Markhyuck / NCT / Mark

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Hyuck is once again hiding in the bathroom. His hands shake as he tries to lock the cubicle and after a few seconds of fumbling, he eventually succeeds. He has been waiting for this to happen and of course; the others noticed. Donghyuck shouldn't have worn that crop top anyway, especially not for dance practice. Of course the others noticed and would tease him about it. It is always the same spiel. Donghyuck as the butt of every joke.

The bathroom door opens and Hyuck is back to shivering, pressing himself into a corner of his hiding spot.

"Hyuck?" Johnny asks and Donghyuck can't help but inhale deeply, relieved. "Hey Johnny," he says though it comes out more like a whisper, rather scratchy than confident. Nice to know his voice mirrors his feelings. Are there any other quirks about himself that Donghyuck also doesn't know about?

"Hyuck can you come out, please?" Johnny is now standing in front of the cubicle, Donghyuck can basically see the frown on Johnny's face and the wrinkles that tend to appear whenever the other is worried. "I'd rather not, actually."

Johnny sighs and Hyuck realizes he's probably being childish once again. "C'mon you idiot, don't be difficult and lemme see what's wrong." So. Is that an insult? Stop being difficult, got it.

Donghyuck unlocks the door and Johnny takes a few steps back, giving him a little space. In a weird flashback, Hyuck remembers one of the choreographers back in their trainee days saying 'You take up a lot of space.' Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

So Hyuck goes and washes his hands even though he hasn't gone to the bathroom- not really - but Johnny doesn't know that and yes. Maybe it's best if Johnny doesn't know what happened during practice anyway. Dream practice is nothing he'd ever be a part of so...

"Hyuck, please. You know you can tell me."

"Okay, mom," Hyuck murmurs and in the same breath he feels the guilt starting to gnaw at his stomach. Why'd he say that? That was really mean. Johnny just showed that he cares and what does Donghyuck do? Act like it's ridiculous. Isn't it though? Johnny's hand on his shoulder interrupts Hyuck's train of thoughts. "Well then, let's go, son. You can tell me while we go and drink milkshakes. There's this really great ice cream parlour..."

Johnny continues talking and Hyuck lets himself relax. He does in fact not end up telling Johnny. But that night Hyuck happens to meet Doyoung on their stairwell, the other just leaving after visiting Jeno who has been a little homesick these days. And Doyoung smiles at Hyuck, making Hyuck's chest fell fluttery when he leans forward and whispers "Damn, Hyuck, you look great in a crop top."


These days, it's a little easier. Spending time with 127 might be a little more exhausting and also a little stressful - being the maknae without being the real maknae because Mark is that real maknae is hard sometimes.

It doesn't get better when Hyuck listens to their stylist oppa complimenting Mark on having gained so much muscle. A short glance downwards shows Hyuck that he has indeed not gained any muscles these days. He knows there's stuff such as various different body types, but still. The fat that makes his tummy soft and a little jiggly instead of jacked with muscles prevents the stylists from ever giving him the see-through or tight clothing. Because it jiggles. And it is embarrassing.

Hyuck wants to cry as the stylist noona that has to take care of him today as they have to take new measurements once in a while pulls the measuring tape around his chest and then his belly. There's just that much pressure on the tape that Hyuck's body - his fat - juts out a little. "Seems like you gained a little," murmurs the noona.

Whatever Hyuck has gained, he doesn't like it. He's done badly once again, probably won't fit in his old stage clothes anymore. He's not lean and fit. He is a little pudgy, chubby and soft around his edges. There's no sharpness whatsoever and he honestly wants to cry because now the whole team of stylists knows and that means they'll tell the managers which in turn means another diet, but Hyuck knows, he knows it doesn't change anything and-

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