Markhyuck / NCT / Breakdown

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Mark is suffering physically and mentally due to the stress of being part of four subunits in NCT. The Canadian has to deal with it alone, as his boyfriend Donghyuck is currently on tour, until he finally breaks down.

Mark doesn't know if SM entertainment know what they're doing. Like- at all. He is currently a member of four subgroups! It was okay-ish when it was just NCT 127, NCT Dream, and NCT U, but being added to SuperM is just too much.

His daily routine has been the same for those past few weeks: Vocal and singing lessons, practicing his rap parts, and dance practice. His throat hurts by now and his complete body is just exhausted due to the tight schedule.

Mark can't remember the last time he had a day off - or slept for more than four hours for that matter.

While most of his NCT 127 members just get back home after vocal lessons, he's got to hurry to get to the SuperM dance practice in time.

Additionally, beside the physical straining Mark has to endure, his best friend and boyfriend Donghyuck is currently on tour with the Dreamies. Because the schedules of the SuperM comeback and of the tour interfere, Mark couldn't join them.

He hasn't seen Donghyuck in two weeks. It really doesn't sound like a lot, and the two of them regularly text and call as often as possible. As often as their schedules allow them to, but that's the problem. It's not that often, especially considering Mark's schedule.

To the Canadian, Haechan's absence is getting more obvious by the second. Usually after an exhausting day, the younger would wait in their shared room or Mark could just join the tanned male in the bed, snuggling into his arms.

Mark misses that. Right now he's lying in his bed and can't do anything but stare at the ceiling.

His brain forces him to relive the last NCT U dance practice. He can't get rid of this one scene.

— flashback —

"Come on, Mark. Everybody's exhausted, and we still give our best."

Taeyong seems tired and like he's annoyed with Mark. After dance practice, the two of them have a rather serious conversation about Mark's bad performance today.

It's not the first time that Taeyong and the other members notice Mark's lack of focus and increasing mistakes during the choreography.

The boy hasn't been himself for a while, and that's something you can't afford to do as an idol. And sadly Taeyong can't tolerate it. He can't tolerate it because the other members have to suffer from Mark's actions, too.

He's the leader, it's his duty to talk to Mark about the harsh reality of things: It can't go on like this.

"If you don't make an effort or even try do it right, you're holding all of us back. You can't go on like this, it can't go on like this. Either you pull yourself together or I'll have to talk to the management."

Mark's eyes widen.

He screwed up. He screwed up really bad.

He shakes his head frantically.

"No, no Tae", he tries to reassure his leader. "I can fix this. Don't worry, it won't happen again. Trust me."

I can't be weak right now ... Not good enough ...

That means he has to try even harder.

— end of flashback —

Mark hopes he'll fall asleep soon. He really hopes so.

Those additional sleeping issues have started when his boyfriend left. At the moment he's happy if he even falls asleep before the sun rises. It doesn't happen that often anymore.

It was a slow process. In the beginning he was sleeping okay - even when he wasn't sleeping as good as he would sleep next to Donghyuck. As time passed it's gotten later and later, and while his body is just getting more tired with each day, Mark can't find the peace and quiet to drift off into the much needed slumber. Although he tried, he really did.

And it's just gradually getting worse.

Everything is going to be okay, Hyuck will come back tomorrow.

Trying to find a position that isn't hurting his shoulder too much, he's squirming in his bed.

He hurt it when they repeated the 'Regular'-performance for the hundredth time, but he couldn't tell the others. He simply can't afford to have an injury or seem weak right now.

I can't disappoint them.

Mark is already far behind. Especially now, when his schedule is just overwhelmingly full, he can't lose his progress. The consequences would be immense and even worse than his sacrifice of sleep right now.

Sighing he sits himself up. His stomach is rumbling. Has he even eaten anything today? If you count the coffee this morning ... So Mark accepts it, he simply can't fall asleep today. Without checking the time - it doesn't matter right now anyways - he puts his feet on the cold floor.

When Mark gets up, the world suddenly spins at a rapid pace. Sleep, he needs sleep. Of only he could get some.

The Canadian stumbles forward, colliding with the wall in front of him. He's supporting himself with a hand on it, resting his head against the welcoming cold surface. After the world slows its spins a little, he slowly leaves Donghyuck'a and his room.

Mark spends the way to the kitchen trying to be as quiet as possible. He doesn't want to wake the others up. He knows how desperate everyone is for sleep.

Lost in his thoughts, he almost trips over the step leading to the kitchen, managing it - last minute - to hold onto the door and avoiding an ugly face-to-face meeting with the hard floor.

His naked feet step onto the cold tiles as he makes his way to the fridge.

A loud rumble startles him. He stops in his tracks, irritated, until he notices that the noise is coming from outside of their dorm, not inside.

Mark gets a glass out of the cupboard, gritting his teeth to avoid a scream when he feels the stabbing pain in his shoulder. Dumb. He opens the fridge with his uninjured arm, getting the jug of milk and opening it.

His hand is shaking and he suddenly loses control over his limbs. The only thing he can focus on right now is an unpleasant tingle in his whole body. The liquid is already dripping onto the floor, overflowing the already full glass, but he can't move his hand. His knees wobble a bit as they lose stability and his legs are shaky. Dangerously swaying, he tries to not lose balance, but fails.

Mark's knees give up.

The jug of milk falls out of his hand, the milk splashes onto Mark's clothes, spreading all over the floor and cupboards.

Did I wake the others? Hopefully not.

That's his last thought as Mark loses consciousness. His upper body falls forward and his head hits the stone tiles hard.

Mark's members continue to sleep.

Until one of them wakes up because of an unpleasant beeping sound.


1174 words

This is a translation, original by specialsuga .

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