Minsung / Stray Kids / Dating ban

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To quote a certain someone: okay y'all, this is n o t smut. I repeat: This is not smut.
It's sPiCy though, so if you're uncomfortable, you might wanna skip this chapter.
I'll also put a bad writing warning here, it's the first time I'm doing something like this (although it's been rotting in my drafts for quite some time).

Stray Kids' dating ban has ended and Chan noticed that something changed between them.

Chan is a bit lost.

He's not sure what to do.

Since the dating ban for Stray Kids has ended, something shifted between Minho and Jisung. Something is different. It's obvious to everyone except the two. They're touchier with each other - even touchier than they already are. But it's not like they mind or anything. Minho and Jisung just stay in their own little world, completely oblivious to their surroundings or the fact that their friends can see what they're doing.

Its not like Chan is blind - or Felix, Seungmin, Hyunjin (bear with me here), and Changbin. It's not exactly like Minho and Jisung are being inconspicuous. Everybody sees the tension between them. Even Stay. The footage that is published gives Minsung fans a whole new reason to live. (i'M tAlKiNg aBoUt mE bTw)

It's like a burden is lifted off of Minho's shoulders; he's happier, not as easy to tease as before, and generally a lot more relaxed. Even Jisung. As soon as he feels comfortable around someone, he usually gets a little hyperactive and excited. It can be difficult to deal with from time to time - not impossible, and nobody would ever describe it as annoying, just difficult.  But for the last days Jisung seemed like he had developed some kind of inner calmness.

Don't ask Chan. He doesn't know what is going on.

Well ... he definitely suspects them to have huge crushes on each other. However, he's not going to express his suspicion until he's sure. And what if they don't want to label themselves as anything?

Still ... he's the leader of the group, he should do something about it. He doesn't want to break the two of them up, they haven't even come out as gay - although Chan doesn't want to assume their sexuality -, but rather wants them to know that their dorm is a safe space. Neither Chan nor the other members talk about the stuff that is happening in the dorm, and they'll keep it the same with this matter.

The dorm is like a completely different world. It's a world where Felix and Changbin can be a couple and express their affection towards each other, where Seungmin is happy with they/them pronouns, where Hyunjin can be a simp for Seungmin, and Chan can have his really obvious crush on Jeongin (who's too oblivious to see the obvious signs Chan is trying to show him).

It's their safe space, a space without judgement.

That's why he's on his way to Jisung and Jeongin's room right now.

Chan knows Minho is in the room, too. He knows Jeongin is not. He doesn't know why he still opens the door. He doesn't know why his eyes search for Minho and Jisung until he finally seems them.


On top of each other.

Looking as pale as ghosts and frozen in their movements.


When Stray Kids returns from practice, Jisung and Minho isolate themselves from the others in Jisung and Jeongin's room. Jeongin doesn't want to be in the room anyway, he's busy texting his mother and - because of a reason nobody really understands - has to do it lying on the couch, blocking the space so nobody else can sit down.

To be honest, Jisung doesn't really care.

He makes sure the door is closed before he turns around to Minho, a grin spreading on his face when the older immediately starts to pepper his cheeks and forehead with kisses, his hands caressing Jisung's jaw. Jisung's knees immediately start to wobble a bit.

Heck, that's what Minho is doing to him. He's become a softie. He's whipped for this really attractive man that's currently making his way to Jisung's lips before he pulls away from the younger.

Minho looks at Jisung in a pleading way. He's asking for Jisung's consent. Instead of answering, Jisung crushes his lips onto Minho's, slightly parting them to get Minho to deepen the kiss.

Honesty is key. And if Jisung is honest ... he's been horny the whole day. It sounds so dirty, but really, who could resist seeing main dancer Minho sweating and moving around in the most aesthetic way Jisung has ever seen? Stay definitely couldn't. That excuse makes him feel better, when Minho's tongue slides into his mouth, they harmonize with each other. Jisung starts slightly panting from the lack of oxygen and Minho's lips form a smile.

The fact that Jisung can't see it but feel it, makes him crazy. It makes him crazy for the older, craving his touch, his whole body is basically screaming because of the fact that there is clothing between them.

Jisung slides his hands under Minho's shirt, caressing the six pack, sliding higher until-

Holy shit.

That's a pair of impressive man tiddies.

With gentle but longing touches he lifts the older's shirt a little bit, asking him indirectly to take it to the next level. They haven't really gone any further than the heated kissing sessions since the dating ban ended. Although they've always been closer than anybody thought. They just never gave in to their affection.

Minho lifts his shirt off his torso, directing Jisung further into the room and placing him gently on his dongsaeng's bed.

"Wait!" Jisung interrupts their kiss. Minho stops in his tracks.

Did I make him uncomfortable?

"I want to see you."

No, definitely not uncomfortable.

They switch position, Minho lying on the bed with Jisung on top of him. Jisung keeps caressing Minho's body, his arms, collarbones, slightly visible ribs. Until he notices something.

Minho's longing eyes on his t-shirt.

In one swift motion Jisung gets rid off the disturbing fabric. Minho freezes and takes in a hissing breath. "You're beautiful, babe."

Oh. My. God.

Jisung can't help but blush. He can't hear anything but adoration and affection when Minho compliments him. And when Minho pulls him down into another kiss, he can't help but melt into the loving touch.

The door opens.

The frickin door Jisung made sure to close opens. And it's no one else but Chan himself, their damn leader, who opens the door. Minho and Jisung freeze, both looking at Chan like deer looks at the driver of a car that is MOST LIKELY GOING TO KILL IT.

Easy, Jisung. Don't panic.

Chan just stands there, motionless. Without a word he turns around and closes the door behind him as quiet as possible.

"Oh god." Jisung buries his face in Minho's neck. A loud laughter erupts out of the older while Jisung can't help but relive the last minutes again and again in his head.

"I didn't lock it."

"I noticed."


1102 words

But still, it's nice to write something not as angsty as I usually do.
And: The original concept of this was inspired by a tiktok that I can't find anymore, aMaZiNg.

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