Seungjin / Stray Kids / Stay

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Seungmin is pissed that Hyunjin got banned. He goes to the company to discuss the matter with JYP.

Hyunjin is currently banned from Stray Kids. Because of fake rumours. The one person that has the biggest problem with this is not Hyunjin, not Stay, it's Seungmin.

The usually rather gentle and well-mannered boy is currently on his way to kick some a**es.

JYP can't be serious, can he? The rumours that portray Hyunjin as a bully back in high school have been proven to be false. They have been proven to be fake rumours. So why does Hyunjin still have to suffer? Every teenager argues and insults others. It's not like Seungmin ever did that but that's because he himself had some problems with bullies back when he was in school. That's also why Seungmin believed Hyunjin when Hyunjin told him that he had no idea what these rumours where about or who spread them.

Because he never did such things.

Seungmin believed him, because Hyunjin directly came to him when he got to know about the rumours, explaining to his boyfriend that yes, there are people walking around and telling whoever wanted to listen that Hyunjin apparently ruined their life (which upset Seungmin at first considering he was a victim himself), but he had never willingly hurt someone this bad, neither mentally nor physically.

He can't say he was the friendliest back then but who is friendly when they get into puberty? Except for Seungmin. Hyunjin is sure his boyfriend has to be a saint. Nobody really gets through school without at least one dramatic fight with their friends. Well, Seungmin is just different.

Hyunjin doesn't know about his boyfriend going to their manager to complain. He's probably still sleeping. Seungmin left their little bubble of warmth this morning and replaced himself with a pillow. Just the thought of Hyunjin still clinging onto that pillow makes him smile the faintest of smiles.

It's just a small smile.

He's still upset.

Arriving at the company's building, Seungmin seriously thinks about kicking the door open. Last second, his manners kick in and he resists, pushing the door open with his shoulder instead.

He knows JYP is probably in a meeting right now. They told the boy group yesterday that they'd decide tomorrow when and if Hyunjin will come back. On Hyunjin's birthday. He'll either get the best or the most devastating news of his life. Seungmin won't let that happen.

His feet hit the floor hard while he searches for the room his manager and the other employees are currently in, deciding on Hyunjin's future. Seungmin already knows what he'll do.

Finally standing in front of the door he searched for for the last ten minutes, he takes in a deep breath before he knocks once, not bothering to be polite and wait, but entering the room.

Everybody's eyes are on him. It makes him feel a bit nervous on the inside but on the outside he still looks upset. Seungmin is never upset. The staff that he knows and is actually almost friends with either look onto their shoes or the empty table.

JYP is sitting on the head of said giant table, currently holding a big bunch of paper in his hands.

Seungmin decides that now is the time he'll have to do something, now is the time to take actions. Otherwise, it'll be too late. He pushes his shoulders back, makes himself a bit taller by straightening his posture and looks straight into JYP's eyes.

"If Hyunjin has to leave the group because of fake rumours while you all don't even try to defend him - which is your job - but make him write an apology letter, ban him from any activities or events and plan to tell him if you're going to end his career on his birthday, then I'll leave, too."

Gasps can be heard when the staff fully understands what Seungmin just stated. And there is no doubt, the boy will keep this promise - or rather threat - judging by his attitude.

And Seungmin knows what they're thinking right now. They were nine members and got reduced to eight. Now they're eight and when Hyunjin leaves with Seungmin following him ... not only their rapper and main dancer but also their vocalist will leave. They would just be six members, even more scandals for Stray Kids after the whole thing that happened with Woojin. Another problem: Hyunjin being defended by the public. By the fans. They've seen the posts, tweets and even the TikToks. Hyunjin is the person most stays describe as their bias, some even ultimate bias. To lose him ... that would still be okay, but him leaving the group together with Seungmin? The younger isn't really on top of the bias list but inside Stray Kids' team, their dynamics, Seungmin is absolutely necessary.

Seungmin can see the exact moment even JYP understands that.

Instead of telling Seungmin to wait outside or even talk about this matter with anyone else he just says "Fine. Hyunjin stays."

Finally, Seungmin can breathe again.

He doesn't show his relief, just nods and bows politely before leaving the room. As soon as he's outside of the building, a big smile creeps on his face. He punches the air multiple times in excitement.

Wow, I did great. That wasn't even that hard.

Seungmin quickly returns to the dorm, still smiling scarily wide when Chan opens the door.


Chan just raises his eyebrows. "You're creeping me out, Seungmin."

Seungmin just giggles until Chan seems to remember something. "What the hecc, Seungmin? Where were you? We thought you'd help us decorate the dorm a bit before the sleeping beauty wakes up." Seungmin can't help but nod excitedly. "I know, Hyung, I know. Just wait. Is Hyunjin awake?" Chan's mouth stands open at this point. The audacity ... but he lets it slid, shaking his head in response. When he quickly glanced into the room about seven minutes ago, his dongsaeng was cuddling a pillow.

After receiving these good news, Seungmin grabs Chan's hands, dragging him into the living room where all the other members are currently occupied by sticking candles in the cake, spreading confetti and just decorating in general.

"Guys!" Seungmin yells. He can't keep his voice down. "I gotta tell you something!" When everyone's attention is on him he proudly tells them "Hyunjin stays!"

Seungmin can hear a loud thud.

He swiftly turns around and sees his love, kneeling on the floor. Hyunjin's hands are raised a bit, almost like he's praying to Seungmin that what he just said is not a lie, not a prank.

Seungmin rushes to Hyunjin, he giggles a bit at the puzzled expression the older currently has. Hyunjin's hands cup Seungmin's face. "How?" He mumbles. "I guess they just can't let you go. Happy birthday, love." Hyunjin smoothly stands up, pulling Seungmin into a kiss.

Maybe Seungmin will tell them the truth some other day. But today's Hyunjin's birthday. They can talk about the details later and celebrate now.

Three days later:



1174 words

Note: I don't know what exactly happened during the whole scandal about Hyunjin, this is all just fiction (I'm still upset though).
I also know that it's been a week and a day since his birthday, but whatever. Fan fiction, right?
Also: I loooove Seungmin people, but on Kpop profile he's on the last place on the bias list...

Have a nice day!

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