Minsung / Stray Kids / Pretty

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Highschool AU

Minho and Jisung met about three weeks ago. Since then, life hasn't been the same, at least not for Minho. Every lunch break results in him smiling the rest of the day.

All because of Jisung. Minho isn't even lying when he writes in his diary how he first looked at Jisung and couldn't think anything else but 'wow, he is so pretty.' He would be lying if he would say he wasn't a bit jealous, just a little bit. Jisung seemed so happy, like such a great personality, so natural in any way that is possible.

Minho didn't start out with a crush, but he somehow felt the strong urge to become Jisung's friend. And over those few weeks, Minho spent at least two lunch breaks a week with Jisung and Jisung's sassy friend Hyunjin. Minho has developed a crush.

He's almost bouncing his way to the table in the corner of the school court.

Minho might just be sixteen, he might have never kissed anyone - let alone have been in a relationship - but this, Jisung, feels different. And Jisung is gay too. Minho can't help but feel a little bit hopeful.

Minho smiles when he hears the yells.

"Hey Minho!" Hyunjin yells, not even bothering to look up from their phone. Although Minho knows that they had to look up at some point to even notice him approaching.

"Hi Minho!" Jisung beams.

Minho feels welcome with these two. It's a nice feeling after being new at the school and not really having any close friends for the last months until now. Sucks that Minho will have to leave in a few weeks and go back to his family in Australia.

Why do you always meet the best people at the end?

Minho can't say he's a really happy person in total, he's made his fair share of experiences with insecurities, a lot of panic, and cutting, but he's always happy whenever he chills with those two depressed gay bitches.

Hyunjin lives with their grandparents and one of their brothers, their other four siblings spread all over the country in foster families, Jisung lives with his three sisters and his mother.

Hyunjin regularly cuts and they dress like the emo they are - although they manage to pull it off and look extremely hot. From every single angle. With their extremely perfect eyeliner. Sometimes Minho wants to puke into Hyunjin's perfect face.

But then he remembers that it's somehow a flex to have beautiful friends so he just proceeds to take pictures of Hyunjin and admires those on a regular basis.

Jisung has quite a nice style. Everything always seems to match, he always manages to look very pretty. Jisung doesn't like himself. Minho thinks he knows to which extent. He doesn't.

The conversation starts out like it does every single time, Minho checks if he has his lunch with him - he usually doesn't - then Hyunjin proceeds to talk about genshin impact while Minho pretends to understand. Jisung sketches random stuff into his little black notebook. Until he stops.

"Guys, I forgot to tell you, I won't eat lunch with you next Tuesday."

Hyunjin doesn't let Minho react to that statement.

"Ugh, you leave me alone with him?"

It's obviously meant in an ironic way, but honestly, Minho can't focus on that right now.

"Why won't you be here?" I want to see you. Are you meeting someone else? Do you have other people to eat lunch with?

Jisung looks up and smiles a shy smile. He seems a little hesitant, not uncomfortable but unsure.

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