A Growing love-

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"DAMN IT!!" Kenneth growled, a chair flying across the room and slamming into the mossy stone wall. All of the cults followers were watching, not moving- eyes changing from red to white, and white to red. "they've taken our records, we do not know where they are now for sure.." "oh, i have a good idea of where they are, and who took them.." he grunted, seeing the old librarian in the group, and nodded his head, the woman was pushed forward. " I gave you one task and one task alone, and you managed to let a group of CHILDREN get away?!" he said, taking out a green sword- and looking out to his crowd of followers "let this be a lesson to you all. You are not above my power, and if you do not complete the tasks you are given.." he said, her arms tied back to a chair, neck tipped back as the green sword plunged into the woman's heart, black sick oozing from the wound as her distorted screams and spider like form tried to turn her and save the vessel habiting the monster inside. " I will rid you of the vessel i allow you to posses! I will rid you of free mind and thought, and I will destroy the little soul you pathetic excuses of vessels have left." he said. dropping the sword and pushing the now rapidly decomposing body into the cold stone floor, his followers dragging the body to the large gaping hole of nothingness in a few rooms over, and tossing it into the abyss.

Zyanya watched, face swollen- not letting any tears escape. Every chance she got, she thought about Travis. Her son, her beautiful, strong son. Her gay son, one she loved so dearly. To think that Travis could do what Kenneth is doing now, and has done for half a century...it wasn't him, it wasn't Travis. She would give anything for Travis not to be exposed to any of this, to not turn into the monster she was forced to marry, The cousin she was forced to marry. The Phelps family had been related to the Gray family for hundreds of years-in one way or another. Zyanya didn't figure it all out until all of her other family was gone. disappeared. killed. Until she took a glance inside the temple and the records it held years after Travis was even born. it sickened her. She could never tell Travis, and after figuring out that thankfully nothing was biologically wrong with him- she didn't want to tell him, for his own sake. Zyana was toiling away in her mind- trying to figure out any way to get Travis out of the situation he was in, and encouraged Kenneth to let Travis be a teenager before he was to step up and be an apparentness to the cult. but of course, of course her son had to become friends with the abomination, the child that could end all of this. One minute- Kenneth has it all to plan, and the next he's furious. like two minds fighting in a hell of a void, using the body for nothing but violence either way. Zyanya couldn't tell if Travis becoming friends with Sal Fisher was part of Kenneth's plan, or not. it was both a lucky coincidence ( for the cults point of view), and a threat. two supposed enemies, not even aware of how much they were destined to hate one another, to kill one another. When Kenneth found out that Travis and Sal worked together to steal those records- he knew then that Travis had gotten too much leash- too much freedom. Travis knew more than he supposed he thought Travis knew- and it was only a matter of time until using Travis' family knowledge, and his own knowledge, that the cult would be found out before it was ready. It was time to bring Travis home.


Travis was resting peacefully in Sals arms, arms wrapped around his torso, face in his chest. Sals pigtails were messily taken out in his sleep by himself, arms wrapped around Travis' head, gizmo was squished into a spot between their feet and the couch. It was the First day of their winter break, and Travis wouldn't prefer to wake up any other way than like this.. Travis' eyelids fluttered open, thoughts immediately shooting to the front of his mind, where he realized that last night wasn't a dream. the kiss wasn't a dream. he nuzzled into Sals grey sweater, smiling with a happy blush on his face. He never wanted to leave his arms..but he wanted to do something special for Sal. Sal was always doing nice things for him, and on a cold winter morning like this- Travis knew that anybody would love to wake up to a warm breakfast and a hot cup of tea...with a little surprise for their birthday. With each day and night he spent with Sal over the past months, he had gotten to know Sal. He knew that Sal said he didn't have a favorite color, but always was attracted to the color yellow. Travis knew he hated coffee and preferred tea, which Travis was on the middle scale in between for his love for both drinks. Travis knew his birthday- December 20th, and how he hated birthday parties and how Travis was planning on taking Sal to the movies to see Scream 2, which only came out a week ago. Tavis had been saving up money ( and also been 'borrowing' a buck or two from the collection tray every Sunday ) to take Sal to the movie he knew the teen was dying to see. Today would also be extra special since Travis knew Sal had gotten all the decorations put up for Christmas, but had yet decorated the tree. He knew Sal was saving it for when Henry got home from work at a decent hour for his birthday. it was perfect. Travis began to make Sal bagels and eggs with applesauce, he knew Sal mostly ate cereal for breakfast. it was always in the cabinet and there were always bowls in the sink. Travis had just finished frying up and egg for his own plate when Sal woke up, prosthetic slightly ajar on his face, hair a mess. Travis smiled when he saw him at the edge of the kitchen, looking at what Travis was doing. "Travvy, what's the occasion for bagels and applesauce? I love bagels and applesauce..." he said quietly and yawned, still getting used to being awake. Travis chuckled, sighing happily as he handed him his plate. A card with the words "happy seventeenth, bucko" and a cat in a cowboy hat were on the front. Once Sal read the card, he snickered, setting the plate on the coffee table, and hugging Travis "you remembered.." he said gently. "of course I did sally, I also seem to remember for you as well." he joked, and hugged back- kissing the top of his head. Sal blushed a tad at the affection, and gently nuzzled into his shoulder before moving away, turning around to eat his meal, and finding gizmo was eating out of the applesauce container. "gizmo! bad cat!" Sal said, moving to take the container away, and Travis chuckled. "don't worry, there's more in the fridge... and i got you a straw to eat it." Travis said quietly. Sal looked to the straw, throwing the half eaten container away and getting a new one. "damn Travis, i think you know more about me than Larry at this point." Sal chuckled, sitting down and turning on one of the latest released crime shows, forensic files. "so am I your bestest friend now??" Travis asked with a shit eating grin, sitting down besides Sal and taking a bite of his bagel sandwich as Sal maneuvered a way for his prosthetic to give access to his mouth without it being over his eyes. "I'm not responding to that" Sal retorted playfully, but contiued to shuffle his mask around.

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