He's awake.

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April 15th, 1994:

10:22 P.M. 

The Johnsons' Apartment:

Lisa groaned as she walked into the living room to pick up the house phone, she was just about to go to sleep after a long day of work and taking Ashley to her first doctors appointment for the baby. She looked at the clock as she wondered who would be calling at this hour. 


"Good evening, is this Lisa Johnson?" 

"yes um..it is. Who is this?" 

"This is Doctor Welsh over at Elkhart General Hospital, we wanted to give you news regarding a Patient." 

"Travis phelps?" Lisa said, her heart rate picking up. She had already gotten her phone call updating his condition for the month, which meant it could mean one of two things:

"yes, can you confirm the date of birth?"

" August 16th, 1976"
"Okay, We wanted to let you know that Mr. Phelps is currently awake, however he is bedridden. we have him in a brace right now, which he will stay in until further notice." She said. Lisa was silent as she covered her mouth in disbelief. "Ma'm?" 

"Can we see him?"

"starting tomorrow morning yes."  

"O-Okay...okay. thank you so much." She said, and hung up the phone. 

Lisa was quick to put on her robe and rush up to the fisher apartment. 

She knocked furiously on the door, and Henry answered. "Lisa? what are you doing here this late?" He asked, and lisa kissed the man's cheek. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but-" Lisa caught sight of Sal on the couch eating dinner, and Lisa smiled. "Sal, Travis is awake!!" She said, to which sal dropped his bowl into the coffee table, and immediately stood up to see her better. "are you serious?" Sal asked, and lisa nodded, before the two ran up to hug each other. "Oh my god...sal.." "He's alive and hes...hes gonna be okay.." Sal said, smiling up at lisa, A smile lisa hadn't seen in a while. a long while. 

"Can we go now?"  

"I'm sorry sweetie, no not right now. we have to wait until morning." She said, attempting to run her fingers through sals matted hair. she instead decided to pat him on the head. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight mom.." Sal said, putting his hand into his hair. "I gotta.. fix myself up huh?" He said, and Henry patted him on the back. "I think that's a wonderful idea son." "Yeah, why don't you hop in the shower, and i'll come in after you're done and dressed and detangle your hair." Lisa said. Sal smiled a little, before running to go get a towel. Henry let out a sigh of relief, and hugged his fiance. Sal hadn't been able to care for himself for the past few months, the only thing he could do was sleep, and maybe eat every now and again. his hair was seriously matted and he..well.."Sal really needed a bath.." Henry chuckled nervously, sighing. 

"Hopefully this means that both of them are out of the woods now.." Lisa said, and henry held her hand. "Just in time for the wedding...?" He asked. ever since this happened, they questioned if they would be able to even have a small wedding. But Henry wanted to do right by his second wife, no matter the time or cost. Lisa sighed, and smiled "I think it could work just fine.." She said. 

Ashley and larry soom came up when they heard the news, helping lisa untangle sal's  hair, and encouraging him to finally take his meds. Sal was overjoyed, asking so many questions. "Do you think he'll remember me?" Sal asked as larry combed through his hair with a comb and a LOT of conditioner. "Of course he's gonna remember you Sal, he's your boyfriend.." Sal smiled when he heard those words. "I can't believe he's awake..." Ashley said, sighing as she sat down on the edge of the bathtub. "He's going to be really confused though, so we have to be ready." She said, taking off her shoes and rubbing her own feet. Pregnancy was not being Kind to Ashley so far. Horrible morning sickness, migraines, and specifically swollen feet were now her main aggravation. "Are  you gonna kiss him when you see him or what?? this is going to be like, an award winning, movie production worth of a reunion." Larry chuckled, and Sal smiled. "I don't know if they'll let me, i'm still banned right??" "Well I was banned but they let me see todd so.." 

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