Sope / BTS / Pain

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No spice, sorry, but Hoseok and Yoongi are switch in this because I'm soft for both of them and can't decide :)

Hoseok is completely drained. Drained of all the energy ARMY just saw in their concert. Well ... not 'just saw', it's been a few hours since they left the stage.

However, it's tiring. Today has been tiring. Well, who is he kidding? Their life is tiring.

Sometimes he asks himself if this is really all his life could give him. Performance after performance. Work and more work. Stress and more stress. Pressure and more pressure.

He slowly makes his way to the hotel room. His mood lightens up a little. Spending the night in his love's arms. That sounds perfect. With his key card he unlocks the door and sees something he probably should have expected.

Yoongi is pressing his face into his pillow, his torso is freed from all clothing and a heating pad is placed on his shoulder. His bad shoulder. It must be really sore.

Quickly Hoseok kneels down next to the bed, grabbing Yoongi's hand that hangs limply from the bed.


Yoongi turns his head to his boyfriend.


Hoseok feels the butterflies in his stomach. It's been so long and Yoongi still makes him feel like he's fallen in love just yesterday. It's crazy. Hoseok is crazy.

"Is it really bad?" Yoongi just buries his face back into the pillow. Really bad. Hoseok can see that. With a huff he stands back up and makes himself comfortable in a sitting position next to Yoongi.

His muscles must be really sore.

With this thought in mind, Hoseok's long fingers start to really lightly caress Yoongi's back. With a little more pressure, he starts to massage Yoongi, his sore muscles and aching shoulder. Yoongi looks like he's melting into the sheets. Every now and then Yoongi's body tenses, Hoseok tries his best not to hurt him and be really careful.

After about fifteen minutes, Yoongi somehow manages to grab one of Hoseok's wrists.

"That's enough, Hoseok. Go to sleep." Hoseok knows Yoongi isn't being rude and additionally, he's right. Because Hoseok's eyelids are getting heavier by the second. He's really lucky that he entered the room ready for bed because this way, the only thing he has to do is lying down.

His hand automatically wanders to Yoongi's shoulder, fixing the heating pad so it'll stay on Yoongi's shoulder.

When Hoseok begins to drift of, he feels a hand brushing a few strands of hair out of his face. "Thank you, Hobi-ah." With a smile and his partner's hand on his cheek Hoseok falls asleep.


Hoseok might have done his best to help Yoongi yesterday, but the thing is, it's not really about his sore muscles. His shoulder is just severely damaged. It hurts.

All this dancing is definitely not doing anything good for the stiffness and pain. Especially on tour with all these concerts when Yoongi can't sit out. He just can't. People are paying a high amount of money just to see them perform, sing, and rap, to see them dance.

The thing is, today is another concert. It actually starts in about fifteen minutes.

He already tried to drown the pain in a few ... a few more pain reducing pills that have made him a bit dizzy, but it didn't help. It's just too ... it's just too bad.

Back then after his accident he couldn't afford the proper treatment to fix his injury, and when he could afford it, he didn't want his managers to know. He still needs some kind of surgery to fix it. Now everybody knows about his shoulder anyway, he could just take a break and get it fixed.

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