Progression of evil.

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Ah yes, Christmas vacation was coming up. 2 weeks of celebration with your family and friends by your side. The gang had been working hard for the last 2 weeks before the break, making sure their grades were up so they could show their families something to be proud of. Travis however hadn't been too focused on school work, instead planning out to spend most if not all of his holiday vacation with Sal and his friends..but mostly Sal. Larry and Ashley managed to announce some sort of 'not quite dating' relationship between them, since Larry was so excited about it. Lisa was ecstatic to hear about his son and what she's already calling her future daughter in law. Ashley kept a smiling face, but Sal could tell she felt overwhelmed by it all. Travis and Sal couldn't blame her. Sal and Travis were taking a walk through town, getting groceries after school at the corner store. "God, I couldn't imagine how much pressures on ash right now." Travis said, carrying a few bags of groceries with Sal "I know, right? I love Larry like a brother- hell soon he's gonna BE my brother, but I didn't expect him to be so..."
"I don't want to be rude but only with relationships- yes" Sal responded and sighed. "I told Ashley to have a conversation with Larry about it- cuz he's treating it like they're gonna get married but to Ashley they're barely even dating." Travis said. "I know right?? I just don't wanna see him hurt ya know?" Sal sighed, looking to the local coffee shop and bakery as they passed. Travis nodded "yeah but it's not gonna work out either way if he's too overbearing." He said,looking to Sal and where he was glancing "we still have time before we gotta get home.." he said quietly, Sal looking back at him, both of the teens smiling before rushing inside, both buying hot chocolates since neither of them liked coffee. They both smiled, groceries in one hand and hot chocolate in the other, giggling like children as they went back to the apartments. Travis knew he had to actually go home tonight- at this point he was more at the apartments than he was at his house, which honestly he didn't mind. His father had been becoming increasingly nice to him, less strict, smiling at him- everything. Eventually though it had to become weird, and weird it did become. He could hear his father, shuffling between the church and the house in the middle of the night. His mother came back- beat up. Travis helped her, bathed her, bandaged her. Though, it was bittersweet. He still remembered when she left him to suffer. She stayed silent. The moment she was done she shambled to the kitchen and made dinner.. but that was only a couple of days ago. This was now. Travis' face blushed at the sight of Sal, having fun, kicking at the snow- giggling. Travis smiled- any person could tell the poor fool was infatuated with the bluenette. After a little playfulness, and Sal getting his giggles out- he sighed. "Well, the gang said we were going to look over the files, mostly to help Todd out, he's been spending every free minute of his time organizing, looking over dates, making notes, everything." He sighed, walking in through the door of the apartments, heading into the elevator. "Let's drop the groceries off at my place, and head to Todd's.." he said, struggling to take his keys out with his full hands. Travis took sals groceries from his hands, holding them all himself "thanks Trav." "Anytime sal" he responded as sal opened the door, travis heaving the groceries on the counter and started putting them away, setting his bookbag on the couch and groaning. "Ughhhh- I'm so tired" he said, and sal smiled at him, helping him, and hugging him afterword. "Mm..warm.." Sal mumbled, and Travis blushed. Travis smiled, and wrapped his arms around Sal. "Let's just..take a break.." he sighed, and Sal looked up and into his eyes "you know we can't.." Sal mumbled, hands resting on his chest. "Well..I'd rather be fighting ghosts and monsters with you than not be around you" travis said quietly, holding Sal a little closer. Sal blushed "I-um.." he flustered and chuckled "thats..pretty gay dude." He managed to get out. "W-well I am gay, got a problem with that?" He grumbled, blushing- and Sal giggled a little "never." He said, before moving out of Travis' arms and carrying his files and his hot chocolate "come on pretty boy- let's go" he said, and Travis followed with a dopey smile.

The gang met up in Todd's room as always, Todd having everything ready for the meeting. Travis felt a lot more...part of everything than he did before. He could tell the group actually wanted him there, like they just 'didn't mind' anymore. Travis had also grown a friendship with Ashley, for some reason the two along. So he's pretty much become a friend of everyone. Travis had always followed Sal around during his rambles, especially about the demons and the cult. And he's pretty much learned most of not all of everything he needed to know. He could tell it really bothered Sal to not know everything. Especially with the cult. "So close..." sal grumbled, waking down the hall and into the elevator with a couples bags of chips and some sodas that he had bought from the store earlier that afternoon. Travis looked at Sal, and put his hand on his shoulder "don't worry Sal- we're gonna figure it out" he said, and walked out with him as the elevator dinged- and knocked on Todd's door " hey Todd! We're here with snacks!" Travis said, and walked in, going to Todd's room after passing his parents laying together on the couch, eyes red as they stared at the static on the screen um..are they..okay?" Travis asked, never having seen Todd's family before "they are high on cannabis, don't worry however- they're harmless." Todd said, pushing up his glasses and walking In his room. "Alright, now that everyone is here. We have big news. We know the source of the red eyes, and the infection is not coming from a source out of nowhere or spreading like a viral infection- we know the DOG cult is turning the people in our town, killing them or maybe brainwashing them before replacing them with the red eyes to inhabit their bodies and function as their previous hosts. We've also concluded that the red eyes can spread from person to person if said people are tied to the cult in a way that their regular body and soul is meaningful for their purposes- or of course, if the red eyes takes over a cult member. I've done all the research I can with what I have, and I've brought a theory of how the cult began. I believe that when settlers came here, they found a tribe. The gray tribe, a native tribe with what we believe are abilities- some form of supernatural abilities, but most of them in these files of prophetic nature, precognitive abilities. or if people like Larry over here don't get it,

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