Seongjoong / Ateez / Mute

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"Nothing gets two neighbours closer than a good fence."

That's the mindset that Seonghwa lived with until a few years ago. And it worked.

When he was younger he used to talk a lot about his problems, especially with his friends. Until he heard their conversations, until he read their chats. Because Seonghwa was really just being an annoying brat that complained about things nobody else would complain about, and had problems no one else would describe as such dramatic things.

That's when Seonghwa stopped. Generally just stopped talking. For roughly one month Seonghwa was mute. He just couldn't get himself to talk or speak up. He couldn't get out of his mind. Would the people around him lie again about wanting to listen to him? Would they judge him again for his concerns? Would they talk bad about him again? Would he have to find out again? Would he be alone again?

Back then he lost all of his friends, his family got annoyed with him when he didn't answer or talked to them. But he tried. He really did.

When - a month later - Seonghwa finally came up with the courage to talk again, his fence was already built. His walls were up, protecting himself from any more potential disappointment by others. Seonghwa kept to himself, he stayed alone, and soon found out; it actually worked really well. Because when you're already alone, there's no one that can leave you. No one that can disappoint you. No one that breaks your trust.

This all suddenly changed when he became a trainee and met Hongjoong.

Seonghwa was the weird kid, always alone, never trying to get to know someone else, always staying in the background, never talking. One day, Hongjoong just sat down next to him and started to talk. He talked and talked without even thinking of shutting his mouth or even just slowing down a little. He had no filter for his words, no walls or anything resembling a fence. He just randomly decided to trust Seonghwa.

After that, the two of them somehow became inseparable. Seonghwa started to stick with Hongjoong whenever he could, always trying to stay near him, and surprisingly Hongjoong had no problem with that whatsoever.

The younger and smaller one loved Seonghwa's affection, the way Seonghwa always payed attention and actively listened to the things he said. Most people just got annoyed by him and tended to nod to get him to stop. Not Seonghwa. Seonghwa was interested in the things he told him.

To Hongjoong that was somewhat of a new feeling. Someone else wants to listen to him. Someone else genuinely cares about what he has to say.

Hongjoong also loved the way Seonghwa would glance at others when they were dumb enough to dare to say anything about the relationship between the two men. The way his protective side would show when Hongjoong would wear makeup (because he just likes it, duh) and anyone looked at him in another way than admiring.

Basically, Hongjoong loved Seonghwa from the get-go.

When Seonghwa one day started talking to him, too, telling him things - even if those things were basically almost irrelevant, whining, laughing, sometimes bragging about random stuff, Hongjoong knew it was over. Seonghwa had started to trust him. Additionally, he was already completely whipped for the older. When Seonghwa started to actually call him his ... his friend ... Hongjoong was in love. Hopeless.

And because Hongjoong did not have a filter or anything for his words, because he didn't overthink too much, and has a pretty direct personality, he told Seonghwa.

Seonghwa needed a little longer. He needed to process that someone could actually like him in this kind of way, especially someone as bright and perfect as Hongjoong.

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