Jaeyong / NCT / Soulmates

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Requested by @markerrlee

Sorry, this is so so late, I had some problems :) Also, this is very sad, if you want something more fluffy you'll get an alternate ending.

Thank you so much jdjdjkasjeukksmd for helping me write this! You did so much (insert me fainting and hitting my head on the fucking bathroom tiles and now I don't know what I wanted to say anymore).

Soulmate AU

18. Tomorrow Taeyong will be 18. More specific, in about thirty minutes it will be midnight.

And to be honest, he doesn't know if he should be happy about that or not. It's the day he'll finally be independent, the day he'll finally be able to leave this sad excuse of a home and live with his best friend. Unfortunately, that's also the age he can meet his soulmate, the age you can recognize them as your other half or closest friend.

And while he was always excited for this day - let's be honest, everybody would be excited - that suddenly changed a year ago. A year ago, at the age of 17, Taeyong had sex for the first time. Without his consent. With a man about three years older than him at midnight in a parking lot.

Taeyong was raped. And his soulmate knows. They know because of the pain it caused Taeyong. They know because of the self-hatred and the self harm that inevitably also showed on his soulmate's body.

Scars and pain. Those are the things soulmates share for their whole life, as well as the date they meet on both of their wrists which appears a day before everyone's eighteenth birthday, and their first and last words to each other. This way you won't know who your soulmate is until you lose them. Taeyong doesn't want to meet his soulmate, not because he hates them. He just feels so incredibly guilty.

The one to never receive a scar is Taeyong. The strongest pain he's felt was at the age of five when his soulmate bumped into a table - at least a table would be an explanation for the pain - and managed to fall to the ground and sprain their ankle. However that is possible.

Just knowing he caused someone else this huge amount of pain, has broken Taeyong mentally. He has not only fucked up his own life and stomach (that's the easiest spot to hide cuts from his family), he's also ruined another human's appearance and maybe even mental health.

Tomorrow is gonna be his 18th birthday. Tomorrow is gonna be his last day. Taeyong deserves to die.

It's not like a lot of people will miss him anyways. His family members distanced themselves from Taeyong when the real state of his mental health started to become more and more obvious. Taeyong couldn't maintain most of his friendships. He's just felt so drained the whole time, humans in general just drained him of his energy even more, it felt like too much of a chore to text someone or even reply to others' messages.

Emptiness. He just feels so empty.

Another look at his wrist. July the first. Taeyong's birthday. He kind of wonders why his own birthday would be written across his wrist. He's not gonna survive it, how is he going to meet his soulmate?

Could this be it?

Still, Taeyong can't help but wonder why it's tomorrow. Maybe because they'll see each other in their next life? In addition to the date, the word "Hey" was written on his other wrist.

On the night of June 30th, Taeyong contemplates how he will go. Drowning? Probably. Hanging? Probably not — maybe a last resort. Bleeding out? Maybe. Overdose? A possibility. Jumping? Most likely. He thinks about poisoning himself, too. Possibly carbon monoxide. Maybe even cyanide.

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