Yuwin / NCT / Failed pt. 2

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TW: angst and slight abuse

Winwin breaks down and tells Yuta - almost - everything. When they make up though, he has to disappoint Yuta once again, as he can't escape the dance instructor.

A sob escapes Sicheng's lips. And suddenly he can't stop. Tears cloud his vision as he gives in to his pain. It's too late now anyways.

He gasps when strong, warm arms pull him into a secure embrace. His face is hidden in Yuta's chest when Winwin finally lets out all his worries through tears.

Yuta doesn't say anything, he doesn't understand what Sicheng is going through right now. But he is there. He's simply there and that is enough for Winwin to slowly calm down again.

His hands are still holding onto Yuta's white t-shirt, the soft fabric getting crumpled in his fists.

Please, don't let go. Don't let go of me.

And Yuta doesn't let go.

One of his hands makes its way to Sicheng's head, caressing the other's neck and lightly scraping his scalp with his nails.

"Are you mad at me, Yuta?", Winwin whispers. It's barely audible and he almost prays that Yuta doesn't hear it.

"Just a little disappointed, sweets."

Winwin swallows, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. He not only failed during dance practices, he also neglected Yuta. And now Yuta isn't even mad. He's disappointed.

"Why aren't you angry at me? You should be angry at me, Yuta. I can't get anything right."

Concern makes Yuta's voice sound a little lower than usual.

"What do you mean?"

Please, talk to me. Talk to me, don't exclude me again. Tell me what's wrong. Tell me what is keeping you away from me.

Winwin sobs again. He really wants to tell Yuta. He wants Yuta's support, his help, his reassurance, and love. He wants to feel okay again.

"I don't feel good, Yuta. I don't think I can do this. Everybody knows all the choreographies, they all memorized it, they do it perfectly. You can do it. I can't. I shouldn't be lead dancer."

"Sweets, you aren't supposed to instantly know how to to do it perfectly. You just get half the practice time we get. You can't expect that from yourself."

"But I do get extra time."

That's when Yuta understands.

"Is that why you missed our date? Because WayV's dance instructor made you stay there to practice?"

Yuta doesn't fail to notice how Winwin gets paler.

"No, no, I wanted to. I asked him to stay there with me. I need to get better. I need to do it right. I need to get a better body-"

That's when Yuta interrupts him, "No. You don't. You are extremely good. There's no way you can't see that, sweets. You don't need to do it the right way right now, we still have a lot of time left. Why are your expectations on yourself so high? Nobody needs you to rush or stress like this, it's okay. You're okay, you're good. You're doing a really good job. And your body ... my gosh, Sicheng have you ever looked into a mirror?"

That's the problem. I have.

"Your body is amazing. My god, sweets, people would probably kill for it. You're seriously hot. I mean ... I know I love you because of your personality, but that body and that face- let's just say it's a really nice bonus."

Winwin cries again, this time it's silent. His tears soak Yuta's shirt, it was already wet, now it's drenched.

They stay like that for a while. Contemplating on the last few weeks.

Yuta can't help but wonder how it has come this far. How could he not notice?

Winwin is just happy. Why hasn't he talked to Yuta a little earlier? Yuta is his comfort person, his favourite person. Of course Yuta would make him feel better.

"You and me in two days, sweets. I want to have that TV date with you."

Sicheng nods. He'll have to find a way to leave the WayV dance practice on time, but that's not a problem. He can do it.


He can't do it. He can't do this.

I can't- I'm sorry Yuta, but I- I have to- I can't. We can't have that date today.

The dance teacher gave Winwin the instructions to leave his bag outside the room. No phone. No phone until he gets this right.

"It's not like someone is actually waiting for you. And you know you have to do better."

Yes, Sicheng knows. And if Yuta would hear the instructor's criticism, he would understand, too.

"What are you waiting for, Winwin?"

Sicheng doesn't know either.

Slowly, he manages to separate his hurting and sore body from the welcoming wooden floor. It was just pure luck that the last dance ended on the ground and he had a few seconds to breathe. He can feel every single muscle tense when he tries to lift his body of the ground. The first time, it doesn't work. He slams back onto the ground, almost defeated.

"Come on, Winwin, we don't have time for your drama. Get your lazy self to stand up, we definitely need to work on your abs now."

Please, no, he just needs a second.

"Please, just ... just a short break?"

A sudden pain flares up on his cheek. The dance instructor just slapped him. When the next slap comes, a miserable wincing sound escapes Sicheng.

"You want a break?! How dare you, you know you're not good enough yet! How can you TAKE A BREAK?"

The dance instructor lifts his foot, kicking Sicheng in the stomach. Hard. His cry echoes in the room, when the pain floods his insides, his mind. A constant ringing fills his ears, making him mad. He feels like he's under water, the pressure inside his head is keeping him in his curled-up position on the floor.

"Stand up!"

Sicheng can't move.


I need to get away from here! Someone get me out of here!

Suddenly the door crashes against the wall. Through his tears he can see a male silhouette. Sicheng can hear muffled screaming through the constant ringing in his ears, through the extreme throbbing of his head. Everything is a blur right now.

Until it's not.


His face appears in front of Sicheng.

"Everything is okay now, sweets. You're safe. I'm here. Nobody can hurt you anymore."

Warmth spreads in Winwin's chest. Yuta didn't forget about him. Yuta noticed he didn't come home. Yuta knows it's not because Winwin doesn't want to attend their dates.

That's all that is important: Yuta knows that Winwin loves him. Yuta doesn't doubt Sicheng's feelings.

When Yuta swings Sicheng's arm around his neck and places his own arm around Winwin's waist to support the other and guide him out of the room, Sicheng knows Yuta is right. He's safe now.

But he also knows what is about to come. Because he's definitely not going to show Yuta the extent to which the instructor broke him.


1149 words

I just wanted to say a quick thank you for 500 reads, to be honest I kinda cried when people really read this as I honestly thought my sister would be the only human being interested in this. So thank you!

jdjdjkasjeukksmd that's a nice ending, don't you think?
nOt tOo hApPy aNd nOt tOo sAd, i dOn'T tHiNk yOu'Ll hAvE tO rEaD aN aLtErNaTiVe eNdiNg.

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