Snowed in

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It was a nightmare. A feverdream.

Travis felt as if he was trapped in his own mind, a pure color of red- everything he saw was red. It was like a sickness was rushing through his body- it was like he was running through memories and thoughts that weren't his- but felt like someone who knew him. He felt as if his father was chasing him?? But it felt like a presence was within him as well. He felt burning hot and ice cold. He saw a mask. A weird dog mask. He squirmed in fear, before letting out a cry and shot up. "Travis, Travis!" He heard his name and wildly looked around, eyes finally landing on Sal "hey, hey- look at me Travvy.." he said, and gently took him by the shoulders- his touch gentle, careful..Travis panted and looked into his eyes.

Travis felt an immense sense of fear,
He was hyperventilating. He didn't know why, he had worse experiences. His eyes felt like they had been open for hours, like they were burning. Sal could tell Travis had a dream like he had. "" Sal encouraged , and Travis followed- letting out a little shiver, before nodding "I' okay.." Travis whispered hoarsely, and Sal handed him a cup of coco. "Are you sure? You passed out earlier, have you been working too hard? Drinking water?" Sal asked, and Travis nodded. "I..Sal, what was that?" Travis asked "I..I don't know what your talking about." He said, and looked away. Travis frowned.

"Y-you're a really bad liar.." he whispered, and sal sighed, crossing his legs on the couch "it's complicated.." sal mumbled- thinking about all the stuff he'd seen, all the stuff he knows..Sal picked at his skin. Travis curled up, the cup of coco being his center of warmth. "W-what's" Travis asked quietly. Sal didn't know what to do. His friends didn't the stuff they'd been through. It happened and it was over unless they were talking about theories. Sal picked at his skin further "meagan.." Sal whispered. Sal continued picking at his skin, until Travis placed his hand on sals. "Your hurting yourself..if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to..I just.." he shrugged. Sal let out a sigh. It was quiet for a few moments before Sal spoke again. "I didn't think those kinds of things were real. I found it fun to believe but..I was a skeptic..and..I just kind of had to.." Sal mumbled- and Travis watched as sals hand slowly held onto his. He blushed.

Sal really didn't know if he should tell him, this was serious shit. "Travis, if you get involved, and you know what we know- it's dangerous. Death dangerous. I'm serious." Sal said, and Travis looked to him, shocked. He didn't think it was that bad. "You didn't like..murder someone..did you?" He asked. Sal looked to him before snorting, and letting out a little laugh. "N-no, god- fuck no I couldn't." Sal said, before quieting down. "It's doesn't sound sounds fake, and weird. And you won't believe me..believe us" Sal revealed. "But it's scary... and I don't know how to-"

"W-well, considering I think a man constantly looking over us in the sky is real...I could buy into some perhaps..weird stuff" he chuckled gently, sipping his coco. Sal was the only one who's given him a chance to be a better person, another chance... "I...I want you to trust me..anything you'd say to me..I-I'd believe you." Travis said quietly, and looked away, clearly blushing. "I know I'm not the best person..and I don't deserve your trust, I really don't...but if you..if you ever wanna talk to me about stuff...I can listen..I guess..." he said. Sal looked at him, within seconds, he had been on the verge of tears. He had been keeping it together for so long, but not talking about it was killing him inside. Sal tried his best, but cries came First.

" w-we're just kids Travis- I mean- I didn't want this..I thought it was just- like ghosts, but now it's so serious, and deadly. It's like no one cares we could just disappear of the face of the fuckin earth!" Sal softly cried. Travis looked to him, completely shocked. He didn't expect Sal to cry. He didn't think it was that serious. Sal dumped months and months of what they had experienced, of what they knew, the red eyed demon- the cult- the bologna incident. "It's fuckin p-people...?" Travis said, feeling sick to his stomach. Sal just let out tiny muffled sobs and apologized profusely. Travis didn't know what to do. He had never seen Sal cried before. He wasn't really a cryer- even when Travis had beaten him those few months ago. He still felt guilty about it, and he knew it would haunt him till his death. Travis looked at him, and let out a shaky breath. He knew Sal was serious. Suddenly things started to piece together, and Travis could see how hard Sal had been trying to hide his fear and worries. He gently stood up.

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