Just A Thought/Just A Dream

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Over the next few weeks, A cycle developed within the lives of Travis and Sal. Each day, Sal and Travis went through their own days, eating lunch and being around people separately. Yet, they started actually having decent conversations. Travis had slowly grown to talk to people more, but honestly only talked to Sal and Lisa and had deeper conversations with them. Every few days sal would rebandage Travis, Sal having gotten him a nose split, that was probably the hardest thing to heal. "Come on Travis, you're almost there." Sal said gently, the other gripping his hand against the smallers. "It hurts...really bad.." Travis whispered, sniffling lightly. Sal had to push and readjust the nose back into place. "Nonono! Sal- don't you dar-AGH!" Travis cried as Sal readjusted his nose, a slight crack coming from the movement as the nose was put into the splint and adjusted back into place. Travis had to push him away and go into the bathroom. It hurt so bad, he couldn't help but let some tears flow. It took him almost 15 minutes to adjust.

He was at the part of the healing process where the bruising really set in and it didn't sting, but it aches under any pressure. "Travis? You okay in there?" He heard a few minutes later, and Travis came out. "I'm really sorry, I knew it might have been better to just rip it off like a bandaid.." Sal said quietly. "I...it's fine, I'm glad you did it. I would have been to scared to do it myself..but it hurt really ba-" He started before being embraced tightly by Sal "I'm seriously sorry man.." Travis was still, looking down at Sal hugging him.
Sal was hugging him.
Travis slowly wrapped his arms around him for a quick second before he pulled away. He was shocked that whole afternoon, a clear blush on his face.

Larry got sort of used to having Travis around. sometimes theyd play fun or insult each other for the hell of it
"Goldie locks"
"Can you guys stop?" Sal sighed and groaned at the fairy tale references as they insulted each other in the elevator. "Sorry Sal.." they both grumbled, but it was all in good fun. Travis smiled more, he looked..actually happy. After getting along with everyone for over a month, Sal wanted to make a decision... so, he went to Larry.

"Got any fours"
"Go fish"
Sal replied, it was cold in the tree house tonight, expected of course- for a northern state in early December. Hell- the forecast called it to snow by the end of the week. But Sal and Larry had the whole treehouse insulated with old blankets, and a heater connected by a bunch of extension chords from the apartments. They were hotboxing the treehouse as well- Larry and Sal played cards, passing a blunt and drinking dr.Pepper- destroying a bag of cheese puffs while they were at it in true stoner fashion. Though Sal wasn't a fan of drugs due to his dad, These nights were peaceful- it's always good to hang out with Larry, it just takes the edge off of everything.

"Got any sevens?"
Larry over a seven and he lays the pair on the floor. "So...what's the deal with Travis?, is he supposed to be our friend now?" Larry asked, taking hit and setting it down on an ash tray to smoke, holding the smoke in his lungs before coughing it out "fuck that's strong shit..."  "Come on Lar, I know he's done some bad things but-"
"Sal. He literally punched you in the face, he's called us fags multiple times- I know you're giving him a chance but it's hard for me. I'm not as patient and forgiving as you." He replied, Passing Sal a 1 and He set it with his stacks . "I know, but lar, he's gotten along with everyone. I think he's changed..okay?" Sal said, trying to convince him "I'm sorry Sal- I love you but I just..I feel like I can't leave him alone with you. I feel like the moment I stop the tension it'll give Travis a chance and-" Sal gently unclipped his prosthetic and set is to the floor beside him, taking Larry's blunt and planting it between his mangled lips. Larry had that personal relationship with Sal- he got all giddy when sal took off his prosthetic around him, the thought that Sal trusted him so much to take off his mask? It made Larry feel like he was special. And he was. Larry was Sals best friend, and soon to be brother. Larry used to have a raging crush on Sal, but once he realized that his mom and Sals dad were flirting with one another- he set his feelings aside, happy wanting them to be happy.

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