Johnten / NCT / Cheating

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Requested by specialsuga

Ten watched the fucking thousandth raindrop run down the cool glass of the window. He had been sitting here for a whole hour already, despite having a very busy schedule and having stuff to do at the WayV dorm. Johnny's bed wasn't as comfortable as his own, the temperature low because apparently NCT 127 liked to live at the fucking north pole, and Ten's head hurt like hell. The loud clattering of the rain hitting the windows did not help the agonizing pain his head was currently going through.

Migraines. Not a rarity these days.

Two options ran through Ten's brain. First: Stay here and wait for Johnny. Second: Leave and call Johnny. But because his brain felt like it had just been fried, he smudged the two options together, opting to just stay there in Johnny's bone breaking bed and call him.

The rings sent a shiver down his back. This wasn't pleasant at all. Ten just wanted to have some fucking alone time with Johnny and that ass didn't even show up.

Could this already be counted as toxic? Losing feelings? Ten certainly did feel alone. To be fair, Ten hadn't told Johnny about this. But surely, there had to be a reason the two hadn't seen each other in almost two weeks.

The ringing kept going on until Ten realized Johnny wouldn't answer the phone. Without a warning, a quiet tear managed to escape Ten's eye. This wasn't what he had imagined when he sacrificed his one free evening that he could have slept after finally taking a pain killer. No, right now he was here, it was cold, his head hurt, his heart hurt. And Johnny didn't pick up his phone. Ouch.

Still quiet except for his overwhelmingly loud thoughts, Ten then opted to just lay down in Johnny's bed. The familiar scent lulled him to sleep.


Ten woke up to an empty bed. Actually, an empty dorm and bright sunlight. 

Fuck. He had a schedule today. And if he were to trust the amount of light shining through the window, he had already missed at least the first half of dance practice.

Damn you, Johnny Seo.

Shooting some angry texts, Ten was quite startled when his butt started to buzz. Johnny's phone. He forgot it. Johnny had presumably slept next to Ten, woken up early for practice - or whatever schedule he probably had today - and left it behind. So Ten decided to leave it be. He was reacting overly dramatic again. Johnny was probably stressed, too. Why not spare at least one of them at least a little bit of that.

With a kind of heavy heart, Ten unlocked the phone in order to delete the messages. This was for the best.

Until Johnny got a call. The unknown number left Ten thinking. What if it was a sasaeng? But then again, what if it was one of their numbers or a manager that Johnny hadn't saved on his phone. Sasaengs had gotten rare these days. Ten picked up the phone.



"When are we gonna meet again?"

Ten stayed quiet.

What the hell Johnny. What the actual fuck.

"Johnny oppa? I'm sorry if you didn't like last time that much, but I'll do better next time! Then you don't have to leave me so soon again! Remember that we wanted to stay together? What we wanted to do together?"

Ten hung up. Anger swarmed over him, filled every cell, made his head cloud up, and the headache return with full force. With a scream Ten punched the pillow.

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