A Call To Action: A Call To Battle

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December 31st, 1993:

7:56 P.M.

Addison Apartments: 

" Alright! We Have one hour until the party begins, and four hours until midnight. We need to infiltrate the church, get inside the temple, get whoever isn't infected out, and make sure everyone that is infected is inside when we set the place ablaze." Sal said, looking at the map as the four stood over the hood of larry's car, parked in the furthest part of the parking lot. "Ashley, You'll Be going inside the church and into the party , and you'll let us in through the backdoor. Larry and I will be pouring gasoline on whatever can burn, but we have to do it as privately as possible, meaning that if we get caught..." Sal trailed off, and looked between his three friends. "We can't get caught. We have to execute this perfectly."

Larry scoffed. "No pressure.." he mumbled, before Ashley rubbed his back. "We stick out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else. If Kenneth wasn't looking for us before, he sure is now. Out of all of us, Ashley looks the most normal. So, we need her to look as inconspicuous as possible. He said, as Ashley set down the pair of scissors she used to cut her long hair (one of the most recognizable parts of her), short. she waved out her hair a little "Think it looks good?" she said, doing a little pose. The group chuckles a little, and larry wrapped an arm around her, kissing her temple. "The thing we need to do most is make sure that the church burns with all of the infected inside. If they don't die by the fire, we have to kill them ourselves, and that'll be much harder to do. Before midnight, while me, ashley, and Larry are in the temple- Todd will deadbolt all of the exits., and.." he said as all four of them took out lighters- Larry a metal encased one, Ashleys- one of the colorful ones you'd get at a gas station, Todds, a lighter with a marijuana leaf on it (courtesy of his parents), and Sal with a box of matches...which wasn't exactly a lighter, but it would do. 

"we'll set that fucker aflame." Larry said.

Sal looked to Todd, and Todd looked to him, adjusting his glasses. "and..If youre wrong? about all those people being already dead?" Todd asked, and Sal looked at him. Sal will, in fact, take the fall for this if he was wrong. he was absolutely sure he wasn't, which is why he wasn't in emotional shambles, but still.. "Todd, Were sure that the cult kills people before the red eyes takes over their corpse" Ashley said, and Sal nodded. "either way, this has to be done." he said, before folding everything up. "Todd? Show us the guitar.." he said, and todd slowly set the guitar and combined gameboy on the hood of the car "Oh wow..that's fuckin killer.." ashley whispered, running her hands along  the device. "This will most definitely both identify and harm the red eyed demon with the electromagnetic waves harming any metaphysical or psychical form it may posses." He said, and Sal nodded. "I have no idea what that shit means, but i'm fucking loving it." Larry said. The gang watched as the sun went down, and packed everything up. before they all got in, Larry stopped- staring a little longer as the sun went under the horrison. "Larry?" Sal asked, and Larry looked over all of them "Guys..I..I want you to know that you guys have been the bestest friends a guy could ever have..and..in case-" "don't talk like that Larry-"

"No guys! I'm serious! really fuckin serious!" larry said, his voice wavering as he spoke. "I Want you all to know that In case this thing goes south, or if we don't make it out..I love you guys- and with all that we've been through, were family. And I'd rather die than see one of you hurt." He said. Sal looked at him, and he hugged his brother tightly. "I love ya man.." "I love ya too little bud.." they exchanged a few words, before letting Ashley and Larry have a moment. "If we make it out of this..I wanna keep the baby Larry." Ashley whispered, hugging him tightly. "You're gonna be the best dad ever, and I wanna do this together." She said decidedly, and larry lifted her up as he hugged her. "I love you Ashley.." "I love you too Lar.." They whispered. The four of them exchanged hugs and words of support, and well, handshakes for Todd- he didn't exactly do hugs. Finally, they all got in  the car, and wiped their faces- trying to prepare themselves for the night ahead. 

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