The Beginning Of The End

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December 30th, 1993:

7:45 A.M.

Sal Fishers Bedroom:

Sal let Todd in, and had him in his room. Todd took out a map. "Neil's parents reported him missing this morning. He was last seen yesterday in the afternoon, he was out jogging- he had to be right?? There is no logical reason why he would ever be out of his house when it's this cold outside. His mom told me he went out for a jog, and never came back. They looked for him where he usually jogged too-" Todd said, outlining the entire route in red sharpie. "They took him Sal, I am positive that they took him." His voice started to shake. "Why? Why would they take him? He didn't even know anything about all this. I never told him- I knew that if I told him that he wouldn't be safe." Todd said, standing up and pacing back and forth. "Where is Ashley and Larry, we have to get them together and we have to start the plan, now." Todd rambled, starting to collect their things. Sal went up to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Todd, I am just as freaked out as you are, and I feel the same way about Travis as you do about Neil, but I know as much as anyone that if we freak out and go barging in without a plan, we could destroy everything we've worked for." Sal said, tone low. Sal didn't know if the walls had ears, or if someone in the next apartment over had connections with the cult. Todd took his glasses off. "I know they have him Sal...Neil can hold himself against a singular person, but logically, The cult keeps their victims for a couple days before they come back...replaced. That means..that means that Neil won't come back." Todd said. Sal frowned, before letting him go. He didn't know what to do.. because most likely it was true. "Tomorrow night, we'll save him tomorrow night-" "What if he has it Sal? No one can come back from the red eyes. I can not give up on him." he said. Sal didn't know how to comfort Todd, Todd wasn't really a person of emotion. But, of course, when it came to the people that you love, Sal would do anything for his family...

"I promise, I'll get Neil out of there, no matter what it takes." he said, to which Todd shook his head. "I didn't want to get involved, but if Neil is in danger, I will do whatever it takes to get him back. I'm going back to my apartment to improve the plan we have. We meet for dinner here." He said, and looked across the room. "I need the gameboy and your guitar." He said. "Huh? For what?" Sal asked, his head cocking to the side in confusion. The last time Todd had his gameboy, he used it to create that device that warded off the red eyed man, and helped detect ghosts. "I have a feeling we'll be dealing with a lot of...entities while in the church...or the temple." he said, and Sal went and got it for him. "We WILL get him back, I promise.." Sal said, and Todd looked over the guitar. "If my calculations are correct, this will definitely help us using the exact abilities used on the gameboy, just on a larger scale...after some experiments, i might combine the super game boy, the guitar, and that unique equipment you discovered under the apartments.." he said, and Sal nodded. Todd left the apartment, and Sal sighed. He wanted to tell the others immediately after what he had heard, but he figured that they both needed some time to mentally recoup after all that. Sal went into the bathroom, and took off his prosthetic to wash his face, before taking his meds. Sal was getting increasingly anxious about the next day, when they would put their plan into action. Sal looked to his pill bottles, and took an extra of each one. At this point, it was like getting ready for a suicide mission. Might as well have an extra boost of serotonin and all the good brain chemical shit up there before they die...

what were they doing? 

what was he doing?

how could a couple teenagers beat an entire unholy unworldly cult? They had a crude map, a couple canisters of gasoline, and hope that they'd survive. Sal looked into the mirror, and took out his glass eye...he was too exhausted to wear it today. Sal wanted travis here, desperately. Sal needed support. He supported everyone else, he helped everyone else, why couldn't someone support him? Why couldn't he be selfish? Sal let out a shaky sigh, looking down to the grimy sink. Normally he'd clean it- but..not today. Sal looked up again, and saw a black figure in the mirror behind him. Sal let out a yell, before turning around and facing what was behind him, only to see nothing. Sals hands gripped into the sink behind him, feeling his heartbeat in his ears. It was here, it was around him- It was-

Sals eyes suddenly rolled back, knees collapsing as he felt flashes of a vision in his mind. Sal could see the void, and what exactly was being fed into it. It was like he could hear the tortured screams of all who were taken and replaced, their souls lost and stuck in between the plane of eternity and their shared bodies. They pleaded for death. Sals fingernails gripped into his palms, the muscles in his body tensing and untensing as his body shook with seizure. Sal could feel the darkness of the plague of shadows trying to force its way into his body, into his mind. It was like an impending sense of doom. But it never completed its goal, it never reached into Sals soul. But Sal still saw more. He saw a sword, emerald green. His mother, a dog mask, blood. naked bodies strung from the ceiling, the beginning of the end. The overthrow of life, the overthrow of god. Sals heart beat faster and faster, feeling his body fall into the abyss of whatever his visions had now become. falling faster and faster and deeper and deeper-






Sal regained consciousness as he was rolled over to his side, vomit spewing from his mouth as he could finally breathe, no longer choking on his own sick. Sal coughed loudly, hearing a 'we got him back!' as his ears kept ringing. He was still puking. "Get it out baby, get it out.." he heard Lisa whisper, dabbing his face with a wet rag. Sal, after his stomach emptied and he stopped gagging, Lisa turned her head away. "I'm not looking at you sweetie, can you hear my voice?" she asked. Sal let out a groan in response. "Okay, okay, can you feel everything alright? do you feel numb?" She asked. Sal didn't want to answer, he just cried and held Lisa's finger as he moaned in pain. "Mooom-" Sal slurred out, and Lisa pulled him into her arms. "I know baby, I know. Moms here, mama's right here." Lisa said, holding him tight. Larry and Ashley were looking on from the doorway, horrified at the state of their friend and brother. "Larry or Ashley, get me some sawdust from my janitors closet, cleaner and paper towels too." She said, and they quickly left together. Lisa picked Sal up and took him into his bedroom before laying him down on his bed. "I'm gonna be back with water and a bucket, okay?" She said, leaving the room.  Sal didn't want to be alone, he couldn't be left alone. Sal let out pathetic groans, trying to get her to stay, believing that if he was left out of sight, the red eyes would get him. Lisa came back and walked over, averting her gaze as best she could. "I'm not looking at you honey, I promise.." She said, trying to make sal comfortable. "I..don't care! stay..don't leave"  Sal begged, It was so bright. Lisa was quick to turn out the lights seeing sals uncomfort, before walking over and sitting on the bed next to him. Lisa slowly combed his hair as he cried and recovered. Everything just felt too much. 

Larry and Ashley were soon back with the cleaning supplies, and took over as lisa began to clean the vomit in the next room over. Sal began to grow tired, he just wanted to sleep. "Should we let him sleep?" Ashley asked, and Lisa nodded. "It's best to sleep after a seizure, just make sure he's on his side." She said, laying down sawdust and beginning to clean up the mess. Larry and Ashley looked between each other, wondering what was happening to the one holding all of them together. 

((this last bit was really hard for me to write since i have that irrational fear revolving around vomit, but I knew i needed to write it so. Hope you guys are emotionally fucked. See you next time-Lee/Low))

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