Minsung / Stray Kids / Annoying pt.2

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Requested by @WommyMilkers

Jisung continues to ignore Minho. It's really easier than he'd thought, given everyone is fixed on the two boys that came back from elimination. Jisung disappears more often and it kind of hurts that nobody notices. Is it pick-me to wish for someone to see what he is going through?

Unfortunately, Jisung can't even talk to Felix now that Minho is back. The two of them are glued together and Jisung hates it. Why does Minho have to ruin everything once again? When Felix finally agrees to hang out with Jisung, it's not the same as before. Felix is happy, almost overwhelmingly so, and it makes Jisung a little sad. Everyone is happy, everyone moves on. And then there is him, still stuck at one place, mad about the fact that Minho has come back when he obviously had to leave for a good reason. He had messed up without Jisung's help.

A tap on his forehead interrupts the devastating train of thoughts. "What's going on, Ji? You've been so quiet since I'm back, are you okay?"

Jisung lets the lack of honorifics slide. Felix is still not used to them. Still, he deliberately ignores the question. "No no, how are you, Lix? It's been so long since we last spoke."

And so their conversation goes on. The only thing Jisung can think about is the fact that if he had held Minho's hand, he wouldn't have had to go through such a hard time. Jisung hates himself with a devastating intensity, it's sickening. Jisung hates Minho with less intensity, but it's still making him nauseous and leaves him a trembling wreck.

Once again, he pretends he has to do important stuff before he knocks himself out with a panic attack in one of the washroom's cubicles. This time, he fully blacks out.


When Jisung slowly becomes more aware of his surroundings, his head throbs with an intensity that makes him cry and his body is weirdly folded, crumpled on the bathroom floor in the corner of the cubicle. He can't get up. His sobs don't help, but he can't stop, he can't stop, and it hurts so bad. Jisung can't move. He waits and waits, lying there on the filthy and disgusting floor next to the toilet, unable to get up because of the dizziness that eventually forces him back to the ground whenever he tries to leave the cubicle.

Waiting turns out to be crucial, but he can do it. Someone will have to go to the washroom at some point. Besides, Jisung has been losing track of time anyways, his headache making it harder to focus on reality and not get lost in the purple dots littering his vision.

Jisung doesn't even notice someone entering the washroom, talking to him frantically, then hoisting him up. What he does notice is a soft swing-like motion. Jisung falls asleep.

Eventually, Jisung wakes up to a soothing cold hand on his forehead and the harsh pounding of his head. Yeah, he'd definitely hit it.

Blinking, he tries to fully gain back consciousness, succeeding eventually when he should've just let it be. Minho sits next to him -apparently Jisung is placed on the couch in Chan's studio- carding his fingers through Jisung's hair, then going back to rest them on his forehead. It helps a little bit with the pain and Jisung feels the comfort seep into every edge of his body that had occurred after he had isolated himself from the others for so long.

"Hi," Jisung whispers and Minho gently smiles at him. It's a beautiful smile. Jisung wishes Minho wasn't here. "You shouldn't be here," he whispers.

Minho just nods.

Jisung continues, "You're making it so hard for me. Why did you come back?"

Minho doesn't stop smiling, although tears start slowly dwelling in his eyes.

"You were eliminated, so why did you come back?" Jisung croaks, his voice breaking every other word.

"I don't know," Minho rasps. When the tears overflow, Jisung gently wipes them away with the pads of his thumbs.

When Minho continues on gently patting Jisung's head, Jisung admits he's glad Minho's back. He's glad Minho's comforting him. He's glad Minho gets to live his dream.

"I'm glad you're here," Jisung whispers, just before his eyes finally slip shut again.


Jisung wakes up to a finger prodding his shoulder. It's Chan.



One look down and Jisung notices Minho has joined him on Chan's studio's couch, wrapped around Jisung's body like a human octopus.

There's a lot to explain. But Chan just silently smiles at him, gesturing to the screens and keyboard. Jisung nods back. As long as Chan doesn't feel weird working while two boys were cuddling on his couch, Jisung wouldn't feel weird cuddling on the couch while his friend was working.

Instead of going back to sleep, Jisung starts to slowly card his fingers through Minho's hair. The feeling in his chest hurts a little, but instead of running away, he embraces it. Now that it's right in front of him, Jisung feels kind of embarrassed how obvious it had been the whole time. How oblivious he had been. It should've been clear as soon as he tried to avoid washing his hand because Minho had held it during their performance.

"I'm in love with him," Jisung whispers and although Chan wears headphones, he whispers back, "I figured."

And while Minho looks so soft, so vulnerable, no hate, disgust or discomfort make Jisung cry. It's the small residue of pain in his temples and the shame filling his whole being.


And if Jisung is one thing, then he is a silly coward, an idiot one might say. As Minho's hands graze his sides though, Jisung couldn't care less.


964 words

Yeah sorry, this is short, but I couldn't think of anything and am honestly not happy with this.

I still have one other request that has been rotting in my drafts and has been requested like 2 months ago, so I'm hopefully going to publish that one next.

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