Seungjin / Stray Kids / Break

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"Shush. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair." Seungmin pulls on another strand of hair to include it in his creation. He's not being nice, Hyunjin hisses in pain. "You're hurting me," he whines.

When he asked Seungmin to help him, he expected something like a nice massage. He expected to feel loving and gentle touches. No, not happening. Not under Seungmin's watch.

"You're just being sensitive." Hyunjin knows he is, but heck ... this really hurts.

"Leave me alone."

"You're the one that asked for help. I can just go." Seungmin lets go of the strands, pretending to really think about it. It's funny, mocking Hyunjin is so easy. 

"You're not leaving are you?"

Is Hyunjin desperate? Maybe. Desperate for Seungmin's attention, affection, touch ... Yes, he's desperate. He doesn't want Seungmin to leave. The two of them have grown apart during those last few painful weeks, Hyunjin craves time with his boyfriend. He loves Seungmin. Besides, Hyunjin  knows he couldn't braid his hair himself. He depends on Seungmin to make him look gorgeous - even more gorgeous. No, Hyunjin doesn't lack confidence, he honestly has no reason to. One of the few things he can't do though, is his own hair. Thus, Seungmin does it for him.

"You need help, I'm not going anywhere."

That's- really cute. Hyunjin starts to melt into the touches until Seungmin pulls another hair out. "Please, just don't hurt me like this. You're a monster."

"Wow, not even a thank you?"

"Thanks for nothing."

Seungmin huffs before he finally lets go of Hyunjin's hair. "There you go, ungrateful brat."

Hyunjin doesn't listen. He admires himself in the mirror of the practice room. "I'm so pretty." Seungmin doesn't contradict, it's true. Hyunjin is one of the prettiest people he knows.

Instead, he sits down and collects the bobby pins, hairspray, and the brush to put them back into the little bag Hyunjin brought. They did this many times. The only thing Hyunjin can do to his hair by himself is a - Seungmin has to admit extremely hot - man bun or a small ponytail. The style Seungmin likes the best is definitely the low ponytail, although he would never tell Hyunjin. Maybe someday, when Seungmin feels a little better about himself. Thus, not today.

Seungmin watches from the floor while Hyunjin checks out his hair in the mirror before he happily waddles back and sits down next to Seungmin.

"Thank you, love." Hyunjin pecks Seungmin's lips while Seungmin blushes. He can't help but smile a shy smile.

"You're really talented, I'm jealous." Too much, Seungmin can't deal with too much affection, too many compliments. Especially not when it includes Hyunjin being jealous of him.

"Don't overdo it, Hyunjin," Seungmin warns coldly before he gets back up.

Hyunjin sighs. Seungmin always backs off at a certain point.

Seungmin suddenly feels like crying. He just feels like a burden to Hyunjin. He can't change it. Whenever he sees all those posts about Hyunjin being so precious, he can't help but agree which is not bad in itself, but he has started to compare himself to Hyunjin. Very bad decision. Seungmin could say he's better at singing, but that doesn't count, Hyunjin is a rapper. Then there's dancing and visuals, personality and charisma. Seungmin doesn't even want to get started on those.

It kind of put a strain on Hyunjin and his relationship. Seungmin put a strain on their relationship. He doesn't know how to fix the damage.

There are moments like those, when Seungmin braids Hyunjin's hair and everything is normal and great and familiar again. Seungmin feels okay again. Those moments never last long. At some point he just gets overwhelmed by ... everything. Mostly his thoughts. He can't even sleep next to Hyunjin anymore. He doesn't want to bother Hyunjin with his nightmares. They are not fun to deal with. They usually end up with Seungmin kneeling in front of the toilet, puking his guts up.

Why is it so hard to protect Hyunjin from himself? Why is it so hard to push Hyunjin away if it's for Hyunjin's own good? Why does this all have to be so hard?

Honestly, at this point, Seungmin just desperately needs a break. Just a few moments when he doesn't constantly feels like he is falling apart, like his life is falling apart. A few moments. He never gets them.

Nausea rises, Seungmin feels the disgustingly thick feeling at the back of his throat. Once a day should be enough, shouldn't it? Not again, please, not again. Not in front of Hyunjin.

"I'll be back for dance practice," Seungmin mumbles.

"Don't bother, it's just me today. It's not like you want to spend time with me anyways."

"Ouch," Seungmin mumbles.

Hyunjin sighs again, his hands playing with the braids. "I'm sorry, Seungmin. That's not what I meant."

"Oh, I think that's exactly what you meant."

"And if it is? Can you really blame me for thinking this way?"

Seungmin is on the verge of tears, already on his way to the door, his way to the washroom. He needs to leave this room.

"Don't you dare leave me like this, Kim Seungmin! We need to talk!"

Hyunjin is fast to get back on his feet, he's faster than Seungmin. Hyunjin's hand has already grabbed Seungmin's wrist when the nausea overwhelms him.

"I don't feel good, Hyunjin," Seungmin mumbles, his voice sounding thick. Thank god for Hyunjin, because Seungmin's hyung manages to push him to the little red trash can where Seungmin loses his breakfast in one go.

The argument is long forgotten. Hyunjin's cold hands soothingly rub Seungmin's back and pull the sweaty strands of Seungmin's hair out of his face.

"You really don't feel good, Seungmin, do you? Why didn't you tell me, love?"

The pet name isn't new, but it still makes Seungmin cry rather than cringe about the cheesiness. It just feels so nice to be comforted by Hyunjin. Why can't it always be like this?

Seungmin turns around and almost hides in Hyunjin's arms before he remembers - he just vomited. Apparently, Hyunjin doesn't care that Seungmin is sweating and smelling disgustingly, he pulls his dongsaeng into his chest.

"You were so happy about your hair."

It's a lame excuse and both of them know it, but Hyunjin is not one to dwell on such things.

"I'm happy because you did it for me."

Seungmin is speechless. It's not fair, he's not being fair to Hyunjin. Hyunjin deserves something better than this. "You deserve someone better than me."

"And if I tell you that I don't want anyone else? If I tell you that I'm happy with you? What if I tell you that you make me feel special and I would love to make you feel special, too? Doesn't that mean we deserve each other?"

Seungmin hides a little further in Hyunjin's chest. "I missed you, Hyunjin. I don't want to do this alone."

"You don't have to, love. I'm always here for you, don't forget that."

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight? Can you hold me?"

Hyunjin senses that there's a reason to it, a reason why Seungmin has slept alone, so he instantly nods. The tension leaves Seungmin's body. He basically melts on Hyunjin's lap.

"Come on, let's take a nap, you look tired," Hyunjin soothingly mumbles. Seungmin can't help but tear up again.

Hyunjin sits down on the leather chair, pulling Seungmin back into him.

At this moment, it's okay. Right now, Seungmin feels like he's floating. A break. That's all he needed.


1259 words

you all don't wanna know how this was created lmao, let's thank the pinterest gods and jdjdjkasjeukksmd

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