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March 1st, 1994:

9:30 A.M.

Elkhart General Hospital:

Sal picked at his skin continuously in the hospital waiting room, his leg bouncing as he glanced to the clock yet again. It had been thirty minutes since the test was supposed to begin. Sal had been dropped off by Lisa earlier that morning, as soon as Sal woke up, and an hour and thirty minutes of Lisa attempting to talk to Sal made Sal even more anxious of the results to come. Ever since Sal had been brought back to the apartments, Sal has been holed up in his room. Everyone that Sal was close to tried to talk to him, to convince him to come out and have a discussion about how he was feeling. Eventually, the expectation lowered to Lisa putting food by his door and Henry trying to convince him to come out and at least go to therapy. This was the only reason why he had left his room in the past week. 

Sal watched as nurses came and went with their clipboards, and those who had appointments or were awaiting their loved ones from their own surgeries. Sal was getting impatient, thinking about all the things that could have gone wrong. He wished he could have gotten some sort of medical book, to read about what he had previously read on Travis' condition. He just wished he could do more..."Lisa Johnson! Sal Fisher!" The nurse called. Sal assumed she was calling the names on travis' emergency contact list. Sal was quick to stand up, though he felt a bit dizzy when he did, but he found his balance as he walked closer to the desk. "I'm assuming your..Sal?" She asked, and Sal picked at his bleeding fingertips. "Yes- I- yes..I'm Sal." He said, waiting anxiously as the nurse looked over some paperwork. "Regarding a Mr. Travis Phelps, lets see.." she said, reading off a clipboard as Sal felt almost sick. god...why was this taking so long?!

"for information regarding to visitors, Mr. Phelps cannot be seen at this time-" "Hes alive??" Sal blurted out, not really as a question but more as a statement, trying to see if the context of the nurses words proved his hopes that Travis survived the experiment. "He's...he's breathing on his own??" Sal asked, this time it was a question. The nurse read through a couple paragraphs. "Results regarding treatment proved successful, patient will require oxygen intake through nostrils until lung function is proved to be fully self sufficient." She said, and Sal let out a sigh of relief that was almost a cry. "Can i...see him?" sal asked. The nurse looked through the papers again. " doesn't say anything about you not being allowed to see him, eh- I feel good today, why not.." She mumbled, moving a hand down to the counter and pulling out a pager. after pressure a few of the devices buttons, she looked back up at Sal. 

"Go sit down and wait until someone comes to escort you up to the patient's room." She said, and Sal nodded quickly, sitting down. Sal felt his body slouch heavily in his seat- finally relaxing just enough to feel like he wasn't going to vomit onto his dirty sneakers. Sal waited for 20 minutes before a nurse called his name, and off he went into an elevator and up to the quiet ward. It really was quiet...Sal was practically leading the way, walking as fast as he could. He stood at Travis' room, looking back at the nurse. "Go on.." she said, and Sal walked in. The clear tarps were still there, but it didn't look as...hopeless. Sal smiled when he saw him, still where he lay, but the wires weren't layered over him now. Sal turned to the nurse. "Tell me everything about what's happening with he gonna wake up?" Sal asked. The nurse hummed and looked over travis, picking up his chart. "I'm gonna be honest with you kid, with all this medical lingo, I think his doctors are trying to bullshit everyone that reads this chart. With injuries like his, we have no idea if he is going to wake up or not. Before the surgery we did all the scans and looked over every part of him, and i mean everything- x-ray, CAT scan, MRI, hell we ultrasounded his lungs..The good news is that there is brain function, The bad news is that we have no idea if that brain function is going to allow him to wake up, or walk, or see. She said, and sal slid back against the back wall, and curled up on the floor. "So you have no idea??" 

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