Breaking Down

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December 30th, 1993:

11:26 A.M.

Sal Fishers' Bedroom:

Larry and Ashley were currently trying their best to clean up and hide the research that they had done from Lisa, as their base of operations was soon taken over by a recovering sal. they took stacks of papers, binders, pictures, hell even the whiteboard, and tried their best to hide it under sals bed and closet- hoping that lisa missed it while taking care of Sal. Lisa had finished cleaning up the vomit, and was currently trying to clean everything else in the house, not realizing how bad it had become since Sal had gone off the rails and stopped cleaning. Larry looked to Sal, concerned with how deeply he slept. sal was a light sleeper by nature, and a cough from the bedroom over could wake him. sal was definitely breathing- just out cold. Ashley was washing dishes while Lisa was vacuuming the carpet throughout the house. She wiped her forehead as she finished up. "I am going to have a serious discussion with Henry when he gets his next day off. I can't believe this poor boy has had to become responsible for this entire apartment." She said, going to feed Gizmo. Ashley finished the pile of dishes and looked in the fridge. It was empty except  for the container of milk, which had gone bad on christmas day. "There's nothing in here.." "I'll just go grocery shopping and get a week's groceries for sal once i finish up here-" "NO!" Larry yelled out, looking to his mom. "What? why not??" She asked, and Larry rambled. "I-uh- it's too snowy outside right now, and i don't know if its a good idea to leave while sals like this.." He said, and Lisa thought about it before nodding slowly. "I guess you're right..Ill go in a couple days and get stuff for our apartment and Sals.." She hummed, and larry sighed in relief. "Okay..Just..don't leave the apartments." He said, and Lisa gave him a look.

 "You all have been acting so strange since christmas. I'm not going to tell the campbells i promise. You don't gotta keep me prisoner here, heh.." she joked gently before sitting down on the couch and starting the diffuser to make the house smell like lavender again. "I..I'm so worried about Sal. I don't know what's been going on with him, I'd take him to the hospital- but..even if both Henry and I helped pay for just an appointment in itself, we don't have the money right now..." She said, and Larry sat down next to her. "I'm sure its just a reaction to his meds, maybe he skipped a couple days and thats why hes been so off track??" Larry suggested. Though, Larry had no idea why sal had had such a violent seizure. He wasn't sure if it was a vision, a reaction to his medicine, the red eyes?? It could be a million things for all he knew. Ashley swept the kitchen floor and sat on the arm of the couch, petting gizmo as he jumped up and settled on the cushion. "Have you called Mr. Fisher yet?" Ashley asked. "Tried. Nothing. that man is constantly in the office, i'm pretty sure he sleeps there more than three times a week...Its admirable, what he does to make ends meet. I just...hes just so.." "Absent?" Larry said, and Lisa sighed. "Hes a great dad to Sal when he's there-  but Sal is unnaturally  independent, and mature. I wished i could have noticed it earlier, been a better mom to him so he wasn't so alone...I wasn't there when he.." She started, holding her head in her hands. "I can't lose another..." She whispered, and Larry immediately hugged her. Larry was so young when Lisa had had her stillborn girl. It was so hard to explain to a young larry that the baby in his mothers belly couldn't come home with her. Lisa couldn't lose another child, it would break her. 

"We...we're not gonna lose Sal mama...I promise you, hes just..going through a rough patch. Everything will be fine by tomorrow.." He said, hugging her tight, Larry and Ashley looking to each other, not knowing if it was true. "I know..I think its probably because of travis and his seasonal depression and whatnot..." She sighed, before hugging both the teens back. "I love you guys..Ya know that?" She said, and kissed both of their cheeks. "I'm going to go get stuff to make some easy food for sal to digest for when he wakes up." She said, and standing up "If anything happens before i get back, get me as fast as you can." She said, before walking out of the apartment. The two teens sighed, and laid back on the couch, before slowly threading their hands together. "We're so fucked if we don't win against the cult." Ashley said, head turning to larry. Larry let out a loud sigh. "yeah...If we don't die, do you..wanna keep the baby?" Larry asked, and Ashley looked down at her flat stomach. "Maybe. Depends on how fucked up i'll be afterward." She said, shrugging. Larry chuckled. "We would be awful parents.." He said jokingly. "You wouldn't..." 

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