Minsung / Stray Kids / Caught in public

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Minho's hand is secured in Jisung's. The two of them have been walking around for quite some time now, enjoying the fresh air. Not like they could breathe it in, masks cover their faces to provide them as much privacy as possible. Additionally, the baseball cap gives Minho a headache.

Still, Minho feels a lot more at ease than all those last weeks combined. Comebacks are always an exhausting time, it's not easy to take a few minutes off and spend quality time together. The only quality time Minho and Jisung would get, is whenever they are sleeping in the same bed. Still, they go to sleep at different times, it's not like they can really enjoy it.

Today, Minho decided it's enough.

Without any further explanation, the Minsung couple left the dorm to go for a walk. They don't really have anything in mind.

Jisung soon spots a little café where the two of them settle down. It's risky, yes. Additionally, it's still Korea. No discrimination protections at all for gay couples. It's not fair.

Minho doesn't care if he gets himself into uncomfortable situations, maybe even danger, but he cares about Jisung.

However, they are both craving a little time together. They both wanna be the cute cheesy couple they usually are. It's been too long.

Minho can't resist, he reaches over the table and grabs Jisung's hands. Minho intertwines them with his, they rest very obvious in the middle of the table now. Jisung doesn't complain, he even rests his head on them for a few seconds, before the waiter comes to get their orders.

It's quiet, they don't talk. They just don't feel the need to. At some point when they've eaten their food, Jisung gets back to resting his head on their hands again. Minho can see that the younger is exhausted. It's evident in his slow moves, the lack of talking. Finally, Jisung gives in to his exhaustion. He falls asleep using their intertwined hands as his pillow. Minho's heart has never been this full of love.

He doesn't even look around to see if anyone is watching them when he presses a sweet peck onto Jisung's hair, breathing in his characteristic scent.

Oh yes, Minho needed this.

— time skip —

Minho's arms hold Jisung in a not as tight embrace. Minho fell asleep quite some time ago. The same happened to Jisung, lulled to sleep by the pure comfort he got from the hug, from Minho.

I'm happy to have you. Thank you for existing, listening, loving me, being my best friend, and being the person I can talk to, were the last things Jisung thought before he dozed off.

However, even though he is secure and warm in Minho's arms, he wakes up again around midnight, panting heavily because of his nightmare.

Where am I? What am I doing? What just happened? What exactly is real? Did- did Minho and I really break up?

His anxiety is acting up. Jisung knows. He is not dumb.

However, can he do anything about it? Not really. Instead, he tries to press his whole body further into Minho, tries to hide.

Help me.

I feel like I'm being chased away from you.

Dumb thoughts. Dumb annoying thoughts.

Suddenly, the door opens and slams against the wall with a loud crashing sound. Jisung and Minho both flinch away.

"JISUNG, MINHO, WHAT IS THIS?" Chan basically screams.

Jisung, already feeling uncomfortable, starts to tremble. Minho quickly moves in front of Jisung, shielding him with his body. Jisung rests his head between Minho's shoulder blades, panting heavily. His hands grab fistfuls of Minho's shirt.

Chan doesn't seem to care.

He basically shoves his phone into Minho's face. Minho's eyes widen. The headline.

Oh, no.


'It's been obvious all along - Minsung.'

'After the two male kpop idols Han Jisung, stage name Han, and Lee Minho, stage name Lee Know, currently part of the boy group Stray Kids, have been joking in previous videos about their relationship and them being close, they've been spotted together yesterday. The two men haven't confirmed their obviously romantic relationship yet, but have been caught on a date in a small café. The picture that a paparazzi took seems to prove the rumours. After previously joking about appearing on Dispatch, it seems like the rapper and dancer want to mock the industry.'

Jisung hasn't really managed to steady his breathing but he still wants to know what's going on. When he peeks from behind Minho's shoulders, the only thing he can see is the picture.

It's Jisung, unmistakeable and completely clear in 4K. Jisung. He's sleeping. His head rests on a pair of intertwined hands. Minho's and his hands. And Minho- Minho is placing a peck on his hair. With his eyes closed. But it's undeniable, it's Minho. Someone caught them. Some paparazzi leaked their photo.

What is going to happen now?

What will happen to them as a couple?

Will they break up?

Minho will leave me. He will leave me. It's too much stress, too much of an effort to keep this relationship going. Why would he even try?

Yes, we love each other. But now everyone else hates us.

Everyone hates me. I'm not good for anything.

If I hadn't fallen asleep ... If I hadn't seen that café ... If I hadn't gone out with Minho ...

As soon as Minho has read the whole article and seen the photo, he lowers his eyes to the ground. He can't look at Chan right now.

He really screwed it up. He didn't even bother to have a look at any potential cameras or paparazzo.

His focus remains on his mostly self-accusing thoughts until he hears Jisung's breathing increasing in speed, getting rapid and hectic. He turns around. Jisung is still clinging onto his shirt, his eyes screwed shut tightly.


Jisung shakes his head. He doesn't want to hear anything right now, he can't, it's not going to change anything about the situation.

They have been caught.

Everyone knows Jisung is gay now.

Everyone hates Jisung.

Chan hates Jisung.

Chan screamed at Jisung.

Chan is disappointed in Jisung.

Minho will leave Jisung.


Minho watches helplessly when Jisung's eyes roll back and he blacks out.


1042 words

I couldn't think of an ending, this is the best I could come up with, sorry...

Also, what happened to the pictures I added to my chapters? There's 5 times the same now? what? why? how?

Edit; in case anyone is wondering: yes, I wrote Discord in the beginning, yes, I'm dumb, yes, I changed it now.
That's all your fault jdjdjkasjeukksmd

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