Moonbae / The Boyz / Trying

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Kevin has a crush on Jacob but Jacob doesn't feel the same.

If Kevin is honest, the vlives with Jacob are just awkward at the moment. There's some kind of tension between the two of them - not like sexual tension or something like that. No, no, no. That would be a good thing if you ask Kevin.

But that's the thing.

If you ask Kevin.

What about Jacob? What does Jacob think about all of this? About them being so close, hanging out together all the time, being one of the most popular ships in The Boyz. What would he think if he knew that Kevin likes him?

It feels like Kevin is giving Jacob all those really extremely obvious hints and either Jacob is really dumb or he deliberately ignores Kevin's attempts. And ... damn, Kevin is getting desperate! It's embarrassing that Jacob doesn't like him back, when his affection and love for him are increasing by the second. And all those comments during their live streams showing that the fans are shipping them - not just as best friends but as a couple. It feels like these comments are just making it harder for Kevin.

He is trying to act in an open way, shows Jacob his feelings, his affection and it's not like Jacob doesn't give him attention. They're still best friends. It's just Kevin's weird feelings getting in the way of their platonic relationship.

However, he can't seem to get rid of all those thoughts swarming and overwhelming his mind as soon as he sees the other Canadian. At this point he's seriously helpless.

He tried to reply and answer to all of the moonbae comments. Showing Jacob that it is constantly on his mind, he basically can't do anything without thinking about it. Jacob doesn't care. It seems like he doesn't.

And then Kevin made a mistake. A really big mistake.

"Jacob, marry me, please? He's mine. Back off!" (Have u seen the clip? It's just cute)

That was when things started to go downhill really quick. Jacob didn't react to the question (or rather the statement). Like, at all. To him it was probably just another silly thing his best friend said without any meaning or thought behind it. He didn't feel the disappointment crushing his chest, making it strangely hard to breathe properly or focus on anything else beside the pain in Kevin's heart.

So that's what it feels like when someone breaks your heart.

After this ... incident, Kevin tried to stay away from Jacob. Not too noticeable. Just keeping his distance. And he thought he could move on, thought the pain would go away. He didn't expect it to be easy. But he didn't think it would be this hard.

Because Jacob can't understand why Kevin suddenly doesn't want to do vlives with him anymore, why the other seems so distant all of a sudden. They are best friends. They tell each other everything. Well. They told each other everything.

Why is Kevin hiding things from him? What is he hiding?

Jacob tried to get answers to his questions, but it's impossible. Kevin has become so good at avoiding him that there's just no way the two of them can have a normal conversation with each other. There'll either be someone else with them - and Jacob doesn't exactly want to have this conversation with another person witnessing - or Kevin directly starts a live stream. They can't exactly talk about all this intense personal stuff in front of their fans.

The only advantage Jacob has is knowing Kevin. He knows Kevin better than himself. And whenever his best friend has some sort of problem with his anxiety, friends, or just life, he has this one place he's always going to.

That's why Jacob decides to go to the small bridge with the little bench on it that no one really dares to step on because it is so old and seems a bit ... it doesn't seem safe. You wouldn't exactly want to die in a cold river that nobody passes by. (for the sake of fanfiction, accept this incorrect geographical information)

Well, I guess Kevin doesn't care about that.

At the moment Kevin really is lying on that bench, looking up to the sky. He can't see any stars. The pollution is a big issue here. But if he stares long enough and doesn't blink, the dots appearing in his vision could be seen as stars.

He likes to be here, likes the peace and the fact that the only thing he can hear is the river. Sometimes, it's nice to be alone. But Kevin is weak. He wishes Jacob was here, lying next to him like he used to before Kevin pushed him away.

It's for Jacob's sake. It's your decision Kevin, you've got to deal with the consequences.

The consequences being the horrible anxiety attack he had this afternoon in front of Eric. The maknae panicked, too, not being able to help Kevin. He wanted to go and get the other members, but Kevin convinced him not to. The only person that could effectively calm him down in such situations is Jacob. And ... well, Jacob wasn't an option.

He isn't an option anymore. Somehow it hurts to think that way. To know, the great friendship they had, the instant connection, and their adventures together are now things of the past. His most important person doesn't like him back.

Why is Kevin even trying? Why is he trying to stay strong, when all he really wants to do is to break into tears? So that's what he does.

It's not the cute little k-drama tear that rolls down his cheek, no, ugly sobs make his body shake. His cheeks are already completely wet and he can feel his eyes swelling a bit. The tear stains will probably cover his whole face when he gets back to the dorm. No, he's not a beautiful crying person.

Suddenly arms engulf him into a tight embrace. Kevin doesn't need to open his eyes to know who it is. Instead, he hides even further in Jacob's chest, finding comfort in the familiar warmth and Jacob's scent. It feels a little bit like coming home.

When they pull out of the hug, Jacob intertwines their hands. He doesn't know that Kevin's heart is almost exploding in his chest. In a good way.

He doesn't need to ask the question, it's obvious what he wants to know. Kevin can't keep quiet anymore, he has to tell his favourite friend, favourite person on this whole damn planet about his struggles.

"I like you, Jacob." He mumbles, but Jacob can hear it clearly.

"I like you, too, silly."

Kevin frantically shakes his head. "No. No, that's not what I mean. I like like you. Like ... more than like you." Jacob just nods. "I like you, too, silly." And with those words he presses his lips onto Kevin's, startling the younger. But in a good way.

If that had been the problem and the reason why Kevin struggled, there won't be a problem anymore. Because Kevin loves Jacob and Jacob loves Kevin. And for now, that is more than enough. They can talk later about the fact that they'll have to keep it a secret, they'll discuss later if they're gonna tell their bandmates about them being whatever they are.

Right now the only important thing is Jacob is kissing me. And he seems like he enjoys it.


1234 words

Thanks for reading! <3

This one is a little bit longer than the usual ones (I always try to write about 1000 words), so if you're still here and you've read the whole thing, thank you.
The next oneshot is gonna be an even longer one. I don't know, I just can't seem to stop.
(Stob it!)
And if someone has ideas or any requests, let me know! I'm a bit lost right now.

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