Secrets of Pride and Whats Behind.

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After Sal and Larry had convinced Travis to finally come out of the tree house, it was time to accept what should have been accepted a long time ago and come out of the closet. It felt like a weight had been lifted from Travis' shoulders. For the longest time, Travis had denied and hated the bare mention of anything considered 'faggish' by his father- but today was a new day. And Travis felt renewed. His hair was cut clean and his pride was restored, but in a much more healthy way. Sal watched Travis walk in, his back straighter- he really did look okay, and that gave Sal a happiness he couldn't comprehend. It was such a change compared to the old Travis. watched crappy horror movies with his friends- mood cheery and hopeful...

until his father called.
It was Lisa who picked up the phone. Travis was laughing, but quickly shut up the moment Lisa said "Mr. Phelps! So nice to hear from you!". Travis slowly got up, and went to the kitchen as Lisa went on call with him. "Okay..okay. Will do- Yep! I'll have him ready okay?" She said and listened intently. "Okay..yes- thank you Mr.phelps." She said and hung up. "Okay Travis. Your fathers coming to pick you up. You'll be back in about 2 days to do some more work." She said. Travis' mood immediately darkened. Two days?! That was so long! And..why...god- what was his father going to do to him. Travis looked behind him and to Sal, who's eyes expressed an emotion of worry. How was he going to get through this..? He never wanted to leave the apartments he once called hell. He didn't want to go back to his father and mother.. Travis slowly went to pick up his clothes from the corner he put them in the night before, and went into the bathroom to change. As he did, he wondered what he was going to do to him.. for cutting his hair and staying the night at the apartments. He wondered if he would have to return to the apartments with more bruises than he left with. He was scared. Sal had continued watching the movie. Travis walked out and sat next to Sal, lightly bouncing his leg with the slow dropping of his heart to his stomach. Sal noticed this, and slowly laced his fingers with Travis'- like they did the night before. Travis calmed down at least a little bit at the action, and sighed- leaning into sals touch. Larry glanced at them, and wondered how the hell sal didn't know Travis liked him, it was so overly obvious. But, then again- Sal sometimes needed a couple of hints when it came to those kind of things. Sal was getting worried, wondering how many bruises had been caused by his father. What was so wrong with Travis that his father needed to beat him for it? Sal couldn't get it, how could a parent beat their own child??? Sal helped travis calm down, until he knew it was time to go. Travis slowly stood up, and Sal did as well, walking him to the door so he could walk around the building instead of taking the elevator. "Don't worry Travis, you're gonna be okay.." Sal said, and hugged him tightly. Travis quickly hugged him back and nuzzled into his shoulder. "T-thanks Sal.." he whispered, finding his pale skin comforting. He always smelled like lavender. Ashley mentioned it had rubbed off on him. He liked it.

"Of course Travis, I'll see you in two days" he smiled, and let go, waving as he walked out the door. Sal went back to the couch, but knew that he had to get home to clean things up after the mess caused earlier that morning. After a quick goodbye to his friends, Sal went up to his apartment. Sal had taken Travis' spare pjs and washed them, giving him a drawer in his dresser for his things he liked to keep there- wanting his apartment to be Travis' safe place. And it seems like he had succeeded- but for some reason, he wanted to help further. Sal put up his old pride flag, and smiled, hoping that this would help Travis feel more comfortable with the discovery of his sexuality. Sal then began to clean his house up. Sal heard his father snoring in his bedroom. He usually slept on his days off. Sal did most if not all the chores in his house, but he didn't mind it, it was usually spot cleaning every now and again since his apartment never got too messy. Sal took down old Halloween decorations, since they spent thanksgiving at Lisa's, they went between apartments for holidays. Sal knew it was probably time for a Christmas tree. Even though Sal and his dad weren't exactly religious- they started celebrating Christmas Because Lisa did, and they loved spending Christmas all together as a happy family. Henry had proposed to Lisa last June- and their wedding was suppose to be in the spring. He had been working very late nights ever since the proposal to give Lisa the wedding of her dreams. Sal admired his dad immensely for that. And Henry didn't care where the wedding was or what the theme was about- all that mattered was they were going to get married. And even if they have no other family but their kids to witness it- they were happy that way. Sal and Larry were really excited- getting used to calling Lisa mom was nice, and she didn't mind when he called her Lisa every now and again. Sal was..overly excited about having Lisa being an official motherly figure in his life- since he hadn't had one since he was three- and Larry was the same with Henry.

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