Minsung / Stray Kids / Caught in public pt. 2

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Requested by specialsuga

Minho watches helplessly when Jisung's eyes roll back and he blacks out.

"Jisung? Jisung? Jisung!" Chan cries, yes, he's panicking. Damn, how did they even come to this point?

He's still incredibly mad, but also feels incredibly guilty for screaming. That wasn't necessary, and Chan knows it, but how else are Minho and Jisung going to understand that this is not okay? How else can he show them how serious this situation is? It's frustrating.

Minho stays calm, although he freaks out on the inside. Luckily, Jisung blacked out on the bed, which means no concussion or bruises, so Minho just props up Jisung's legs on a pillow. His mom used to do that for Minho when he was smaller and his blood circulation wasn't the best.

Gently, Minho takes Jisung's hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the smooth skin again and again. It is the only way he can soothe himself right now. Around a minute later, Jisung starts to blink slowly, coming back to his senses. Minho caresses his cheek, gently brushing strands of hair out of Jisung's eyes.

(i want this very badly for myself)

"Hey hon, are you feeling okay?"

Jisung nods. Then he shakes his head. He remembers. The paparazzi picture. Dispatch. The article. Their relationship has been revealed to the public. There's no way they can still conceal the truth. There's no way they can lie their way out of it this time.

Shakily, Jisung manages to pull his hand out of Minho's, leaving the older with a heartbroken expression on his face.

"Dispatch," Jisung manages to whisper, but Minho just takes back his hand, holding it up tightly.

"Don't worry about it, that's not important right now, it's important to fix this first, okay? Let's get you back on track."

Jisung freezes.

"Fix ... this?"

Minho realizes too late.

"Fix this?" Jisung's voice changes, his expression with it.

How dare he.

"What do you want to fix Minho?"

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

Jisung explodes.


"Ji, I didn't mean to-"


The adrenaline gives Jisung new strength. He takes his phone and sits up, dizziness taking over his brain but it doesn't matter.

Minho wants to 'fix him'.

Chan takes Jisung's wrist, but Jisung just pulls as hard as he can, stumbling to the washroom. He locks the door behind him. Jisung needs to be alone for a bit.

The dizziness takes over and he decides it's a good idea to sit down on the toilet. Nausea builds up, together with a ringing noise in his ears.

The world spins at a rapid space.

Jisung knows he's going to faint, at this point it's just a question of when, a question of time.

To get away from the disgusting heat and maybe get rid of the nausea, Jisung lets his head fall back, hitting the wall hard. That's okay. The pain assures him that he's still here, still in this moment, still sits in the bathroom.

The nausea rolls in waves over Jisung and he grabs the trash bin, placing it in between his legs with shaky hands.

I'm going to faint. That's okay. I'm okay.

He knows it's inevitable.

Suddenly, it's way too hot in the small room. The heat is pressing onto Jisung's lungs, his head, his stomach. Sweat is rolling down his temples, his shirt is way too tight on his clammy skin. The ringing in his ears doesn't make it better.

It's probably for the best if Jisung returns to his room and lies down for a bit. The phone falls to the ground, Jisung notices, but he can't get himself to care. The trash can follows as soon as he manages to lift himself up with the help of the counter.

One look into the mirror over the sink, and Jisung knows he doesn't only feel, he also looks like shit.

Fast and loud knocks on the door startle Jisung.

"Ji? Are you okay?"


Huh? Why is there so much pain in my head and hips?

Why is it cold?

"Ji? Jisung!"



Jisung is lying on the floor. How ... how did that happen? He just looked into the mirror.

"I'm-" Jisung has to clear his throat, "I'm okay. Give me a second."

His voice is so weak, on the verge of just giving up completely. Jisung is on the verge of just giving up completely.

It hurts.

With a strained breath, Jisung manages to push himself off the ground, opening the door just to fall straight back down - but this time into Minho's arms.

If only you could fix me.


this ain't a thousand words, my bad

I'm on so many strong pain meds but it - kidneys - still hurts so fucking bad. And I'm also nauseous all the time so if I don't upload on time please forgive me.

drink your water people - especially the canadians, it's hella hot here

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