Seungjin / Stray Kids /

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This is for you jdjdjkasjeukksmd  because you're a great friend and I randomly felt the urge to tell you this, so deal with it.

"You should really stop now. Don't you think it's enough?" Hyunjin sounds so far away, too far away. Seungmin gulps down a few more sips of pure vodka. It's hurting his throat, makes his stomach feel uncomfortably warm, tastes disgusting, and sloshes around with every movement. Seungmin could care less. Another gulp, another gulp. And so on. He's not gonna stop anytime soon.

"Please, stop."

Its just a whisper. Just a whisper! Just a whisper, just a whisper, just a whisper. It's too far away, too far away, too far away. Too fucking far away. Not tangible.

Seungmin tries to swallow more of the numbing liquid but disappointingly, the bottle is empty. "AAAAH!" A frustrated scream escapes Seungmin.

Fuck! Fuck all of this!

"Fuck you, Hyunjin!" Seungmin hisses. "Seungmin, stop!"


"Seungmin, please." So sweet. So soft. So caring. So loving.



"I'm not gonna leave you."

Seungmin's voice changes to a weak whisper. "But you already did..." Seungmin curls up into a ball, his eyes pressed tightly into his knees, trying to somehow hide from the truth. Trying to fill that void inside of him. He can't afford to lose more to it, he can't afford to lose more of his emotions, his sense of reality, and connection to his life.

Which life?

Seungmin chuckles, his voice muffled through the fabric of his pants. It's a desperate laugh. Desperate for something that's long gone.

"Why did you leave me?" Seungmin chokes out in between the strained puffs of air that soon turn into sobs. "But I'm right here." And for once, Seungmin allows himself to believe the lie. "You're right," Seungmin mumbles. "Just five more minutes."

Just let me pretend for five more minutes. Let me pretend it's fine. Let me pretend you're here.

Seungmin can almost feel the faint touch of a hand caressing his cheek. It's enough to lull him to sleep. It's enough to let him forget for a little more than five minutes.


Seungmin's head hurts. It throbs, drowning out every noise around him, making the whole world spin at a rapid speed. A hand shakes his shoulder, again and again. Why can't they just let him sleep? With a grunt, Seungmin buries his head once again in between his knees.

"Leave me alone, whoever you are," Seungmin grumbles. "No, not today. Get up now, Seungmin."

Today, today, today ... "What day is it?"

Chan keeps silent for a while. Then he sighs. "You forgot?"

Today ... today ... March 26. March 26.

Instead of saying anything, Seungmin curls back into a tight ball. "Leave."

Why did you even wake me up? I could have slept, I could have forgotten.

"Seungmin, you can't ignore it forever."

Ignore it.

"Leave, Chan. Now."

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