Woosan / Ateez / Catching a Cold

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TW: mentions blood and sickness

San is sick but still wants to participate in their dance practice. Needless to say that this isn't the best idea.

For the last few weeks San had caught a cold and seemingly can't get rid of it. The coughing is the worst. Once it starts it always seems like he can't stop. On top of that, his chest and lungs always start to hurt during the painful fits and - for some weird reason San doesn't know of – it is really hard to swallow the water he is always gulping down in those situations to soothe the attacks. Yesterday Wooyoung even drove to the pharmacy for San to get him medicine, but the two of them know that San has to get back and keep practicing at some point. He is an idol and he also has responsibilities. It's not a hobby, it's his job, his profession.

That's why San decides that he'll attend the dance practice today. He can't stay home forever and the coughing is not as bad, he can still dance and he's not even that exhausted because of it.

The only thing that really keeps bothering him non stop is the lack of sleep. The Woosan couple shares a room and usually San sleeps very good in the arms of his partner. But for the last few weeks Wooyoung keeps waking San up because of his very light sleep and obviously very uncomfortable state. Okay, it's worse than uncomfortable. On those occasions, San is always drenched in sweat, his clothes completely wet and he is very likely to slip into a coughing fit. At this point, he's actually really surprised that Wooyoung hasn't caught the bug yet. He's already sworn that he'll be there for him because it's not just taking a toll on San, Wooyoung also loses sleep and has to deal with a coughing, sweaty and moody San.

Additionally, a change of scenery and a bit of exercise will only do good for his body.

That's why San drags himself out of bed that morning and joins Wooyoung in the bathroom. Woo ignores him. He's already explained that he doesn't agree with San's decision. He'd rather let San stay home a few days longer and get back to work when he's fully recovered, but San doesn't listen.

At some point, Wooyoung stops trying. At that exact point he also begins to ignore San and stops talking to him. His concern would stop him from having a normal conversation with San and rather sooner than later they'd end up at the same topic again, resulting in an argument – again.

After Woo finishes brushing his teeth, he quickly leaves the bathroom. San sighs. However, they'll have to resolve this argument later, because San ends up in a painful coughing fit, tightly gripping the edges of the sink. It seems like his whole body gets completely shaken. It's a disgusting feeling. When it's finally over and he manages to catch his breath, he leaves the bathroom, not bothering to get himself anything for breakfast. He won't be able to swallow it anyway.

While San changes into new clothes, the others are sitting in the kitchen. Seonghwa can't help but express his worries, "I know that he wants to go to dance practice with us today. I just don't think he's ready for it." Hongjoong just nods.

He doesn't know what to do. He's the leader, he should be able to take care of his members.

Wooyoung joins them at the dining table. "How did you two sleep last night, Woo?" Asks Hongjoong. He just shakes his head slightly. Last night he didn't just have to wake San up, he also had to guide him to the bathroom so he could sit in front of the toilet (just in case his stomach decided to make a reappearance) and Wooyoung's also sure when they finally went back to sleep and he was starting to doze off, San couldn't. He hasn't told his partner about the ache in his chest during and after those episodes but Woo is not blind. That's why he's so pissed. Because it's so extremely and undeniably obvious that San is still sick and definitely not in the state to even think about going to dance practice.

However, it wasn't his decision and neither is it Seonghwa's or Hongjoong's.

That's why the whole group leaves their dorm together. The car-ride is a little awkward, the tension between San and his members is suffocating. But what should he do? Sit out for the rest of his life? It's been weeks. If that is not a proper break then what is?

When they arrive San is the last one to leave the car. He can feel the urge to cough but swallows until he's fine. That wasn't that hard, was it? But when they finish the warm-up and start to go through the new choreographies for their comeback, San feels it coming back as well as the uncomfortable pain in his chest. He holds his breath to at least finish the chorus, but to no avail. He slips into a coughing fit, the pain becoming unbearable. His knees start to buckle under him, before his legs give out and soon he sits on the floor.

Wooyoung directly rushes to San, his worry increasing quickly. The two of them might not be on the best terms right now, but they'll always love each other. Woo carefully places himself next to his boyfriend, supporting him and slowly rubbing his back. "San, calm down. You just got yourself worked up, it's fine." Woo tries to convince the two of them. He knows this is not true. San is as calm as he could possibly be in such a situation.

Before anyone can do anything else San suddenly curls into himself and groans out of pain, before he coughs again. Panic spreads in the room quickly.


San is coughing up blood and now it's spread onto the floor of the practice room. "Call the damn ambulance!" Wooyoung cries, continuing to support San who is now breathing heavily, clutching his chest and slowly sinking into Woo's lap. "Ouch." He mumbles, but everybody can hear it clearly.


1015 words

To be honest I don't even know why I wrote this. It just appeared in my head, lol.
Whatever, I'm gonna make a part two for this and it's gonna be a lot fluffier than this part.

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