Jaeyong / NCT / Fun

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This is for jdjdjkasjeukksmd 

Taeyong was having fun. Hell, this was the first time since debut that he had been this relaxed, happy, and relived of any stress! To be honest he was quite sure he'd never felt this light, basically flying through the room, the artificial fog reflecting the flashing red, green, and blue lights. Taeyong's brain was floating around somewhere in his head, the world spinning, and he felt free.

With a giggle, he made his way through the crowd of people on the club's dance floor. For once, Taeyong didn't care who he possible touched, who he ignored, who might see him stumbling around. This was heaven. If only he had done this before. So Taeyong danced. For the first time in years probably just for himself. And he wasn't unaware of multiple eyes watching him. What he was unaware of though, were Jaehyun's eyes. But damn Jaehyun. He only made it harder for Taeyong to lead NCT and make reasonable decisions. Like a fucking bad cliché romance movie. Taeyong would fight vor his very own happy end.

So when strong hands began to caress his waist, not Jaehyun's, he willingly melted into them. Damn the idol life that slowly sucked all his spirits away, damn the hate comments for only leaving flesh and bones, damn Jaehyun. Damn fucking Jaehyun.

The hands wandered higher, caressing Taeyong's pecks, pulling him away from the crowd.

This was going to be his romance movie. A sexy one night stand, falling asleep together and waking up next to each other the following morning with a smile on their face, although they didn't even know each other's names. This was what Taeyong wanted, what he needed. Finally, he'd get both.

They stopped in a small fitting room, their first kiss just consisting of their tongues getting used to each other. It had been a while, but Taeyong was lost in his intoxication. He didn't care. This was freedom. The hands frantically squeezing his butt, his thighs, his arms, they felt like fire. The heat aroused him even more, especially when sexy one night stand pulled his shirt off. Definitely a model. Being paid for looking good, that fit the man's looks. Taeyong let his fingers stroke through the other's hair, it felt a little stiff, probably from the hairspray and the tons of bleach the stylists would have had to use to reach this kind of silvery blonde tone. The man was beautiful. Taeyong smiled into the kiss.

The strong fingers made their way under Taeyong's shirt, already fumbling at his belt. But Taeyong needed to live his little fantasy a little longer, so he carefully guided them back up. Normally, he wasn't very uptight or focused on going slow. But the thing is, Taeyong's normalcy also meant he didn't have more experience than making out with other people. Honestly, sex scared him just as much as blowjobs and generally intimacy.

Maybe this one night stand really wasn't  that good of an idea. Maybe he should stop. Maybe the world was spinning a little too fast right now and maybe his brain just wouldn't stop swimming around in his head.

Taeyong pulled back. The male stilled. "Why'd you stop?"

Even if his voice was sexy.

They should stop.

Taeyong almost went lax under the other's gaze again, until he registered the generally icky feeling taking away his pleasure. Maybe this much alcohol had been a little too much. "I want to stop at this point. If you want to, we can see each other again," Taeyong offered, full of hope. But the other looked at him a little disappointed. "Why stop? We haven't even begun."

Well ...

"I'd like to maybe keep a normal pace on this. You know, no sex at the first date," Taeyong tried to joke. But the other looked at him unimpressed, before his gaze fell back on Taeyong's lips. "Just a little longer."

No, Taeyong was supposed to say no. He didn't want this, had even told the other. But just a little longer? A little longer losing himself in someone else didn't sound too bad.

The hands wandered again, but now against Taeyong's hot skin, his pecks, abs. His ribs. His throat. He didn't feel good anymore. When Taeyong closed his lips and pulled away again, the other grabbed his throat, choking him only so much that panic was unavoidable, anything else just as impossible as running away. When one hand kept on cutting off his air circulation, the other opened Taeyong's belt.


Fast forward two hours. Taeyong was a trembling, crying mess, pressed flush against a wall, naked, and clothes nowhere to be seen. He had taken them with him. As well as Taeyong's phone, his dignity, and also his secret. Gay. Everyone would know. And now he had not only been raped, he'd also lost all of his possibilities to call out for someone.

A small fitting room. This is where he'd die. Taeyong could already feel the air losing it's oxygen, his heart beating faster to make up for it. Was this shock? Then why could he remember everything?

Legs pressed together tightly, Taeyong tried to melt into the wooden wall. Anxiety and panic made his stomach churn, until he felt like collapsing, nausea engulfing him. Hands engulfing him. Taeyong screamed.

He was back. He was back, he was back, he was back.

You're doing so well, little boy. Don't make any noise, yeah. It'll ruin the fun.

Taeyong didn't want to have fun anymore. He screamed his throat raw, until he realized the hands were gone. Silence. Rapid breathing. Were those his own sounds of breathing? Peeking an eye open, Taeyong could make out Jaehyun next to him.

Thank fucking god. "Jae?" he whispered.

He thought he'd die. He'd thought he'd die alone. Jaehyun was here.


Taeyong started to cry again. It was weird, having his name spoken in such an endearing way, now that he knew how many other ways of screaming at him existed. He crawled into the other's arms, his shivering body looking for warmth, his heart for love. "Where are your clothes?" Jaehyun whispered, rubbing up and down Taeyong's arms. Taeyong just shook his head. He didn't know. When the warm hands reached his rib cage, clearly feeling the extreme loss of weight, Jaehyun didn't even slow down with his comforting strokes. "You're already so thin. We can't have you freezing, can we?"

New tears ran down Taeyong's cheeks. He felt like a child. But it felt good to be taken care of. Jaehyun had full control, and while it had scared Taeyong before, it only soothed him now. He was being taken care of. He was okay. Not alone. Not suffocating. Not dying.

It really just appeared to him that he was fully naked, when Jaehyun moved them a little and everything was visible. He didn't know why he even bothered to care, they basically showered together every other day, but this was just a whole freaking lot to cope with, and somehow he felt dirty and clingy and disgusting.

Jaehyun pulled off his blazer, draping it over Taeyong's curled up figure, but the rather fashionable top didn't do a good job, neither at keeping Taeyong warm nor at covering his body. With one hand, Jaehyun pulled Taeyong on his lap, with the other he pulled out his phone, doing a rather quick job of texting someone - Taeyong didn't have to be very smart to know that it was probably one of the members and Jaehyun asked for some clothes.

Everything went by in a rush when Taeyong's brain decided that enough was enough and he zoned out completely. At some point, Johnny came in and Jaehyun dressed him in sweatpants and a hoodie, supporting Taeyong's weight on their way out. On the way back to the dorm Taeyong couldn't get himself to let go of Jaehyun. They ended up on the couch, everyone else quickly disappearing into their rooms to leave them some privacy and to not push Taeyong into a mental breakdown. It was not very likely to happen, but Taeyong would surely appreciate the effort if he weren't mentally absent.

And although he'd feared he'd never be able to rest again, cuddled up in a blanket and fully pressed into his best friend's body, Taeyong soon dozed off.


1390 words

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