Need A Ride?

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After a few minutes of self-pity Travis allowed for himself, he started down the road across town, Still in an angry mood. Travis wiped itchy, dry, flaking blood down his nose- limping as fast as he could. He usually walked home every day to get exercise, which was no problem since he liked the 50 minutes of free thought the walk allowed- but it wasn't a fast pace when the back of his head was poorly wrapped by an unqualified school nurse, his eye was swollen from the punches his father gave him, and his entire body bruised from the beating. It hurt to walk, god-it even hurt to breathe. But he knew he had to keep going, because it was only going to get worse if he didnt make it on time..

His vision got a little hazy as he looked down the long road that lead to the main part of Nockfell, realizing he'd have to let people see him like this, and have to walk so much further than he originally thought. Nockfell was a small town, yeah, but no one wanted to walk from one side of it to the other. Travis just put all of his focus on moving one foot in front of the other. In fact, he put so much focus into it that he didn't really register the pothole that had probably been there since the roads were even paved. His ankle twisted and he quickly fell onto his hands and knees, the gravel on the outer edged on the road digging into his palms. He didn't really register it at fist, but once he did, he just.. collapsed, sitting on the ground and punching at the concrete out of anger, pure anger. his knuckles bled as he threw a handful of gravel out into the road, wiping the sweat on his forehead with a loud, frustrated grunt as he realized dust on the road had got into his eyes. 

For a good minute, he threw another pity party. He knew that he wouldn't be there in time. And he also knew he'd probably be put in the hospital if and when he was late. He was so..exhausted, and angry "Fuck!" he yelled, trying to push himself off the ground to keep going, but his twisted ankle prevented him from doing anything but sit there and simmer in anger. 

meanwhile, Sal and Larry looked far behind the car, watching Travis have his well-deserved temper tantrum. "Hmm..Looks like Travis. I thought he was getting suspended or something- why the hells he out here?" Larry mumbled. Sal looked to him as he fell, While Larry let out a short, loud laugh. "HA!" he snorted. "Serves that little shit right." Sal looked at him with an unamused expression in his eye, one that Larry recognized well. "He looks like a mess lar- maybe we should help-"
"No. Nuh-uh, sal. We're not gonna help him. He deserves this. No way. That asshole deserves every bit off this, and I myself deserve the pure privilege of watching" He said, looking straight at him, thinking about the many times he wanted to beat that poor excuse for a human into a pulp. Soon, he turned around and went to start the car again. Sal glared at him.

"No Sal."
Larry turned to him to see his mask off, Sal Tapping his hands on the mask in it lap repeatedly, though making sure that no one was around to see it. "Oh come on sal, that's playing dirty, you know it kills me when you pout like a fuckin kid.." "well you are the only one that gets to see my face on the daily, and I am your brother so you gotta! Be the bigger man! pleeease-" "UGHHHHHHHH. Fuckin- FINE! fine- okay we'll get him.." he grumbled, turning the key in the ignition "thank you larebear~" "Oh fucking Christ you are so much like mom." He groaned. Sal clipped back his prosthetic as Larry reversed back to Travis' spot- not exactly happy with the situation.

Travis covered his eyes and softly whimpered, not knowing if he could get up. He heard a car door slam and froze. It was his father. It HAD to be his father. He was ready to get pulled by the hair into the car when he heard a soft voice.

"Hey..." Travis knew that voice, he KNEW that voice. Oh god. It can't be him, not him. Out of all the people, he didn't want him to see-
He moved a hand a little from his swollen eyes and-
Electrifying blue hair and blue eyes, a pale white and pink prosthetic.
God. Damn. It.
It was Sal, of course, it was. Sal fucking Fisher. Out of instinct, he snapped at him.

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