Yuwin / NCT / Fine

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"Why are you so excited?" Winwin mumbles.

Yes, he has to admit, he's a little annoyed. Not in a bad way, in a good way. Yuta just woke him up. At six in the morning. After five poor hours of sleep. But because Yuta is Sicheng's favourite person, he'll forgive him.

"I'm finally center, Sicheng! You know how long I've waited for this! And it was a really cool shot! Not like the usual ones, we shot it in the rain. It's the end shot!"

Oh, yes. Winwin remembers.

"I'm happy for you, Yuta," Winwin mumbles, then presses his face into Yuta's chest. He sighs tiredly. "I still don't understand why you had to wake me up this early though."

Yuta giggles. He giggles!

With an energetic motion, he pecks Sicheng's head. Sicheng's lips automatically curve upwards, building a small smile.

So cute.

Yuta can be such a sweetheart when he's passionate about something.

"I couldn't sleep. And you love me. So you have to share the excitement together with me."

Winwin's smile gets even brighter.

"I do love you."

Yuta pecks his hair again. "Then share my excitement."

"I dooo," Sicheng pouts. Yuta boops his cheeks. Instead of continuing their bickering, he continues booping. First Winwin's nose, his pouty lips, his cheeks again. Yuta chuckles and pulls Sicheng closer for a kiss.

It starts out innocent, but Sicheng is not going to let Yuta go, no no. Winwin definitely deserves some kind of reward for waking up this early and 'sharing excitement'. 

When Yuta tries to pull back, Sicheng's hands find their way to his face and hold Yuta in place. Yuta is a good kisser. It has been a long time since the two had their last heated making out session (actually, it was yesterday, but Winwin could swear it's been weeks and decides to deliberately ignore this teenie tiny and unimportant fact) and Sicheng is surprised yet again how well Yuta actually kisses.

A really good kisser.

My really good kisser.

With that thought in mind, Sicheng opens his lips just enough for Yuta to notice. Yuta instantly understands and reacts to Winwin's silent invitation, his tongue slides into Sicheng's mouth, he takes control in his typical dominant way.

A quiet moan makes its way past Sicheng's lips. Yuta stops in his tracks. The blush spreads like a wildfire on Winwin's face and even his chest. He can feel the heat.

"Sweets," Yuta mumbles, "You can't do that, the others are still asleep. They don't want to listen to us having phenomenal sex."

"Oh my god, Yuta," Sicheng backs off, turns away and hides his completely red and heated face in his pillow. "You ruined it."

Instead of trying to convince Sicheng to do something Yuta knows he wouldn't want to anymore, Yuta just pulls Winwin back into his chest, his chin resting on Sicheng's head with Yuta's nose nuzzled into the soft and thick hair.

It smells like Winwin. It smells like home.

"I don't care, today is going to be great!"

Sicheng could swear he almost loses his eyesight when he rolls his eyes to the back of his head. If he's honest though, he's just as excited as Yuta. Yuta doesn't get enough screen time and the older usually just deals with it and accepts it, but Winwin can see how much it actually affects him because of how happy he is now that he actually gets what he always wanted.

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