Losing it.

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December 28th, 1993: 4:05 Am
Sal Fishers' bedroom:

Sal had read over the letter multiple times, letting out shaky breaths as he was made aware of what happened to the man he'd confessed his love to just a week ago. It was horrifying, reading Travis' fucked up state of mind. They all felt like that. There was high tension among all of them. It was terrible. There was gonna be a sense of awkwardness when the group was acutely aware the world might just end- a couple of teenagers put in charge of stopping such a thing. Larry had been spending every moment he could with his mom, and with Ashley when Ashley herself wasn't with her family. They were all spending time with their families, Ashley was prone to crying fits, and had to leave the room whenever they happened. Yet, everyone's parents were oblivious. They had all come to the conclusion that it was the cult In one way or another- coming to
Terms with the fact that just because they knew about it didn't mean it wouldn't effect the people they love around them. It did, and Larry was forced to watch his moms funky and active personality fade, along with all other residents in the apartment.

Todd was really holding the group together, telling his boyfriend to stay away for as long as possible, and luckily- Neil listened. Todd and Sal were creating a plan. There would be a church service on New Years. They had to get inside not only
The church, but the temple beneath. They had to find a way to burn it to the ground. To destroy everything there was to destroy. It was the only way, it had to be. However all of the group was in disagreement in one way or another. "We might be killing innocent people, Sal. How do we tell between the non infected and the infected??" Todd said, and Sal was getting ready to leave. Getting ready to buy copious amounts of gasoline. "There aren't any innocent people to kill. All of them are infected, all of them are...at risk." "Even the children? We can't make that decision until we know for sure Sal." Todd said, watching as Sal gathered money from under his mattress. "Then find out- Todd, we don't have much time left to decide" Sal said, before Todd stood up "youre going crazy Sal...you're not thinking clearly. Travis shouldn't be having this effect on y-"

"You think I'm doing this fully because of Travis??" Sal asked. "Yes Sal, among other things he's your top priority. If this goes wrong.." "I don't- you- you don't understand Todd, this isn't about our love anymore. There's so much more on the line now- all I need you to do is to figure out what is what and we'll go from there, okay?" Sal said, going out the door as Todd looked at him, and back at the research. He knew.he knew everyone that will be in there is infected, too far gone. The men, the women, the children. It was far too late for them. And Todd knew he was making excuses...

He couldn't be a part of this anymore.

Larry was in the car, it already started and frosted windows already melted with hot water. Larry was quiet as Sal got in the car. He was fine with burning down the church as much as the next person. He knew it was what had to be done. But...something about Sal felt off. When Sal got in the car, he looked in the back seat. Multiple red gas containers sat in it "let's go 2 towns over." Sal stated, and Larry pulled out of the parking lot. It was quiet. All there was on the radio was static. Larry turned the radio off and glanced at sal as they started on the road out of town. "Sal...if someone sees us, they're gonna call the cops.." Larry said. "You've seen forensic files. If this plan doesn't work, it's..it's gonna lead back to you. Back to us.." Larry said, and sal looked at his pale hands "I know..." "sal.."

"If that happens..I'll take the fall." Sal whispered. Larry sighed "sal, no-you-"
"Larry, I can see ghosts. I can connect with demons, I was attacked by the dog-the one that killed my mom.. it all started with me...it'll end with me.." "you're not planning to-"
"Larry, for the last time I'm not doing a murder suicide!." Sal snapped "it's not even murder, all there is is hollow shells." "But the media is not going to understand when half a towns population burns in a fucking fire." Larry retorted. "And what are they gonna find? A hidden temple and evidence of Tons of murders ranging hundreds of years." Sal said, and leaned his head back.

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