A groggy voice rasped in Wonwoo's ear and he swore to fucking god he'd never been this happy to hear his hyung's voice.

"Hyung, can you come and get me? I tried to take a shortcut and now there are these guys and ... Please, hyung. I don't know what to do," Wonwoo whispered, panic clouding his mind, breathes shallow.

Seungcheol took a moment to respond and Wonwoo's panic only increased, but it just seemed like Seungcheol had gotten up - awoken from his sleep by the call - to wake up a few other members and get him.

"Which shortcut, Wonwoo?" Seungcheol asked. But Wonwoo couldn't answer him, when the scary man that had blocked the alley finally reached him, slapping the phone out of Wonwoo's hand and to the ground. A sickening crack was heard, Wonwoo's phone now just as dead as his hope of being able to run away.

Yes, he wasn't small, he wasn't weak, he wasn't slow. But by no means was Wonwoo like the heroes in his books and by no means could he run away when there were multiple people actually blocking his way. He didn't know how to fight.

That proved to be an absolute disadvantage when hands shoved him painfully brutal against the bricks of a wall. Fingers invaded Wonwoo's privacy by tucking his collar to the side, aggressively travelling along his neck before lips crashed into his. A metallic kind of taste spread and spread in his mouth when the other man didn't let up, Wonwoo completely limp against the licking, biting and sucking.

Disgusting. Wrong. Dirty. 

Shouting startled Wonwoo as well as the man, breaking out of their haze to look for the sensation. Tears started to blur Wonwoo's vision when he realized that he was finally safe. Seungcheol. He came. Seungcheol, Jihoon, Jisoo, Mingyu. 

God. Mingyu. 

Mingyu who was shouting, punching, thrashing around. But Wonwoo couldn't piece together his observations with the sounds. Everything felt disconnected, the sensation of touch having left him utterly numb to the once uncomfortable wall behind his back. Piercing sounds crashing his head from the inside left Wonwoo stuck in utter silence that was still too loud to handle, watching from the sidelines like he'd done all his life. 

When hands cupped his cheeks, Wonwoo didn't respond. Neither did he when he was pulled into someone's arms, into a car, into the shower, into his bed. But when it was eerily quiet, he cried.

A body snuck into the bed, wrapping their arms around the pathetic whipping bundle of tears that had not even an hour ago been a normal human being. 

"This is so fucked up, Mingyu," Wonwoo whispered. 

And he meant it. Who did this shit happen to? Which person would let themselves be touched like this without trying to fight against it? Because Wonwoo hadn't even tried to get away. 

"It is, bug," Mingyu whispered back. But to Wonwoo, this small, unimportant and disgustingly infuriating pet name had never sounded better. Even if it was fucked up, as long as Wonwoo would stay Mingyu's bug, he wouldn't dare to give up. Even if he was still jealous that Jeonghan seemed to have gotten closer to his partner, Wonwoo had Seungcheol, and if that was childish, Wonwoo didn't care. 


1215 words 

Yes, the end was childish, but I gotta cope somehow with all of my friendship dynamics changing (insert dramatically crying emoji). Also, what is this storyline? Where did my creativity go? Why is my plot never really fully written? Help??

Anyways, I'm glad I could finally publish a real OS and that this one has actually made it past being one of the other many and very shitty drafts that still exist even though I should've deleted them months ago. Also, I wrote this on my MacBook so I couldn't upload a picture :// 

As always, this is for 

I could cry thinking about the fact you've managed to stick around!!

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