Woosan / Ateez / Please, eat

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Is San trying to make an expression with his face that says help me and get me out of here while he's also trying to make it work as the obvious signal of stop (feeding me)? Definitely.

Is he succeeding in doing so? Definitely.

Is Wooyoung going to acknowledge that? Definitely not.

With a row of words that sound like incoherent random stuff, Wooyoung shoves another bite of food into San's mouth like an overprotective Korean mom feeding her only son. And then another bite. San tries to shy away, but Wooyoung doesn't let him, grabbing his chin and forcing the food in his mouth. It might be unfair, he takes advantage of the fact that this is recorded to urge San to do something he obviously doesn't want to, but to be quite honest, Wooyoung couldn't care less. He cares about the fact that San finally eats something. Nine bites. That's enough of an achievement for Wooyoung to relax a little. At least San ate something today.

For whatever reason, bite number three is the hardest. San doesn't even care about the bites that follow. He knows what he has to do now. The third bite. That was already too much, far more than he intended to eat today. His stomach rumbles happily with the food he just ate, Wooyoung looks happy, too, but San isn't.

He's just trying to be perfect for the group so why does Wooyoung have to destroy all of his hard work? Can't he see that San is trying to be better? For the sake of the group, San is doing all of this for the sake of the group. Does no one care about his efforts? Wooyoung should be happy. He doesn't have to deal with a chubby San anymore, he gets a hot boyfriend now. Well, not yet. But soon.

The taste in San's mouth disgusts him, although his stomach doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't cramp in that nauseating way. Now he's even eating in front of the cameras, in front of thousands of people. Not even eating. Being fed. People will think he always eats this much. They will start talking again.

San's hand grabs the edge of the table, his knuckles turning white with the force. When Wooyoung notices, he gently places his hand on top of San's, his thumb soothingly rubbing the tense muscles. For some reason, San gives in. He swallows. He relaxes his hand. He grabs Wooyoung's hand underneath the table.

And for a second, San's brain is not full of thoughts. It's empty. Just a feeling of slight happiness stays, he's content. Maybe not ecstatic, but he's okay. Automatically, San rests his head on Wooyoung's shoulder. He's tired.

Nobody comments about San falling asleep. When Hongjoong laughs a little too loud for his liking, Wooyoung shoots him a death glare, resulting in Hongjoong shutting his mouth with an apologetic look in his eyes. A few minutes later, San wakes up, drowsily blinking. Wooyoung still holds his hand and San doesn't make an effort to move his head off of Wooyoung's shoulder - he doesn't seem like he'll move at all, at least not anytime soon. That is until he remembers something.

His head shoots up.

"Wooyoung?" San whispers, they are still on camera. It stings a little in Wooyoung's heart when he realizes the absence of the usual nicknames or pet names.


San leans closer to him, making sure his lips aren't readable.

"How long has it been since I fell asleep?"

How long has it been since I ate?

"About fifteen minutes I think."

San freezes. Fifteen full minutes. But maybe- maybe if he hurries to the washroom ... ?

"I gotta go."


Wooyoung is sick. The kind of sick that causes him to have a fever, he is constantly extremely cold, and additionally, he is also clingy.

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